MoFo Fantasy Baseball - 2018 Regular Season


I HATE this Facebook Live game thing. I pay big money for the MLB.TV app. I watch 2 Giants games a week because I live in the UK - and this week one of them isn't on the MLB app. I have to watch it via facebook. What drivel.

As you were.

A system of cells interlinked
Osuna gets arrested for assault!

I am not celebrating some guy committing a violent act or anything, but...

Go Clippard!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Start Jon Gray five times, one good start.

Bench him until he sorts himself out: three unbelievable starts.

Start him again: bad start.


Start Jon Gray five times, one good start.

Bench him until he sorts himself out: three unbelievable starts.

Start him again: bad start.

Bundy's best two games were when I sat him for his first start and just after I dropped him.

He's back on the team because I love pain.

That, and there may be disastrous consequences if he were to get picked up by another team and start pitching well. Safer for him sit on my bench under my watchful eye.

Edit: Actually those 2 great starts even had identical statlines, 7 IP, 7 K, zero ERA, .86 WHIP.

I'd make fun of the Bundy thing but I'm pretty sure Mookie Betts'll just hit two home runs and steal four bases in every single game and it won't matter.

Nice to see Tongo back at it. I was getting pretty bored of being able to just pick up any old guy off the wire.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Since almost climbing to the top of fantasy baseball Christian Villanueva has gone 3 for 45 dropping his average all the way down to .234 now. I didn't have to pay much for him so I got off the bus when he was about 0 fer 20 or so.Yikes.

A system of cells interlinked
Me at the start of the season: "Man, I am such an idiot, why did I draft so many first basemen?"

Me now, owning all the same players: "Who the hell am I going to put on first base???"

The only healthy guy I have left doesn't play full time!

Me now, owning all the same players: "Who's on first?"

Also I had a beautiful cycling rotation of starting pitchers going on until a stupid PPD game.

Also also, rules clarification, once a guy comes off the DL, how long can they stay in the DL slot? Are they just dropped after a while if I don't move them or do they stay in the slot until I pull them off?

Yeah, I wanted to trade hitters (and I still do: CALL ME LET'S MAKE A DEAL), but injuries have made the glut less ridiculous than I expected it would be.

I'm always preaching about the value of depth...

Also also, rules clarification, once a guy comes off the DL, how long can they stay in the DL slot? Are they just dropped after a while if I don't move them or do they stay in the slot until I pull them off?
So, don't quote me, but I think they can stay as long as you don't move them out or try to move anyone else in.

I think in years past it was worse, in that you couldn't even change who was starting or benched without addressing it, but it seems like that either wasn't the case, or isn't now.

I should probably just look it up but I'm out the door in a minute.

So, don't quote me, but I think they can stay as long as you don't move them out or try to move anyone else in. If it turns out I'm wrong I'll give you all of my Houston pitchers.
Okay, fair enough.

So, don't quote me, but I think they can stay as long as you don't move them out or try to move anyone else in.

I think in years past it was worse, in that you couldn't even change who was starting or benched without addressing it, but it seems like that either wasn't the case, or isn't now.

I should probably just look it up but I'm out the door in a minute.
I quoted you... heh. I had a guy come off dl earlier this year and as long as I didn't touch him he stayed on the dl. And you are right. In previous years you had to move someone right after they changed the players status.

Why didn't anyone warn me that hot hitters don't stay hot forever?

Fantasy baseball sucks!

Edit: or that I'd be consistently running out of DL space...

Edit 2: Okay seriously now no more injuries. 3, 5, 6, and 7.

Edit 3: And 11...

A system of cells interlinked
PW! You misspelled "I have started cheating at Fantasy Baseball!"

Only explanation as to why i am currently in 6th!