The myth of global warming


A few thing you should know about the hoax called global warming.

Scientists were caught cooking the books to obtain results that served their narrative.

Even NASA manipulated data to serve the narrative of man-made climate change.

There is no evidence that the Earth has been warming in recent years.

Liberals and Democrats likes to claim that 97 percent of scientists support the concept of man-made climate. The real number is about 43%.

Liberal organizations fuel a lot of misinformation from man-made global warming alarmists. Saying misinformation is being polite. They outright lie

The politically correct people are making fools of us to divert attention from the threat from radical jehadi activities !!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I think you've magically convinced me. All a bunch of lies and tin foil hats

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
For 99% of the earth's history, there was no industry, so this is very, very radical.... But at what cost should be the question. Poverty is bad enough, so if there was a way to have a better standard of living (since deregulation supposedly helps everything), then if the Earth blows up in 500 years, so be it....

I expected a picture of a beautiful woman wearing a sash when I read Myth Global Warming in the title

At least one person should point out that everything the op said was completely false by the way. There's tons of data out there. So the op (if he ever comes back) will not be able to provide you a source Iro.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Trouble with a capital "T"
I expected a picture of a beautiful woman wearing a sash when I read Myth Global Warming in the title
Hey it's Marilyn Monroe (I think?) and she's hotter than ever! Because of.........Global Warming. But yet, she never breaks a sweat.

Oh is she walking on lava, that's smokin'

Not everything: he's right that the 97% of scientists thing isn't true. More elaboration on why here.

Some others may be right or wrong depending on what he means (like "cooking the books").

Either way, claims like this certainly ought to be sourced.

Making a thread to confront scientific evidence while citing zero sources. Excellent. Nice blog, by the way.

Also what's this thing about people mistaking Movieforums for the new /pol/. Is this a trend or something?

I kinda like the idea of derisively calling posts or threads a "blog" when they just make a bunch of assertions and don't read like an invitation to discussion at all.

I kinda like the idea of derisively calling posts or threads a "blog" when they just make a bunch of assertions and don't read like an invitation to discussion at all.
I kinda prefer the idea of not having to in the first place tbh

Let the 'peaceful' future rulers of the world Handle the consequences of global warming , plastic pollution etc .Why should we bother? We are going to be annihilated anyway

I never understood why some go to such great lengths to disprove global warming when it is very much real. You don't have to be a lefty or righty to believe cold hard facts. Whatever your reasoning for promoting ignorance of it is rest assured what is happening won't reach its peak in your lifetime but it is certainly a real thing.

Let the 'peaceful' future rulers of the world Handle the consequences of global warming , plastic pollution etc .Why should we bother? We are going to be annihilated anyway
Yes eventually, lol.

Global warming is probably true because climates are not and have never been static, they fluctuate all the time. What I'm not convinced of by any means is that it's due to human intervention. That's what scientists are not agreed on - there are many who say yes while just as many say no (according to the climatologist in my family). It is though, a wonderful excuse to tax people. 42% of my electricity bill are tariffs and taxes to fund "green" energy. So far, all I think they are doing is funding people who get a lot of money for nothing. Our electricity company is still making gazillions in profit while we pay through the nose for energy that is a lot cheaper in the rest of Europe.

There is no evidence that the Earth has been warming in recent years.
it is very much real ... it is certainly a real thing.
Respectfully, what's the point of this kind of response? A flat contradiction isn't any better than a flat assertion.