Survivor Part X: Into the Woods


Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Question 11:
You are out of the woods. Where do you go now? Why are you going there?

A bath, oh my god I can't stand being dirty and I imagine being lost in the woods I won't have seen shampoo in a while.

Question 12:
Pretend that you are going to visit somebody. Who are you going to visit? Why are you visiting them?

Bette Davis back from the dead since I adore the woman

Question 13:
You wake up early in the morning feeling totally refreshed, alive, happy and vibrant. You just had the best dream you've had in awhile. What did you just dream about?

Me making a career out of winning 7ths cash games

Question 14:
You receive a phone call or a text message or an e-mail or a Movie Forums private message from somebody who tells you extremely good news - something you needed to hear. What are you told and (optional) by whom?

Camo admitting he finally loves me and wants to marry me in a classy Vegas ceremony

Question 15:
You have a disturbing nightmare about being back in the woods, lost again. Horrible things are going on around you. What are these horrible things and how are you going to deal with them?

Well 2017 is bad enough and I deal with that by getting drunk so

Question 1:
Who was your favorite person in this game? Why?
My favourite player would be a tough call between Cricket and Suspect, but I think my favourite person was actually Raul. Partly because of his usual persona, but also due to his choice of character, which lead to some amusing posts (and a great video). His avatar made me love everything he said haha.

Question 2:

Who is somebody else that you want to acknowledge? Why?
Everyone who posted pics of their characters or RPed in the thread. Other than the challenges, that's my favourite part of these games, and it's nice to see so many people keeping the thread alive and entertaining.

Question 3:

What do you feel like was your favorite moment in the game? Why?
I don't think I really have a favourite moment, but my proudest moment was probably edging out 7thson in round one of the trivia game. I seriously thought I had no chance at winning that haha.

Question 4:

What was your saddest moment in the game? Why? This question is optional if it upsets you.
Raul getting voted out was the most disappointing thing to happen, especially since I thought everyone was on the same page before then. It was like the CiCi blindside all over again.

Question 5:

What do you think you have learned from this game?
I don't think I learned anything new about myself or how I behave, but I learned that Cricket has a very cunning mind, and that you should always look out for the quiet ones.

Question 6:

Which event in this game would you say STANDS OUT? It doesn't have to be your favorite moment. It could have been a bad moment. It could have been a move a player did in the game. Also - why?
I think most people are going to remember the drama caused by the triple immunity reveal for a long time, and I hope that everyone involved can eventually laugh about the whole thing, and that it has no long-term ill effects on anyone inside the game or out.

Question 7:

Who do you think was the smartest person in the game? The least smartest person? Why?
I think Cricket and 7thson played really smart games. At the start I was probably the most foolish, since I trusted everyone I talked to.

Question 8:

Did anybody upset you in this game? Why? This question is optional, and you do not have to name names.
Honestly, no one upset me.

Question 9:

Do you have a favorite challenge from this game? Why that challenge? And do you have a least favorite challenge? Why that challenge?
My favourite challenge was definitely the campfire horror story one. I had a lot of fun writing my entry, and easily could've expanded the final act. I originally intended to have some Cronenberg style body horror play into it, but figured my word count was high enough as it was, so I sort of rushed the ending haha.

My least favourite challenge was having to choose a grave. I don't like games that involve no skill, especially if it's easy to rig.

Question 10:

Do you have anything else you'd like to comment about the game? Anything at all that you feel needs to be expressed? Get it out here, and be as thorough as you please. Be happy with your answer.
I've already said everything I can think of. No regrets.

I guess I'll split my post up into two as well, since that's the going trend haha.

Question 11:
You are out of the woods. Where do you go now? Why are you going there?
I'm coming home, because I don't really belong out in the wilderness, and having been stuck out there for so long would make the allure of my comfy chair and warn blanket too irresistible to go anywhere else.

Question 12:

Pretend that you are going to visit somebody. Who are you going to visit? Why are you visiting them?
I'd probably go visit my mom. Since I don't have a car or the desire to go back to my hometown, I only get to see her a couple of times a year. Since my parents split up she's been coming in town more often, so I have actually seen her more this year than in the previous ones, which is nice. It's actually her birthday in two weeks, so she would be the logical choice.

Question 13:
You wake up early in the morning feeling totally refreshed, alive, happy and vibrant. You just had the best dream you've had in awhile. What did you just dream about?

Finding my way into a job that is related to my interests (working on a film set, writing, or designing something), and making enough money with it that I don't have to worry about the rising cost of living.

Alternatively, successfully robbing a bank and fleeing the country.

Question 14:

You receive a phone call or a text message or an e-mail or a Movie Forums private message from somebody who tells you extremely good news - something you needed to hear. What are you told and (optional) by whom?
Someone I've spoken to a lot over private message on this forum, whose identity I will not disclose without their permission, tells me that he's managed to overcome a lot of the obstacles standing in the way of his health and happiness.

Question 15:

You have a disturbing nightmare about being back in the woods, lost again. Horrible things are going on around you. What are these horrible things and how are you going to deal with them?
Are we talking about the woods in general, or these Survivor woods? The real woods don't scare me, not on this island at least. It's like, 90% woods here, so you kind of get used to it. But a nightmare involving this game would be, once it got down to the final 6 people or so, we have a huge reset that means we have to play the entire game over again. I'd cope by posting copious amounts of my pencil-snapping gif.

Question 1:
Who was your favorite person in this game? Why?*

Have to go with Cat since I talked to her the most. She is loyal, supportive, and a shltload of fun. We would have been a great match if we met earlier in life.

Question 2:
Who is somebody else that you want to acknowledge? Why?

Nostromo since I haven't really mentioned him yet. He's a long term bud of mine here and possibly the guy I have the most in common with.

Question 3:
What do you feel like was your favorite moment in the game? Why?

Velvet feeling like an accepted part of the game. It made me feel good.

Question 4:
What was your saddest moment in the game? Why? This question is optional if it upsets you.

My saddest moment is ongoing. I would never personally hold Yam's betrayal against him, yet I would like a detailed explanation of his thought process. That's not the sad part, but rather the fact that he has ignored my pms and in thread requests for said information. *Complete failure to even acknowledge me makes it seem personal to me and I've always liked him since he's been a member.

Question 5:
What do you think you have learned from this game?

That I still have a competitive spirit.

Question 6:
Which event in this game would you say STANDS OUT? It doesn't have to be your favorite moment. It could have been a bad moment. It could have been a move a player did in the game. Also - why?

My freak out.

Question 7:
Who do you think was the smartest person in the game? The least smartest person? Why?

Based on the evidence that I have, I'll go with Jeff as smartest. He knew nothing about the game going in. I started explaining alot of the strategy I was doing which wasn't exactly basic, and he understood it very quickly. It got to the point very soon that we were on the same page completely. He would send me a message saying what about if we would do this, this, and this, in case of this, and I would say wow that's exactly what I had in mind. It was uncanny. Least smart is myself because I had a very good plan in place from the beginning but a couple minor mistakes screwed it up.

Question 8:
Did anybody upset you in this game? Why? This question is optional, and you do not have to name names.*

Besides Yam, obviously SC. My love for the game the way it's played traditionally is a contributing factor to that. However, I am at peace with it.

Question 9:
Do you have a favorite challenge from this game? Why that challenge? And do you have a least favorite challenge? Why that challenge?*

The nudity challenge that 7thson put out resulted in a ton of laughs for me. From the host, I really enjoyed the 20 question horror challenge. My least favorite was the writing challenge simply because it's not something I enjoy.

Question 10:
Do you have anything else you'd like to comment about the game? Anything at all that you feel needs to be expressed? Get it out here, and be as thorough as you please. Be happy with your answer.

I think I've said everything that was on my mind, maybe give Hashtag a little shout out since I mentioned the rest of my alliance. He was also a very important teammate for a variety of reasons.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
@cat_sidhe Wow. You are now my new #1 Mofo for the next Top 100 Mofos. You are too kind to be that nice to me. Even though I knew you were aligned with Cricket, I still wanted to be friendly and chat with you throughout the game. I'm kind of upset we haven't really played with each other, as I was eliminated early in 9 and we were against each other here. Look forward to possible future games.

@CosmicRunaway At times it felt like us against the world. Our gameplay was very similar and I never had doubts in our alliance. You are extremely skillful at this game and deserve all the accolades you get and more.

@cricket I hate to sound like a broken record, but you ran this game. The issue with that is that everyone knew it. I find it funny that we had similar ideas that both failed due to miscommunication on the exact same 'round'. One of our votes should have gone to Velvet as I knew you would have used the idol. Oh well, it worked out in the end for US!!!

The lengths you went for those pictures and immunity show your strengths and determination. Which is both good and bad in this game. But I feel like you HAD to do it because you were always the target. Now you know how it feels, hahaha. Survivor X MVP here.

@7thson I honestly thought you were going to win this game. You did all the right moves to get to the finals, even if it meant people not knowing where you leaned. Being an unknown can be beneficial and dangerous. For you it worked. I trusted you throughout the game even if it seemed like I didn't. I said from the beginning either you or Nostromo would win and I wonder how different this game would have been if he didn't quit.

@rauldc14 I felt like we were acquaintances through cosmic, even if we did talk a bit early. I never didn't trust you, but I knew you were always closer with Cosmic. We were together in the first Survivor and ever since then I feel like you've been targeting me. So it was nice to get back to basics this time around.

@Velvet Sorry that you've gone through some crappy stuff this game, with people accusing you of being an Alt. It was exciting having a duel against you, you're a worthy opponent.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I wanna play again but I know I wont have an alliance, if I try to play with cricket again I might get played because thats how survivor works

losing that duel with usual was so tough. I was really lost and my mind blanked, not a good feeling. I think I could have had a good run if I won

Also its depressing that I had a chance to go pretty far in a stacked game. There might not be another survivor like this and I blew it

I knew I was putting a target on myself with the CiCi move and that was intentional. I told everyone in my alliance that I'd be public enemy #1. I just thought that everyone's life in my alliance was just as important as mine if I and we were to go far. I thought with my ability to be on line around 20 out of 24 hours a day would leave me the best equipped to see what else was going on out there, therefore leaving me best equipped to save myself via moves, bluffing, participating in imprompu challenges, shaking things up, etc.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I hope this isn't the end of survivor for people like Suspect, Cosmic, and Cricket.

I used to take these games personally but now I don't. I think that is the key. They are fun and honestly after being eliminated it's just as fun to watch.

I wanna play again but I know I wont have an alliance, if I try to play with cricket again I might get played because thats how survivor works
I won't be playing again but I think that you will end up being fine if you do. I think you ended up proving that you belonged, even if it took some longer to realize it than others.

I hope this isn't the end of survivor for people like Suspect, Cosmic, and Cricket.

I used to take these games personally but now I don't. I think that is the key. They are fun and honestly after being eliminated it's just as fun to watch.
I would play again except that it's too time consuming for me. I could say that I'd play a more relaxing game but I know I wouldn't be able to control myself.

So none of you want to play in the cash game?

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

So none of you want to play in the cash game?

For me the cash is more an incentive not to play then the other way around. It was already a problem for me to vote someone out or to not vote for them in the final. Playing for something would just make it more impossible for me.

@cat_sidhe Wow. You are now my new #1 Mofo for the next Top 100 Mofos. You are too kind to be that nice to me. Even though I knew you were aligned with Cricket, I still wanted to be friendly and chat with you throughout the game. I'm kind of upset we haven't really played with each other, as I was eliminated early in 9 and we were against each other here. Look forward to possible future games.

I'm a bit lost for words right now do that will have to do.

So none of you want to play in the cash game?

I don't think anybody likes the voting out process, so many may have "never again" feelings immediately after the game. Also some wound licking involved. Give it a little time.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
@7thson, if you want an official hosting partner, I'd work with you. Creating challenges and what not.

If not, that's still cool. I think a game from you would be extremely interesting.

@7thson, if you want an official hosting partner, I'd work with you. Creating challenges and what not.

If not, that's still cool. I think a game from you would be extremely interesting.

There has to be past player interest

But there is none, so it crashes and burns
