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That's not an insult. It's a hint.
Well, I should teach you something.

First when you call someone an ignorant and prejudiced you are insulting that person. When you call everybody ignorant and then call me the most ignorant and prejudiced of all then that's an even heavier insult. If you don't mean that as an insult then you do not understand basic rules of human interaction.

By the way, calling it a hint makes it even worse since you are adding condescension into the mix.

You can thank me later.

When you call someone an ignorant you are insulting that person. If you don't mean that as an insult then you do not understand basic rules of human interaction.

Your ridiculousness knows no bounds.

Well, I should teach you something.

First when you call someone an ignorant you are insulting that person. When you call everybody ignorant and then call me the most ignorant of all then that's a heavier insult. If you don't mean that as an insult then you do not understand basic rules of human interaction.

You can thank me later.
The moment you feel insulted by something Socrates said, instead of inspired, it's time to look into the mirror.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

He said that I am ignorant and prejudiced and then he said that I am not aware of being ignorant and prejudiced. Then he claims that the most ignorant person is that ignorant who thinks he is not ignorant.

Hence he puts me in the set of most ignorant people not the set of all people.
See, you've fallen into a trap here: if you would admit you're ignorant and prejudiced, like everyone else, then you'd be in the first group, which is not really an insult, since it encompasses everyone. Therefore, it's only an insult if he's right.

So which is it: is he wrong, or is it an insult?

How can you not get the insult? It's obvious.
Yes, it is. I asked to reiterate a point I made earlier (you never replied):

The fact that you think of this as an insult makes my point. Follow the logic here: in the quote above, I don't literally saying "this is about Guap," right? I've only said something critical of a non-specific group of people, but you (reasonably) surmise that I'm saying you are part of that group, and so you take the statement as being about you, even though you are not named.

Now, apply that same thinking to your statements about Westerners: you didn't say, for example, "Joel is X and Y." But you do say "[GROUP THAT JOEL BELONGS TO] is X and Y." You hide behind the fact that this is a general statement, and not literally aimed at an individual, but this is a meaningless distinction because everyone knows you're referring to many of the people here. And I already know you understand and agree with this interpretation, because you just employed the same logic above.
You demand that your statements about "Westerners" or "Anglo-Saxons" are taken as literal and dispassionate, and not actually being about the people you're saying them to. But when someone generalizes in return, you surmise that the statement is actually about you. You can't have it both ways. If you regard what he said as an insult, you cannot logically escape the conclusion that your generalizations about Westerners are, too.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I don't think that's offensive. It's a correct statement. Most of us (people in general) are stupendously ignorant.

There's a lot of truth to many of the points Guap is making. Most people are incurious creatures that prefer to live inside the safe bubble they've always known, as a voluntary slave of their biases and prejudices.

He just doesn't realize that he's also one of those creatures, in his own way. Just like I am in my own way and others are in theirs.

The most ignorant person is he who thinks of himself as the only one who's not ignorant.
Sure I totally agree with you Cob, on the ignorance aspect, but this was specifically a comment to mofos who like animation and anime. Now if he called me ignorant about animation and anime I would agree with Guapo because I watch animated movies for fun and escapism, and especially to be a kid for 2 hours give or take, and the only anime Ive seen is when my husband watches it. There are lots of things in the world I am completely ignorant about. I was simply speaking out for the mofos on here who are fans of the genre because to me it was offensive to call the ignorant and I do believe I havent been the only one who thought he went too far

Last animation I watched was probably Tintin which I adored (it was about my 6th rewatch) but I couldnt get technical about whether the animation was great or not great. I cant even use photo shop so yeah, I am completely and utterly ignorant about the techy aspect. . I hope that clarified my POV . I get on with guapo so I do assume he understood that is what my 'offensive' comment was about brcause he has been repping my posts. Ofcourse my assumption might be wrong, so guapo, ifn I'm wrong, just let me know -

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I don't care anyway. But it's incredible how easy hate can be stocked here. I was just having a lash out back in 2014 when I was a very different person and she decided to dig that now.
Are you claiming I am stocking hate agaibst You. Im sorry but I missed the memo. When have I ever hated you? This hurts my 'snowflake' feels. I happen to like Brazilians.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Sharp claws and a thin skin.

The combination that defines our culture.
Those characteristics are preventing WWIII, you should be thanking your lucky stars.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
With pleasure.

He said that in a thread about Miyazaki retiring. After that "conversation" he started to hate my guts.

Anyway, it will take some searching to find that since he said that in July 2013. He characterized animation fans as freaks twice back then actually.
Ive never seen cob 'hate' anyone's guts. I find him one of the most polite gents on the entire board. I think you're suddenly being hypersensitive.

See, you've fallen into a trap here: if you would admit you're ignorant and prejudiced, like everyone else, then you'd be in the first group, which is not really an insult, since it encompasses everyone. Therefore, it's only an insult if he's right.
No because he said explicitly I was the most ignorant person and not just one of all persons. Try reading it again.

So which is it: is he wrong, or is it an insult?
He is wrong because I am not the most ignorant person in the world as he explicitly claimed I was. The most ignorant person in the world is probably an unborn fetus. If such a person could so be defined since to define the most ignorant person it would be very hard to define as to what constitutes the greatest degree of ignorance.

Me in that same thread in 2013.
Amazing. You obviously don't mean it as negative, and then you even point out you weren't using the term that way, and then years later he somehow remembers it as negative anyway.

This is a recurring pattern, by the way. Last year he said this about me:
...you said that K-On! popularity is derived from sex appeal of its character's who are minors (implying its popularity was "pedophilia" in that broad sense of being attracted to minors).
Here's the post he was referring to:
I don't see any basis for your (fairly provocative) claim that you have to think all men are pedophiles to find some of these images sexual. Nor is suggesting that the sexual aspect is part of the appeal the same thing as saying everyone who likes it is a pedophile.
So that's me, saying that having a sexual aspect does not mean it's just for pedophiles, which Guap then immediately misrepresents as me suggesting it is for pedophiles, and also tossing in the idea that I'm saying it's popularity is derived from this, even though the post mentions nothing about why it's popular at all.

Naturally, I quoted this post back to him at the time, and per usual, he never responded. When you catch him lying about what someone has said, and actually prove it, he simply ignores it.

As I think I said earlier, my theory is that he simply remembers how things made him feel, which over time morphs into thinking that's what the person actually said, which would be problematic for anyone, but is particularly so for someone who with a penchant for taking disagreements so personally.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
[quote=Guaporense;1824204]I never claimed it was used in a malevolent way.
Anyway. It is interesting that you were acting exactly like your definition of an idiot
Oh dear. That's getting ad hominem, isnt it? Pretty rude, Guapo.

Of course you did. You were even rooting against Brazil in the world cup in 2014. And now you just come into the thread and call me an idiot

Oh dear. I missed the memo again. Whe n did he call you an idiot? And what does rooting against Brazil in the worl cup have to do with the price of fish in China. I wore a Brazilia t shirt for the world cup back in
the late 80s whilw I qas in IndonesiA. Indonesians were as well and grabbed me to dance and celebrate their wins in the street, but what does that have to do with this threa. You simply hijacked your own thread because you're being hyper sensitive.

Amazing. You obviously don't mean it as negative, and then you even point out you weren't using the term that way, and then years later he somehow remembers it as negative anyway.
It's because what person A perceive as a negative differ from what person B mean't. That is if cob was not lying .

Given that he has the full incentive to lie in this case I believe he is lying.

I don't see any basis for your (fairly provocative) claim that you have to think all men are pedophiles to find some of these images sexual. Nor is suggesting that the sexual aspect is part of the appeal the same thing as saying everyone who likes it is a pedophile.

Well, given they are drawn as looking like very young children it is not hard to make the connection. Specially in the "pedophobic" culture of the US, where being attracted to 17 year olds is regarded as pedophilia.
As I think I said earlier, my theory is that he simply remembers how things made him feel, which over time morphs into thinking that's what the person actually said, which would be problematic for anyone, but is particularly so for someone who with a penchant for taking disagreements so personally.
So Cob didn't say "anime freaks" now?

By the way, human memory works like that: you never remember exact sentences but abstract fragments.

Memory also gets more noisy over time, in fact some psychologists say that trials depend on imperfect memory and so tend to be very biased.

Could I ask for you not being this condescending?

No because he said explicitly I was the most ignorant person and not just one of all persons. Try reading it again.
I have. Here's the line in question:
The most ignorant person is he who thinks of himself as the only one who's not ignorant.
You are not mentioned by name, so right off the bat, it is not said "explicitly." At most, it's implied. And if you think it's implied, you're right! He was implying that. But, as I already pointed out, you cannot simultaneously believe that he's insulting you and that he's wrong. If you really think you're not ignorant (but that all of us are), then what he's saying is true. If you don't think that, then the quote above does not describe you. Therefore, he can be insulting you, or he can be wrong, but it can't be both.

And, again, if you believe he was insulting you by implication, that logic rebounds on your generalizations about Western culture. You have suggested they are not personal attacks because they do not refer to individuals (and are just "social sciences"), but here you've established that things are still insults when people are speaking to you, and describing a group you may be part of, in a negative way. I've now pointed this contradiction out twice, the first time here, without response.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Your semantic BS again.

He said that I am ignorant and prejudiced and then he said that I am not aware of being ignorant and prejudiced. Then he claims that the most ignorant person is that ignorant who thinks he is not ignorant.

Hence he puts me in the set of most ignorant people not the set of all people which he calls ignorant and prejudiced.

How can you not get the insult? It's obvious.

By the way he is paraphrasing Socrates who said that the wisest man is the one who knows he knows nothing.
Guapo, please lose the hypersentivity pills. It's obvious you have a whole world of hurt up your sleave when it comes to Yods and cob. 'semantice Bullsht"? And Cob said no such thing s you are dumping on him. You're looking for hate in posts that simply are not there.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Well, I should teach you something.

First when you call someone an ignorant and prejudiced you are insulting that person. When you call everybody ignorant and then call me the most ignorant and prejudiced of all then that's an even heavier insult. If you don't mean that as an insult then you do not understand basic rules of human interaction.

By the way, calling it a hint makes it even worse since you are adding condescension into the mix.

You can thank me later.
You're the one who called everyone ignorant. What does that say? I dont think he needs to 'thank' you 'later'. You taught nothing, young chap.