Beatle's countdown

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I think this is my first, since others were countups. I think I've seen all the major classics now, except those I'll mention later and My Fair Lady. I'm also afraid I know jack about computers,so I won't be performing any miracles, like Omnizoa or whoever.This is gonna run very slowly because I haven't even completed the list (my top100).

After all those warnings and horrors

I'll be using AFI's list as a reference, to get any sort of credibility.

I haven't seen:

Citizen Kane
Duck Soup
Sullivan's Travels
Swing Time

Oh yeah, and I forgot. It's fine even if I'll be here alone by myself

but a rep or commentary wouldn't hurt. So, why don't you just

I'll go out on a limb and say either Help or A Hard Day's Night or possibly even both might make an appearance

I'll go out on a limb and say either Help or A Hard Day's Night or possibly even both might make an appearance
Yes, they might.

Anyway, I finaly saw Citizen Kane,so I can begin.

100. Heavy Metal

Year: 1981

Animation, Adventure, Fantasy

A glowing green orb - which embodies ultimate evil - terrorizes a young girl with an anthology of bizarre and fantastic stories of dark fantasy, eroticism and horror.

Imdb rating: 6.7 out of 25 215 votes

Stars: Richard romanus, John Candy, Joe Flaherty

The first and last animated entry, I saw this film as a kid in cinema the one and only time when it came out. Still, it had such an impact that it's vivid in my mind, heart and soul after all these years. It got its name because a lot of heavy metal music, like Black Sabbath is used as a soundtrack. There's also eroticism in this. We have this super strong and beautiful girl, I specifically remember how she beat up several bullies at once near the end. It ends with her sacrifising herself in a volcano, because it was the only way to destroy the evil thing.

99. Hell in the Pacific

Year: 1968

Adventure, war

Cast: Lee Marvin, Toshiro Mifune

Imdb rating: 7.4 out of 6288 votes

Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune make an excellent combo in this crazy war comedy. We have an American and a Japanese WW2 soldier stranded on a deserted Pacific island with Toshiro having his leg hurt. In the begining they're very much against each other (understandably), with also Toshiro having a knife, while Lee's completely disarmed. Toshiro chases him while Lee climbs up on a tree, where Toshiro can't go due to his leg. BUT Lee has NOTHING, while Toshiro has water. He waits for Lee to climb down from the tree but falls asleep. Then Lee, who's still awake tears down his own clothes to form a rope (as I recall) and somehow he ended up with a hook attached to the end of the rope. Trying to reach a bottle downstairs. Some 50 feet. The entire movie's like that. In the end they become friends, but at a critical moment Lee mentiones Jesus. Toshiro, being Japanese of course,just shakes his head. Lee goes: Jesus?! Jesus Christ?! You don't know him?! And at that moment we hear a granate incoming, the two just look at each other,and the entire cabine they were in explodes. The end.

98. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Year: 1977

Director: Steven Spielberg

Cast: Richard Dreyfuss, Francois Truffaut

Genre: Sci-Fi

Imdb rating: 7.7 out of 148 482 votes

An ordinary man Roy (Dreyfuss) witnesses UFO's, and we have that famous scene

This is a typical Spielberg film, and imo, one of his best. It sort of combines poetry with science, and I reckon that's what Steven is all about. He is indeed a wonderful and intelligent human being imo.

This is hard core sci-fi, and since that's my fave genre I only wish I could put it higher, but the competition is fierce.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
98. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Year: 1977

Director: Steven Spielberg

Cast: Richard Dreyfuss, Francois Truffaut

Genre: Sci-Fi

Imdb rating: 7.7 out of 148 482 votes

An ordinary man Roy (Dreyfuss) witnesses UFO's, and we have that famous scene

This is a typical Spielberg film, and imo, one of his best. It sort of combines poetry with science, and I reckon that's what Steven is all about. He is indeed a wonderful and intelligent human being imo.

This is hard core sci-fi, and since that's my fave genre I only wish I could put it higher, but the competition is fierce.

I love CE3K. It would be much higher on my list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

97. Begin Again

Year: 2013

Genre: Musical comedy-drama

Written and directed by John Carney

Cast: Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo

Imdb rating: 7.4 out of 113 287 votes

I remember having said in Natalie Portman or Keira Knightley thread I don't even know who she is. Well, I do now. She's full of life. Perfectly balanced by an unwined Mark Ruffalo. Both are among my fave contemporary actors now. It's about music industry today. He's a genius music producer who's out of job, and out of life so to speak. She's this brilliant up and coming young talent. So, just when everything f* up for him, he walks into a bar, drinking an endless sequence of bourbons, and when he's just about to kill himself with the 555th one, he hears her sing and life begins. Not just for him, for the entire movie.

Cool to see you try your hand at something as daunting as a top 100. Even I have yet to do that.

I'm sorry for not checking in here yet, Beatle. It's not that I don't want to pay back all the time you spend in my thread, I've simply been so busy. Compared to last year my activity here on the forum has fallen drastically...

Anyways, a few comments. First, you say you haven't even completed the list yet? Isn't this a top 100? Or is this a NedStark09 thing where it's just a bunch of movies? Or are they just not ranked, or? And you say you will use the AFI list for reference? But isn't this your list? Why look at other lists to come up with what "needs" to be on yours?

With all that said, I look forward to where this is going.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
97. Begin Again

Year: 2013

Genre: Musical comedy-drama

Written and directed by John Carney

Cast: Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo

Imdb rating: 7.4 out of 113 287 votes

I remember having said in Natalie Portman or Keira Knightley thread I don't even know who she is. Well, I do now. She's full of life. Perfectly balanced by an unwined Mark Ruffalo. Both are among my fave contemporary actors now. It's about music industry today. He's a genius music producer who's out of job, and out of life so to speak. She's this brilliant up and coming young talent. So, just when everything f* up for him, he walks into a bar, drinking an endless sequence of bourbons, and when he's just about to kill himself with the 555th one, he hears her sing and life begins. Not just for him, for the entire movie.

I tried watching Begin Again a while back because I like Mark Ruffalo, but I just couldn't seem to get into it, even though it sounds like my kind of movie. I'm going to give it another try at some point because I've read some good reviews of the movie.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
97. Begin Again

Year: 2013

Genre: Musical comedy-drama

Written and directed by John Carney

Cast: Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo

Imdb rating: 7.4 out of 113 287 votes

I remember having said in Natalie Portman or Keira Knightley thread I don't even know who she is. Well, I do now. She's full of life. Perfectly balanced by an unwined Mark Ruffalo. Both are among my fave contemporary actors now. It's about music industry today. He's a genius music producer who's out of job, and out of life so to speak. She's this brilliant up and coming young talent. So, just when everything f* up for him, he walks into a bar, drinking an endless sequence of bourbons, and when he's just about to kill himself with the 555th one, he hears her sing and life begins. Not just for him, for the entire movie.
I liked this one, but found Sing Street to be superior. I also wasn't a fan of what Carney had to say about Knightley.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Cool to see you try your hand at something as daunting as a top 100. Even I have yet to do that.

I'm sorry for not checking in here yet, Beatle. It's not that I don't want to pay back all the time you spend in my thread, I've simply been so busy. Compared to last year my activity here on the forum has fallen drastically...

Anyways, a few comments. First, you say you haven't even completed the list yet? Isn't this a top 100? Or is this a NedStark09 thing where it's just a bunch of movies? Or are they just not ranked, or? And you say you will use the AFI list for reference? But isn't this your list? Why look at other lists to come up with what "needs" to be on yours?

With all that said, I look forward to where this is going.
It's OK, MM. If anyone loves me here, it's you. And vice - versa. You think it's a coincidence you did this post?

And immidiately, thanks for the support.

This is a top 100 list. haha, no it's not a NedStark. Although I love that guy! I still haven't completed it, but it's almost finished, I've actually only one more thing to decide. The bottom half is determined. And no. 96 coming up shortly.

I just wanted to see all the great classics before I begin, to make the list more comprehensive. They're not classics without reason, right? That's what I meant. Of course, I simply could've started at any point, f* Kane! But I have too much respect for it, especially having seen The Third Man. So you might say it's born out of frustration, but It'll make the list more comprehensive.

I liked this one, but found Sing Street to be superior. I also wasn't a fan of what Carney had to say about Knightley.
Haven't seen Sing Street. May I ask what did he say, TheUsualSuspect?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
It's OK, MM. If anyone loves me here, it's you. And vice - versa. You think it's a coincidence you did this post?

And immidiately, thanks for the support.

This is a top 100 list. haha, no it's not a NedStark. Although I love that guy! I still haven't completed it, but it's almost finished, I've actually only one more thing to decide. The bottom half is determined. And no. 96 coming up shortly.

I just wanted to see all the great classics before I begin, to make the list more comprehensive. They're not classics without reason, right? That's what I meant. Of course, I simply could've started at any point, f* Kane! But I have too much respect for it, especially having seen The Third Man. So you might say it's born out of frustration, but It'll make the list more comprehensive.

Haven't seen Sing Street. May I ask what did he say, TheUsualSuspect?
Nothing too damning. He questioned her authenticity as an actress and refused to praise her work in the film, while saying everyone else was a joy to work with and really great. Seems to be a low blow to someone who's done some pretty great work in the past and was good in the film in question as well.

I just wanted to see all the great classics before I begin, to make the list more comprehensive. They're not classics without reason, right? That's what I meant. Of course, I simply could've started at any point, f* Kane! But I have too much respect for it, especially having seen The Third Man. So you might say it's born out of frustration, but It'll make the list more comprehensive.
Is this meant to be a favorites list or a best list? In other words, is this a list of movies you like the most or movies you have the most respect for? I really hope it's the former because truly personal lists are way more interesting than ones filled with "classics."

Is this meant to be a favorites list or a best list? In other words, is this a list of movies you like the most or movies you have the most respect for? I really hope it's the former because truly personal lists are way more interesting than ones filled with "classics."
A favorites list. But a favorite can also be a classic. Anyway, I'm through watching movies just for the sake of the list. I'll just list now the list. It's complete. I'll just do those I've seen. If I see something in the meantime that's list-worthy, I'll list it.

Yeah a favorite can be a classic too, but I feel like, unless something completely blows you away, it's hard to call something that you've only seen once a true favorite.

96. Forbidden Planet

Year: 1956

Director: Fred McLeod Wilcox

Cast: Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Leslie Nielsen

Genre: Sci-Fi, adventure, action

Imdb rating: 7.7 out of 36 566 votes

A starship crew goes to investigate the silence of a planet's colony only to find two survivors and a deadly secret that one of them has.

I'll never forget this experience. My dad took me to see it at a cinema which shows only classics and old movies around '80, and that's the only time I saw it. Still, it burns my mind even today.

So, we have Leslie in a serious role here. Amazing. He was. But of course, the most beatiful thing, if you can call it that, and the most exciting and frightening is the Monster from the Id. It's transcenedtal. And when we find out in the end it's coming directly from Morbius' MIND....

I find absolutely intense and engaging the Freud reference; Id, ego and super-ego, realized in a SciFi film. It even has a philosophical aspect. After Morbius finally accepts the truth, he confronts the monster and defeats it, but is fataly injured. It goes to show that one must accept the evil that is reality (within them), because it's the only way to defeat it, even if it kills you. You must be prepared to give your life, no matter how painful that may be, in order to win over evil.

This is an awesome film and a milestone in the Sci-Fi genre for its brilliant and thrilling story and groundbreaking special effects.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Forbidden Planet was one of the original Movie of the Months here at MoFo. Here's a link if you want to read people's reaction to the movie.

MotM Forbidden Planet thread

I personally love that movie! I don't know if you're a fan of the original Star Trek series but Gene Roddenberry 'borrowed' many of the ideas and concepts for Star Trek from Forbidden Planet.

BTW, did you know while you were gone Yoda added a new feature to individual Movie page. The link is at top of MoFo in the header and if you type the name of each of the movies in your countdown and then click their poster when it pops up, you will go to MoFo's new Movie page, where you can read basics about the movie, rate it yourself which is cool....and even read other people's reviews. Check it out!

Forbidden Planet Movie Page