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Forbidden Planet


Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Leslie Nielsen, Warren Stevens View All


Fred M. Wilcox (Director), Cyril Hume (Screenplay) View All

Release: Mar. 23rd, 1956
Runtime: 1 hour, 38 minutes
Captain Adams and the crew of the Starship C57D travel to planet Altair 4 in search of the spaceship "Bellerophon" that has been missing for 20 years. To their surprise, they are expected.
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16 Forbidden Planet (1956)
Loved the young Leslie Neilson in a serious role...

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The film's Freudian theme is very cleverly metaphorized through thoughtful, seemingly unimportant details (the cook's lust for drinking, the men's lust for the daughter, etc.) and more obvious representations (the tiger jumping at the commander and the daughter, the robot being the most likable and ....
The film got the visuals to match the fascinating story on MGM sound stage sets (the film was shot entirely indoors) that were created by primarily by art director Arthur Lonergan (the crowning achievement of his career - one that would include an Oscar nomination for his set decoration on 1966 film....
Citizen Rules
This review is about how Forbidden Planet became one of the most important sci-fi films to be made and literally changed the future...Not only the future of sci fi films, but the future of women's fashions...I'm talking the mini skirt.
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