If you live in the US.... (Net Neutrality)


You sure you want to give people a financial excuse to stay in their echo chambers?
Of course. Then they will be less of an issue. Look at a person like 90's ace, if he was just limited to Facebook, Amazon, etc, he wouldn't post here and pollute the forum.

Of course. Then they will be less of an issue. Look at a person like 90's ace, if he was just limited to Facebook, Amazon, etc, he wouldn't post here and pollute the forum.
I'd prefer the opportunity to freely ban or criticize.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

2 More Days until Star Wars... 2 More Days until Voting.

Life truly has it's ups and downs.

Disney buys 20th Century Fox the very same day net neutrality gets repealed. Enjoy your poor mans internet while you can. And Pai goes laughing to the bank as he gives his former employer the billion dollar gift they requested from him. And expect him to go right back to Verizon when he leaves the FCC and get a gigantic "hiring bonus" for his handy work. So who owns Movie Forums? Should we expect it to be torqued down into uselessness while Amazon puts imdb on the fast track?
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Trouble with a capital "T"

"Internet service providers say they will not block or throttle legal content but that they may engage in paid prioritization."

Well, there goes all of 'those' streaming sites where one could find old classic movies, that were nearly impossible to find elsewhere.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Oof. The personal vilification of that dude has been insane.
That's the internet for ya.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I've removed a post and issued a temporary ban. Please note: you can make any argument you want about this issue, or even suggest that people involved in it are being awful or evil (though I find that to be childishly simplistic), but you can't say they should die. Period.

Still hoping at some point someone can clearly explain to me what you think net neutrality is and what is it good for. People keep saying we're f*cked. Uh, why?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Still hoping at some point someone can clearly explain to me what you think net neutrality is and what is it good for. People keep saying we're f*cked. Uh, why?
Check previous page, my post three weeks ago near end of page. You responded to it and I followed up with clarification.

Check previous page, my post three weeks ago near end of page. You responded to it and I followed up with clarification.
That's not an answer to what I just asked tho. You gave me a definition of what you think the laws are that are in place now. What do you think net-neutrality is?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
In those posts I referenced data descrimination. Without descrimination, all data online deserves equal access. Equal access prevents my ISP from blocking HBOnow as my preferred HBO streaming option compared to the more expensive cable TV plan that my ISP offers.

Remove the law preventing data descrimination (falling under this ambiguously named "net neutrality" umbrella), and data provided by competing providers CAN then be throttled, blocked, or priced higher through the ISP gateway.

Yes, let free market dictate prices. It's not really free market though if local ISP is now allowed to dictate what portion of the free market can get through their gateway.

Yes, let free market dictate prices. It's not really free market though if local ISP is now allowed to dictate what portion of the free market can get through their gateway.
So. You think internet companies are going to take the time to single out people on a case by case basis and what? Slow down their speeds if they don't like what you are looking at online? That sounds like a lot of manpower. They are gonna need to hire a lot of people to staff a place like that. Sounds like a lot of extra money to run a department too. They may have to raise their prices. Hmmm, guess I'll just exercise one of my rights and perhaps switch to another internet company.

Do you agree with Yoda? Isn't this really about Bandwidth? Aren't we really being "protected" from something that can't really exist if you follow basic economics?