My Netflix DVD queue is empty! I need some good movie recomendations!


Trouble with a capital "T"
My Netflix DVD queue is empty! So I need some good movie recommendations, that I will like!...If you suggest a film that I might like, I'll watch it and review it. I'm mainly looking for newer films from the last couple years to now.

I generally don't watch: Superhero movies, torture horror, extreme action/thrillers.

My Netflix DVD queue is empty, so I need some good movie recommendations, that I will like!....and I'm picky...If you suggest a film that I might like, I'll watch it and review it on my review thread.

If you know my taste in films, you'll have the best shot at getting me to watch your recommendation. Here's some tips:

I usually get newer films from Netflix/, but I'll consider older movies too. I like period pieces, historical based films and dramas best.

I generally don't watch: Hollywood block busters, action/thrillers, animation, superhero movies, graphic violence.

List of what I've watched and rated

Start suggesting!

Well that's two areas you should try and improve on.

What's your take on TV...

Foyle's War

Midsommer Murders

House of Cards

Another area that is worth taking a look is prestige pictures from the 1930's and 1940's

That Hamilton Woman
Great Expectations
Anthony Adverse
In Old Chicago
The Emperor Jones
Make Way for Tomorrow
A Tale of Two Cities
The Good Earth
San Francisco
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
Going My Way
King's Row

Trouble with a capital "T"
...What's your take on TV...
I don't have TV access. So never watch it.

Another area that is worth taking a look is prestige pictures from the 1930's and 1940's

That Hamilton Woman
Great Expectations
Anthony Adverse
In Old Chicago
The Emperor Jones
Make Way for Tomorrow
A Tale of Two Cities
The Good Earth
San Francisco
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
Going My Way
King's Row[/quote] Those are good choices, I've seen most. I haven't seen Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, I might look for that one.

Don’t Draft Me, I Watch Anime!
How about 1947’s Crossfire? I’m trying to watch more films that people ended up on the black list for:

A man is murdered, apparently by one of a group of demobilized soldiers he met in a bar. But which one? And why?

Trouble with a capital "T"
How about 1947’s Crossfire? I’m trying to watch more films that people ended up on the black list for:

A man is murdered, apparently by one of a group of demobilized soldiers he met in a bar. But which one? And why?
I love that one! Great Noir, and cool tag line too "Hate is Like a Loaded Gun". Gloria Grahame is awesome in it too.

Don’t Draft Me, I Watch Anime!
How about 1947’s Crossfire? I’m trying to watch more films that people ended up on the black list for:

A man is murdered, apparently by one of a group of demobilized soldiers he met in a bar. But which one? And why?
I love that one! Great Noir, and cool tag line too "Hate is Like a Loaded Gun". Gloria Grahame is awesome in it too.

It’s next up on my queue and I’m really excited about it

Wow, I have 170 movies in my Netflix Q & 87 in my saved Q. Never had an empty Q.

@Citizen Rules, any movie I actually finish is a good movie if you want to have a quick look through recent entries in this thread.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Have you seen Monsieur Lazhar CR? Not entirely convinced it'd be your cup of tea but I found it quite worthwhile. Also no idea whether Netflix offer it on dvd or not

Trouble with a capital "T"
It’s next up on my queue and I’m really excited about it
Let me know that you think of Crossfire. It would easily be in a Top Film Noir list, if I ever made one.

Wow, I have 170 movies in my Netflix Q & 87 in my saved Q. Never had an empty Q.

@Citizen Rules, any movie I actually finish is a good movie if you want to have a quick look through recent entries in this thread.
I don't have Netflix streaming, so I have to choose wisely to my taste. I only get the DVDs in the mail so if I don't like it and shut it off, I have to watch some days before I get another. I'm trying to catch up on Rate The Movie You Watched Last Night.

Have you seen Monsieur Lazhar CR? Not entirely convinced it'd be your cup of tea but I found it quite worthwhile. Also no idea whether Netflix offer it on dvd or not
Have not seen it, it looks decent.

I don't have Netflix streaming, so I have to choose wisely to my taste. I only get the DVDs in the mail so if I don't like it and shut it off, I have to watch some days before I get another.
Not sure how that relates to my post since I have the same plan as you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Not sure how that relates to my post since I have the same plan as you.
I though you streamed movies from Netflix?

Moon (2009)
Blade Runner 2049
Good choices but I've seen them all. Moon was my favorite followed by Ex Machina.

I'm not too aware of your taste and I don't know what's on Netflix DVD but...

Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949): Dark comedy where Alec Guinness plays 9 characters.

Kes (1969): Extremely down-to-earth drama about a British boy and his kestrel.

Memento (2000): Mystery thriller that's told backwards.

The Before Trilogy (1995-2013): Dialogue heavy romance that leaves out all the gooey stuff and focuses on the brilliant characters.

Thelma and Louise (1991): Road crime film starring a fantastic duo that gets very emotional.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm not too aware of your taste and I don't know what's on Netflix DVD but...

Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949): Dark comedy where Alec Guinness plays 9 characters.

Kes (1969): Extremely down-to-earth drama about a British boy and his kestrel.

Memento (2000): Mystery thriller that's told backwards.

The Before Trilogy (1995-2013): Dialogue heavy romance that leaves out all the gooey stuff and focuses on the brilliant characters.

Thelma and Louise (1991): Road crime film starring a fantastic duo that gets very emotional.
Out of those I'm must interested in Thelma and Louise. I've never seen it. Thanks

Documentary wild wild country on Indian guru Osho Rajneesh.
Ash, when I was a kid the Rajneesh was big news as he lived in the neighbor state, and some of his high key followers lived in my state.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Mainly I'm looking for English language films from 2000 and up. I've got the old stuff covered pretty well, but I've not seen enough from this century.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Mainly I'm looking for English language films from 2000 and up. I've got the old stuff covered pretty well, but I've not seen enough from this century.

You probably haven't seen the movie The Last Five Years (2014). It's a musical drama/rom-com about a breakup that's told in two different overlapping storylines. His storyline moves forward in time, while her storyline moves backwards in time.

It didn't get great reviews, but I liked it.

How about:

Let Me In (2010)
Annihilation (2018)
Iron Sky (2012)
Never Let Me Go (2010)
We Bought a Zoo (2011)
The Cure for Wellness (2016).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Good choice! but I seen it, any others

How about:

Let Me In (2010)
Annihilation (2018)
Iron Sky (2012)
Never Let Me Go (2010)
We Bought a Zoo (2011)
The Cure for Wellness (2016).
I love Never Let Me Go!, I'm thinking abut We Bought A Zoo. And I will watch Iron Sky, sounds pretty fun!