Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Thief (1981, Michael Mann)

This left me with mixed feelings. Most of the film was really good - I liked the cinematography (Michael Mann's eye for framing is really something at times), the neon-light neo-noir visual style, and the safe opening scenes were great. But then, there are also some questionable moments - the worst offender is, of course, that cheesy slow-mo final showdown set to a corny 80s guitar solo. Ugh. What a disappointing way to end an otherwise great movie.
Still overall I liked it a lot.

Pygmalion (Anthony Asquith & Leslie Howard, 1938)

Moulding lay-dees from squashed cabbage leaves

Only the Brave (2017)


This is about a firefighting group in Arizona who fight wildfires. It plays out a little like a real life disaster adventure, but on a realistic scale. The guys train, bond, and there's good character development. What I didn't know was that the movie is based on real events, and I wasn't prepared for the heavy emotional aspect that comes with it.

The Scarlet Pimpernel (Harold Young, 1934)

Early 'International Small Ads' offering: "French man seeks English man with a penchant for flowers"

In my profile I rate them out of 100 and then I just transfer it to decimals here because It's easier to read. I normally always give thoughts on what I think of the movies (what I think they did right and vice-versa) and my rating is a subjective number that represents my personal experience, because I think film is all about the experience. And the rating system is very specific, I know, but it just always worked like that for me. I tried the 1-10 scale without any decimals for a while, and I thought it wasn't specific enough for me. Then I tried adding the point 5 scale, but I thought: "What if I think a movie is better than a 9.5 but not quite a 10?". So yeah, that's where it came from, I know it's annoying and too specific, but its what makes the most sense in my head. What about you?

For me, it is simple, the movie loses a point for every single thing I dislike about the movie.

For example:

The Last Jedi
- Side quest is boring
- Plot holes
- Snoke death
- Lazy writing

Therefore 6/10.
You talkin' to me?

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
For me, it is simple, the movie loses a point for every single thing I dislike about the movie.

For example:

The Last Jedi
- Side quest is boring
- Plot holes
- Snoke death
- Lazy writing

Therefore 6/10.
That is great! Much clearer than mine for sure! Would you consider yourself easygoing, strict, or moderate when it comes to reviewing the films.

The Boys From County Clare aka The Boys & Girl From County Clare (John Irvin, 2003)

Traditional Irish fare

That is great! Much clearer than mine for sure! Would you consider yourself easygoing, strict, or moderate when it comes to reviewing the films.
I can be a critic, that's why I gave John Wick 2 a 4/10. lol

But sometimes I am generous too for movies I enjoyed a lot, for example: Rise of the Planet of the Apes 9/10.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Only the Brave (2017)


This is about a firefighting group in Arizona who fight wildfires. It plays out a little like a real life disaster adventure, but on a realistic scale. The guys train, bond, and there's good character development. What I didn't know was that the movie is based on real events, and I wasn't prepared for the heavy emotional aspect that comes with it.
One of my most anticipated movies of 2017. I'm just wanting to get the DVD from Netflix/DVD.com. It sounds good! And tragically sad

Ghosts of the Civil Dead (1988)

This is an Australian movie from the same director as The Road and Lawless. It's a bleak, brutal prison movie with a claustrophobic kind of tension. It all builds up until a violent climax.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Boy only 2,5?
Too bad that ridiculous sense of humour is not in your type. After watching Boy and What we do in the shadows I felt in love with Taika Waititi movies. Thor Rangnarok - creme de la creme.


**** all the haters of this film who call it unrealistic like they actually served in WWII, this is a solid war movie

You can't win an argument just by being right!
One of my most anticipated movies of 2017. I'm just wanting to get the DVD from Netflix/DVD.com. It sounds good! And tragically sad
I would put money down on you really liking this movie, Rules. I thought it was very well done.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

**** all the haters of this film who call it unrealistic like they actually served in WWII, this is a solid war movie

Yes I didnt get the hate for this movie. Another movie I thought was very well done. Tip for claustrophobes: I'm not sure I can give you a tip. I certainly got very uncomfortable with the internal shots.

Registered User
What Lies Beneath - 7.5/10

A lot better performances from Kidman and Ford than I expected (couldn't believe I actually haven't seen it till recently.) Anyways, I enjoyed it from start to finish, and a pretty awesome setting.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - 8/10

Not sure why I'm drawn to this from time to time, but every time I throw it in it's a good watch. I wish they made more movies like this, very original, creative. Also it's about 10 times better if you're just starting it past midnight or later... :P

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
I can be a critic, that's why I gave John Wick 2 a 4/10. lol

But sometimes I am generous too for movies I enjoyed a lot, for example: Rise of the Planet of the Apes 9/10.
Yeah, even when I'm trying to be objective with a movie, sometimes I will give a higher/lower score if I really enjoyed myself and vice-versa.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
What Lies Beneath - 7.5/10

A lot better performances from Kidman and Ford than I expected (couldn't believe I actually haven't seen it till recently.) Anyways, I enjoyed it from start to finish, and a pretty awesome setting.
Kidman wasnt in it. re you thinking of Pfieffer?