Game of Thrones Season 7


we watch tv in our house with the captions on, so that's how we knew. it's funny you mention that though cause my husband was like "why didn't they show him? no one will know it's him unless they have the captions on!" and i was like "pshaw, it's kinda obvious." apparently not that obvious tho
To me it wasn't obvious at all. People say they recognisedd his voice but I didn't. Plus it was right at the end and I totally missed who he was. I just saw a skinny arm not the disease he is supposed to have. They didn't focus enough on it, IMO. I hope he returns, I loved his character.

The Ed Sheeran scene didn't bother me at all because I had no idea who he was, lol. Apparently, he’s so pissed off at the negative Twitter comments about his performance he deleted his account. Funny how people only seem to expect positive reactions on (the very dangerous) social media.

Good observation someone made about the reaction of the Northern lords to the news Jon is actually half Stark, half Targaryan. Will the Stark part cancel out the Targaryan? And wouldn't he have a greater claim to the Iron throne than Dani seeing as he is a grandson to the Targaryan Mad King and she is a daughter? (OTOH, she does command the dragons...)

On the whole a great episode and can't wait for the next one,

No clue who the hell Ed Sheeran was. Apparently he is a big musical guy. He was a good singer in the scene he was in. No idea why so many people are butt hurt by his appearance. That being said, why delete your social media over this? Seems silly. But that is just me.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
No clue who the hell Ed Sheeran was. Apparently he is a big musical guy. He was a good singer in the scene he was in. No idea why so many people are butt hurt by his appearance. That being said, why delete your social media over this? Seems silly. But that is just me.
Same. I havent seen it yet but I read it's only a very short cameo anyway.

Same. I havent seen it yet but I read it's only a very short cameo anyway.
Unnamed Lannister soldier singing a good song about Jaime's Hands of Gold and Cersei. I thought it was a very good song.

The Adventure Starts Here!
If you didn't know who he was, it wouldn't have made a bit of difference in your viewing. But if you're familiar with him, it definitely takes you out of the moment of the scene -- more so than if he had been an actor you recognized. I was lucky to not have known to look for him, but I did spend the whole scene thinking that the guy looked like him.

Found out later about Maisie wanting him on the show. If I had known all that before I watched it (as apparently a lot of people did), it would have been jarring and hard to pay proper attention to that scene.

Apparently Mr. Sheeran expected nothing but glowing gushy praise for his cameo role. Little did he realize how dedicated GoT fans can be to their show... especially a season premiere with a year's wait time!

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Apparently Mr. Sheeran expected nothing but glowing gushy praise for his cameo role. Little did he realize how dedicated GoT fans can be to their show... especially a season premiere with a year's wait time!
yeah, people overreacting like crazy, as usual. it's this kind of stuff that makes GoT fans get a bad rap

If we didn't know who he was, I don't think it would have even registered. I think people are objecting to the idea of it a lot more than anything in the actual cameo.

Legend in my own mind
If we didn't know who he was, I don't think it would have even registered. I think people are objecting to the idea of it a lot more than anything in the actual cameo.
It was tragic. It was like a comic relief sketch. Turgoose was dreadful too. The amount of strings that will have been pulled to get Ed in that scene

In positive news... The Hound
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I've been dragging the chain for long enough. Think I'll go see what all the ruckus was about

So, wait. People had issues with the guy being on the show, so they harass him on twitter? Forcing him to temporarily delete his account? Huh? Either I don't have all the facts, or some people need to be reminded it's just a TV show.

This might just do nobody any good.
Today's top story: people on the internet can be insensitive.

Today's top story: people on the internet can be insensitive.
Breaking News: people on the internet can be insane.

No clue who the hell Ed Sheeran was. Apparently he is a big musical guy. He was a good singer in the scene he was in. No idea why so many people are butt hurt by his appearance. That being said, why delete your social media over this? Seems silly. But that is just me.
What I read in the press was that he couldn't take the negative comments about his performance. Frankly, I thought his "performance" was a big fat zero. He spoke a couple of lines and was totally irrelevant to the whole episode which was fantastic. He was a very minor character with about as much relevance as one of the Unsullied in the ranks who are just window dressing. Otoh, the song was rather nice.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Wow that was great. Loved the music. Strangely I've never taken much interest in the music on this before other than the opening credits theme.
Nice to see they've toned down the orange and teal. To me it now looks the way it should look and not smack you in the face.
Loved Sam's gag homage. Definitely me!
Three cheers for the truly kick butt women in this.
Cant see the issue with the ed guy at all. It was a lovely song and he was lucky to get 30 seconds of screen time. For that he was bullied off social media? Bloody ridiculous, but the hard core GoT fans were lways insane cyber bullies. Probably one of the reasons imdb closed down.
Dinklage is rocking that hipster beard like a boss.
Hound YAY.
Choked on my cafe when Cersei dropped the c bomb.
And got 2 jump scared that had me on the ceiling.
Loved the opening scene.
All round entertainment for me. I give the episode a perfect score.

WTH is this current trend on fb for all of these non fans starting threads asking if they're the only attention whore not watching it. Who gives a Sam's poop. Ev en some of my own friends are doing it. Bloody hell, go focus on what you enjoy, not what you're not watching so you can come across as a total ponce.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
How about that final scene?
I loved all of it. Dany's hand in the sand, Dany looking up at the dragons flying looked like she was totally turned on and I think I got a lady boner, and that child actress is amazing.

Wooo not sure why I kept putting it off. That was a ride.

And who is the actor who proposed to Cersei? I've never seen him before but he grabbed my attention.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Nice little recap of this first episode of season 7:
That's a great recrap. And yes to the movement by Mountain. Not a word spoken but that was pure menace.

Apparently Mr. Sheeran expected nothing but glowing gushy praise for his cameo role. Little did he realize how dedicated GoT fans can be to their show... especially a season premiere with a year's wait time!
yeah, people overreacting like crazy, as usual. it's this kind of stuff that makes GoT fans get a bad rap
Idiots are idiots regardless of their tastes, their tastes just give them an opportunity to be idiots