Best Picture Hall of Fame


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I actually caught it before you took it down and enjoyed the news clips. Kinda funny how they drop names left and right when it comes to mafia arrests. Almost like talking about a character in a soap opera; you have to hear about ten others.

When I first saw that The Godfather was a nomination I got a big grin thinking about all the mafia trivia that would come up with it lol

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I was at the mob museum in Las Vegas last August. Very interesting stuff. They even had a movie room with all the cinema ficticious mobsters.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've never really been into mob movies too much myself. I didn't care for Goodfellas all that much, though I did like Casino, probably because it was based on historical events. I haven't seen Godfather, unless you count the time I saw it at the theater in my pajamas

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
A mob museum in Las Vegas sounds like an absolute AWESOME time! F'git about it!
I've always been intrigued by gangsters, outlaws, confidence men and the movies associated with them. Not really sure why, but I have.
Actually about 2/3 the way through The Godfather as we speak.

I've never really been into mob movies too much myself. I didn't care for Goodfellas all that much, though I did like Casino, probably because it was based on historical events. I haven't seen Godfather, unless you count the time I saw it at the theater in my pajamas
I haven't read up on Casino as far as being a true story, but did it really have more truth than Goodfellas?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I haven't read up on Casino as far as being a true story, but did it really have more truth than Goodfellas?
I can't really remember Casino, other than I liked it when watched it, which was like 12 years ago or so.

Maybe I'm thinking of another film, in fact I'm pretty sure I was thinking of Bugsy, which was based on a real story (I think?). Though I did like Casino at the time.

I can't really remember Casino, other than I liked it when watched it, which was like 12 years ago or so.

Maybe I'm thinking of another film, in fact I'm pretty sure I was thinking of Bugsy, which was based on a real story (I think?). Though I did like Casino at the time.
That would make sense and Bugsy is probably more your style.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That would make sense and Bugsy is probably more your style.
I still remember liking Casino, but after so many years I'm not sure if I still would. Maybe it was just Sharon Stone I liked

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Watched 3 so far this weekend, let's start with:


Feel about this pretty well the way I did the first time. There is a ton to like. Love how low key the story is told. It makes it such a personal story. This is Chirron's journey and everyone else is a supporting player in the truest sense. His relationship with both Juan and Kevin are very compelling and make what is a slow paced film never feel that way, we are always moving forward.

The performances are pretty good across with Ali and Harris being exceptional in my opinion. There are some standout scenes in this film as well. I love the scene between Juan and Chirron at the beach. The last half hour of this film between Chirron and Kevin are pretty great. I would say this movie goes out on a high note despite the pretty melancholy feel of the film. Again, that is because of how small Jenkins has made the scope of the film. It feels like Chirron is moving forward.

I like the structure of the film. I love the jumps in time and I think the jump to the fianl section works great because now we are with a character that we don't even recognize anymore. That could be a problem for some but Jenkins soon shows us that Chirron is the same broken insecure person that we spent the first 2/3 of the film with. Makes the ending really powerful.

I have to say this movie doesn't look bad by any means but I think the praise of the cinematography is a little over rated. It is a pretty bland looking film. Even going into my second viewing one of the things I was looking forward to was the aesthetic. I almost think how cool the poster looks gives me the feeling that the movie is better looking than it is in reality. The beach scene in particular I remember being sun drenched and beautiful, and it just wasn't. I don't know, maybe that aspect is just me.

I think I have landed squarely on a
with this film. Which means I respect it but don't quite love it. It wasn't in my top ten and still wouldn't be but I don't have a problem with its win either despite the fact I would rather have seen La La Land take it. As I said a couple days ago. Winning is a consensus among 100's of voters which makes easy to enjoy dramas like this the usual winner.

I still remember liking Casino, but after so many years I'm not sure if I still would. Maybe it was just Sharon Stone I liked
She's great in it but I could see the violence turning you off.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I can't really remember Casino, other than I liked it when watched it, which was like 12 years ago or so.

Maybe I'm thinking of another film, in fact I'm pretty sure I was thinking of Bugsy, which was based on a real story (I think?). Though I did like Casino at the time.
If I remember correctly, a decent amount of the facts were kept along with the usual Hollywood glamorizing, like with anything in Bugsy. Casino is base on real events and people with the names changed for the three leading actors.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Think I have probably seen this five times now. Every time I watch it I think maybe I should consider it my favorite film of all time. It has everything I love. It is more about the characters than anything else and the characters are fantastic. This movie is so funny, feels like every scene I am repeating a line and thinking I want to commit it to memory.

I could name 10 scenes I love in this film but I want to give a special shout out to the scene between Rocky and Mickey on the day Stallone has his first news conference for the fight. Mickey wants to manage Rocky to get an opportunity he has never had. Rocky wants to snub him because the way he has been treated by him in the past. There is so much substance in the scene. It has humor and melancholy but ultimately just speaks to the emotional heart of the whole film and probably franchise. Rocky is just an every man who wants a place to belong. It's quite beautiful and well acted by both men. Maybe a top ten all time scene for me.

The blu-ray transfer of this movie is absolutely gorgeous. The way Philly looks here in the winter. I love when it snows, reminds me so much of home, looking just frigid. So much of this feels like it was filmed on location until the fight scene where I can see some people having a problem with this film on a technical level. The ringside isn't great, there is some stock footage used which I didn't like. Some ADR in this sequence as well. Really my only gripe with the film and I wasn't very bothered because I love the film so much.

This is definitely my choice for film of the year. I will also accept people saying Network, All The President's Men, and Taxi Driver. Any other choice and maybe your taste would be better suited to the Rotten Tomatoes message boards.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

This is a fantastic epic film. Great performances down the line including a shockingly young looking Phoenix as one of the great movie villains. This is the movie that made Phoenix a compelling actor for me and one that I remain interested in today.

I love the iconic Zimmer score. The film still looks fantastic to me despite us coming up on 20 years removed from recreating much of the coliseum on a computer. I kind of forgot how Shakesperean the final third of this film is. Love all the double crossing and political intrigue. Nothing but good stuff.

I did bump this film down to a
It's not the fault of the film but this is one of the reasons I don't do as many rewatches as a lot of film fans do. I did not give a flip about the Gladiator scenes this time around. They are fine, well choreographed, look good, and even manage to add some humor at times. I know them too well and just didn't care about seeing them again. Kind of a shame, but this film will probably drop off my 100 next time around because of it.

Looking over the list of 2000 films, overall feels like a weak year. I am 100% behind Gladiator winning against the other nominees. As far as my favorite I would probably put it behind In The Mood For Love and You Can Count On Me.

Are nominations supposed to be anonymous now? just didn’t see the usual Nominated By on the 1st page
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
now THESE two reviews I can read, though it has been a few decades since seeing Rocky, so I'm looking forward to that. And a big fan of Gladiator, another one I'm looking forward to that it's been, not long, but feels too long.

and @donniedarko, I think raul prefers to keep it anonymous so that it is more about the movie than about who nominated it so that we don't have that tip the scales on how we feel.
Though, if you like, a little skimming back some pages to where the reveal occurred will fill you in on who nominated what.

Mutiny on the Bounty- Citizen
All the Kings Men- Edarsenal
On the Waterfont- Neiba
Godfather- Siddon
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest- Sean
Rocky- Sarge
Silence of the Lambs- Donnie
Forrest Gump- Raul
Gladiator- Miss Vicky
A Beautiful Mind- GBG
Argo- Clazor
12 Years a Slave- SilentVamp
Moonlight- Thursday Next

I'm kind of shocked that On the Waterfront isn't yours, raul. Not surprised that of the rest Forrest Gump was the one you picked though.
So i was the only one who hasn’t seen your nomination MV, I’m looking forward too it. Might watch tonight

So i was the only one who hasn’t seen your nomination MV, I’m looking forward too it. Might watch tonight
Gbgoodies says she hasn't seen it either, though it was marked off her list when I checked it. I doubt she'll like it since she doesn't seem to be a fan of violent movies but I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of it.

I'm currently suffering my way through a rewatch of Rocky. Should have a write up posted soon.

Rocky (John J. Alvidsen, 1976)

Date Watched: 01/13/18
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Rewatch: Yes.

The first time I attempted to watch this movie, I shut if off after about an hour. The second time, I made it through and hated every minute of it but still gave it a 2.5+. There will be none of that generosity today.

I understand wanting to root for an underdog. I get the appeal of watching someone rise up and make a name for his or herself. The problem is, I hate Rocky the character. He's a dim-witted brute who can't ever seem to shut the **** up. Everything about him grates on my nerves and I simply do not want him to succeed. Making things worse is that I don't like anybody else in the movie, either.

I also find myself underwhelmed by the film's technical aspects. The cinematography leaves no impression and the soundtrack leaves me rolling my eyes. Those training montages do the same.

If I'm going to watch a story about a boxer who rises up from nothing and defies the odds, it's going to be Cinderella Man. That's an underdog I can get behind. And if I'm going to watch Sylvester Stallone, it damn well better be Demolition Man in which his dim-witted brutishness is at least amusing.

Screw this movie.