Blade Runner 2049


Trouble with a capital "T"
You know Welles would have complained about the same thing. Money making > artistry was always a thing in Hollywood. It's a bit worse now, because audiences are becoming more and more stupid.
Indeed, so true!

"It's the damn moneymen, you never know who's a windbag and who's got the goods."

Speaking of Star Wars, when the HELL!??!!?....

..........are they going to release the original trilogy UNALTERED for the fans who FINANCED the entire franchise?

That...that'd be NICE!
Sitting in the closet rocking back and forth gently stroking his VHS trilogy still in the cellophane.

Ya, that's why they shouldn't have made a sequel...

A few years after 2001: A Space Odyssey came out, someone made a non-official sequel. Kubrick was angered because "they explained it". I feel the same way about this movie. Blade Runner didn't need to be explained or simplified or closed. I'll just forget this ever existed!
I just watched one of the shorts they have for a companion to the film. Seems to be using the same "look" since the director asked Ridley Scott's son Luke to direct this 6 minute film short, so I'm guessing it was filmed on the same location/lot with all props ready to go, and also since Jared Leto was in the scene looking totally unconvincing with his fake contact lenses.. It was dreadful. So pretentious and self serious but had nothing. No vibe, no good music to speak of, and the acting was stiff and almost nervous, as if everyone in the room calibrated their performances to the notion that the work that they were doing was monumentally important because it was a sequel.

They even introduced a replicant who was clearly from the Roy Batty cloth.

If this is even a small indication of what's in store for me then I'm in a lot of trouble. Needless to say, I'm skipping the theater experience. I don;t even think I want to like this anymore judging from the promotion of it so far. But I'll still try to be fair about it...when it hits blu ray at redbox.

This has gotten good reviews from the press (well, here in UK anyhoo), but less so from the 'fans'. Is there any sequel or follow up to a cult / iconic film that isn't gonna piss off the die-hard fans? Most of them will be doomed from the start (think the Prometheus effect).

Like the original, this may be a slow burner, and only garner cult status later. Bladerunner when first released did tepidly in the box office, only later, after years had bypassed it did it show its resilience in haunting people's dreams.

I do wonder what the slow burning cult films being released today will be revealed in the future as iconic to our time. Stuff like Pirates of the Caribbean or Frozen will be forgotten and cast aside as run-of-the-mill, and flicks like say, Babadook or Kingsman will become the be all and end all of our time. Noticed Halloween costumes already for The Strangers.

Well, just saw it. I actually ended up loving it. Rad flick. Sorry neiba & co.

Welcome to the human race...
I was better off not knowing that Leto's role was originally going to go to David Bowie.

Anyway, I'll see this tomorrow and we shall see what I make of it. Gonna stay open-minded - hell, I liked Alien: Covenant so I'm not going to piss and moan about ruining classics or whatever.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Im surprised if anyone not expecting it will seriously try to "explain" the thing before whether it was definitive or not. Tbh I with the side of ppl that certainly love the nuances and ambiguity of the original and it build scepticism when the word sequel came out. But when i look the name behind the scenes i cant hold myself it could be really intriguing thing happen on screen at least in recent months. Like the other say just be open mind

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Apologies if this has already been covered but I've heard that to get the best out of 2049 you should see Scott's Final Cut. What do you guys reckon? I've only seen the Directors Cut
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Apologies if this has already been covered but I've heard that to get the best out of 2049 you should see Scott's Final Cut. What do you guys reckon? I've only seen the Directors Cut
I'm not sure if it's really going to make so much difference on your overall watching experience of BR49 either way really, but I guess the Final cut is exactly how Scott wanted i, so that should be the 1 of the 3 to watch as a marker for BR49.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
I'm not sure if it's really going to make so much difference on your overall watching experience of BR49 either way really, but I guess the Final cut is exactly how Scott wanted i, so that should be the 1 of the 3 to watch as a marker for BR49.

Cheers Scarlet. If I have time before seeing BR49 then I'll watch that one.

The film is great. Villeneuve knows how to make a movie from top to bottom(and side to side ). Every aspect of movie is very good if not great. Cinematography and visuals are through the roof. Yes there are a couple holes in the plot but honestly I do not care. Villeneuve extended and expounded on Scott's world in a very careful but daring way. This movie is a treat and if you are a fan of the first movie this will not let down. Obviously this is my opinion but I feel many people will have the same views as mine.

Stallone is my hero!

Watched it earlier today and really enjoyed it. One of the best sci-fi movies in recent memory.

I'm not sure if they're planning on doing another one, but one minor complaint is that there wasn't really any closure to any of the events that happened. The biggest question I have is:
WARNING: "BR:2049" spoilers below
When K/Joe discovered that there was a male and female replicant with the exact same DNA, but the girl supposedly died at childbirth (we learned that the female was the memory-maker in the bubble, Deckard's daughter) But was K the boy that survived? There must've been a boy that was accounted for because he was in the system and it said that he lived. Even though that rebel leader told K that he wasn't the child, is it possible that they somehow made him with the exact same DNA as Deckard's daughter so he is, in a way, Deckard's son? I thought they were gonna come back to that part later in the movie and address it but the movie just ended rather abruptly without ever getting back to it.
Anyone else catch something I didn't regarding that?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
28.5M??? Wow, that's lower than I expected. Shame.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Welcome to the human race...
Watched it earlier today and really enjoyed it. One of the best sci-fi movies in recent memory.

I'm not sure if they're planning on doing another one, but one minor complaint is that there wasn't really any closure to any of the events that happened. The biggest question I have is:
WARNING: "BR:2049" spoilers below
When K/Joe discovered that there was a male and female replicant with the exact same DNA, but the girl supposedly died at childbirth (we learned that the female was the memory-maker in the bubble, Deckard's daughter) But was K the boy that survived? There must've been a boy that was accounted for because he was in the system and it said that he lived. Even though that rebel leader told K that he wasn't the child, is it possible that they somehow made him with the exact same DNA as Deckard's daughter so he is, in a way, Deckard's son? I thought they were gonna come back to that part later in the movie and address it but the movie just ended rather abruptly without ever getting back to it.
Anyone else catch something I didn't regarding that?
WARNING: "BR2049" spoilers below
I think it was just meant to be a simple misdirection and nothing more - once they revealed that it was actually the girl who lived and the boy who died, I figured that the boy would not be a part of the remaining narrative. It makes better thematic sense that they just leave K as an ordinary replicant anyway.