Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
Red Sparrow (2018)

I didn't think I was going to like this and indeed I thought it was pretty ridiculous for awhile. It grew on me as I thought it got better and better all the way up to the end. JLaw was up and down; she looked good but I swear she spoke without the Russian accent a couple of times. I like Joel Edgarton and he was the big difference maker for me. It's a good looking movie that I thought was worth watching. I thought for sure my wife and I would fall asleep but neither of us did.
Jennifer Lawerence definitely carried the film for me, the cinematography was beautiful. I wish it had been a little tighter and less convoluted

Giant from the Unknown (1958)

A picture that didn't rise to the low standard of 1950s horror films, "Unknown" provided quite a workout for the score's brass section during the fright scenes..

I watched it to see one of my favorite "B" actors, Bob Steele, who had been a western star in the '30s and '40s, but later took small roles in some memorable films. For example he played Lash Canino in The Big Sleep, where he killed Elisha Cook, Jr., but was gunned down by Bogie in the finale. He had the perfect voice timbre and inflection for a intimidating '40s gangster.

The film's leads may never have been heard from again. However the supporting roles were deftly played by the veteran Morris Ankrum, and the instantly recognizable Oliver Blake.

Shot in the San Bernardino National Forrest near L.A., they didn't have too far to go for location shooting. "The Giant" will not make anyone grip the arms of their chair, and the plot is typical '50s horror fare. But these types of films are great fun to watch: harmless and enjoyable.


Trouble with a capital "T"

Giant from the Unknown (1958)

A picture that didn't rise to the low standard of 1950s horror films, "Unknown" provided quite a workout for the score's brass section during the fright scenes..

I watched it to see one of my favorite "B" actors, Bob Steele, who had been a western star in the '30s and '40s, but later took small roles in some memorable films. For example he played Lash Canino in The Big Sleep, where he killed Elisha Cook, Jr., but was gunned down by Bogie in the finale. He had the perfect voice timbre and inflection for a intimidating '40s gangster.

The film's leads may never have been heard from again. However the supporting roles were deftly played by the veteran Morris Ankrum, and the instantly recognizable Oliver Blake.

Shot in the San Bernardino National Forrest near L.A., they didn't have too far to go for location shooting. "The Giant" will not make anyone grip the arms of their chair, and the plot is typical '50s horror fare. But these types of films are great fun to watch: harmless and enjoyable.

Looks like my kind of movie, I could watch those all day! I've not seen that one, come to think of it, I've not even heard of it. Must be fairly obscure.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Red Sparrow (2018)

I didn't think I was going to like this and indeed I thought it was pretty ridiculous for awhile. It grew on me as I thought it got better and better all the way up to the end. JLaw was up and down; she looked good but I swear she spoke without the Russian accent a couple of times. I like Joel Edgarton and he was the big difference maker for me. It's a good looking movie that I thought was worth watching. I thought for sure my wife and I would fall asleep but neither of us did.

just that image alone definitely illustrates an underlying political and intellectual stimulating bit of thought-provoking cinema that is, obviously, the true core of this film and the actual intent of the film makers themselves.

I am, uh, well. . . intrigued.

But, seriously, I kinda figured it'll have that same stylistic eye candy like Atomic Bomb, (which was a fun watch) and at some point I'd be checking it out for that.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"

Winchester (2018)

A PG-13 Biography, Fantasy, Horror. OK, not my type of movie, but I was interested in the biography-true story of the real Winchester mansion and the lady who made it. So I thought, 'why not watch this, I mean it's got Helen Miren so how bad can it be?'

How bad? pretty bad...It had an unimaginative story that might entertain 14 year olds, but had me thinking 'yeah whatever'.

The acting by Sarah Snook was flat and wooden. Every time she spoke she took me right out of the movie. Not a good thing. Now, I've seen Miss Snook in other stuff and she was good, but here she just didn't get a handle on her character.

Jason Clarke who plays the opium taking doctor who's sent to evaluate the mental condition of Mrs Winchester, was just a tad more palatable than Sarah Snook. But I swear the two of them were treating the movie like a made for TV production.

The movie does deliver one thing, at least partially...it shows us the inside of this mysteriously big mansion with stairs that go nowhere and doors that open into nothing. So that was cool to see. And true to form Helen Miren makes the movie watchable. She's good.

But as far as being scary, nope...and as far as being clever or entertaining? I'd rather watch The Haunting (1963) or even William Castle's 13 Ghost (1960)

Winchester (2018)

Winchester (2018)

A PG-13 Biography, Fantasy, Horror. OK, not my type of movie, but I was interested in the biography-true story of the real Winchester mansion and the lady who made it. So I thought, 'why not watch this, I mean it's got Helen Miren so how bad can it be?'

How bad? pretty bad...It had an unimaginative story that might entertain 14 year olds, but had me thinking 'yeah whatever'.

The acting by Sarah Snook was flat and wooden. Every time she spoke she took me right out of the movie. Not a good thing. Now, I've seen Miss Snook in other stuff and she was good, but here she just didn't get a handle on her character.

Jason Clarke who plays the opium taking doctor who's sent to evaluate the mental condition of Mrs Winchester, was just a tad more palatable than Sarah Snook. But I swear the two of them were treating the movie like a made for TV production.

The movie does deliver one thing, at least partially...it shows us the inside of this mysteriously big mansion with stairs that go nowhere and doors that open into nothing. So that was cool to see. And true to form Helen Miren makes the movie watchable. She's good.

But as far as being scary, nope...and as far as being clever or entertaining? I'd rather watch The Haunting (1963) or even William Castle's 13 Ghost (1960)

Winchester (2018)
I'm kinda wanting to see this because of the house but as my expectations align pretty well with your review I haven't yet bothered.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm kinda wanting to see this because of the house but as my expectations align pretty well with your review I haven't yet bothered.
You might like it, who knows? I can say I was never bored and I do get bored by movies very easily. Just go into the movie not expecting much, that might make it work out.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU

Winchester (2018)

A PG-13 Biography, Fantasy, Horror. OK, not my type of movie, but I was interested in the biography-true story of the real Winchester mansion and the lady who made it. So I thought, 'why not watch this, I mean it's got Helen Miren so how bad can it be?'

How bad? pretty bad...It had an unimaginative story that might entertain 14 year olds, but had me thinking 'yeah whatever'.

The acting by Sarah Snook was flat and wooden. Every time she spoke she took me right out of the movie. Not a good thing. Now, I've seen Miss Snook in other stuff and she was good, but here she just didn't get a handle on her character.

Jason Clarke who plays the opium taking doctor who's sent to evaluate the mental condition of Mrs Winchester, was just a tad more palatable than Sarah Snook. But I swear the two of them were treating the movie like a made for TV production.

The movie does deliver one thing, at least partially...it shows us the inside of this mysteriously big mansion with stairs that go nowhere and doors that open into nothing. So that was cool to see. And true to form Helen Miren makes the movie watchable. She's good.

But as far as being scary, nope...and as far as being clever or entertaining? I'd rather watch The Haunting (1963) or even William Castle's 13 Ghost (1960)

Winchester (2018)
Worst film so far this year for me. Not only did it not take any advantage of it's extremely arresting setting, (except for one brief scene) but I really hated Clarke's character, and the scares were super nonsensical.

Another Earth (2011)

Rolling Thunder

Tough 70's revenge thriller that reminded me of Taxi Driver, thanks Cricket for your review

I really wish Sam Rockwell would get more prominent roles. The guy can act and make you laugh that's a great combo. I loved this movie back when I first saw it. I don't really watch many coming of age movies but this one had a great cast so I had to check it out. I thought it was interesting to get Steve Carell for this movie only to have him be the one character that isn't played funny.
Agreed, I think Sam Rockwell could carry a film well (did in Moon). His charisma leans towards bigger parts. Seems to like the "Outsider" role as he played perfectly in "Lawndogs".

Looks like my kind of movie, I could watch those all day! I've not seen that one, come to think of it, I've not even heard of it. Must be fairly obscure.
It was done by Astor Pictures, which was basically a distribution company that acquired rights to re-release previous films from other studios. They did a few original '50s B-minus horror films, like Cat-woman of the Moon, and others, but they gradually wore down.

They had a resurgence when they started distributing foreign art films, such as La Dolce Vita, Shoot the Piano Player, and The Trial (all great films). But it was too little too late, and they folded.

I was compelled to seek out Giant From the Unknown because I'm a Bob Steele fan.


Pygmalion (1938)

Same screenplay and basic story as My Fair Lady, but this is not a musical and it's just shy of an hour and a half instead of almost 3 hours. Needless to say, I liked this much more, although I do want to try My Fair Lady again sometime. Leslie Howard and Wendy Hiller are absolutely superb in the lead roles, it has great dialogue, and the laughs are consistent. It still doesn't suit my taste well so I am underrating it. It is an exceptional movie.

I really wish Sam Rockwell would get more prominent roles. The guy can act and make you laugh that's a great combo. I loved this movie back when I first saw it. I don't really watch many coming of age movies but this one had a great cast so I had to check it out. I thought it was interesting to get Steve Carell for this movie only to have him be the one character that isn't played funny.
If you haven't seen Moon or Better Living Through Chemistry you should check them out...Rockwell has the lead in both films, not to mention his Oscar winning performance in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri.