The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Films: Countdown

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I had The Thing placed just behind Alien at #14. Both of very similar, but Carpenter's classic has something a little extra. The classic who is who scenario. I placed it behind due to legacy being important, but The Thing is so damn fun to watch.
Yeah, I had it fourth, and it's for the same kind of reason you're describing: the Agatha Christie-esque mystery makes for a good movie in its own right, without any of the horror or sci-fi elements, whereas I think most sci-fi films turn on their concepts or on the speculative nature of the story a lot more. I really appreciate it when any kind of genre film manages to succeed at things most other films in its milieu aren't even attempting.

I'm liking seeing some of the movies that didn't make the list proper, but others had on their list:

gbgoodies, you had quite a few movies that I love but didn't make my list. It was nice to see them on somebody's list:
The Last Starfighter, The Final Countdown, WarGames, The Time Traveler's Wife, Time After Time, Starman (the last two being particular favorities). With the revelation of other's complete lists, I'm seeing more and more movies that I cut. Starman was one I had on the first draft, then let go reluctantly.

CosmicRunaway, Re-Animator is a movie I really like but somehow I considered it more horror than Sci-Fi, although there are definite science fiction elements to it. Flash Gordon, that's a movie I truly love and another I sadly chose to cut.

Movie Meditation, you had several I really enjoy, including Prometheus, The World's End, and Westworld, which was yet another I cut from my list in the beginning.

CR, you had a handful that didn't make the cut that I love, those being Soylent Green, The Incredible Shrinking Man, and Five Million Years to Earth. I strongly considered the last two, even had the last one on my list but there were just two many to consider. A Sci-Fi list is like a candy store for a grown-up kid like me, so there was quite a lot of pain with each cut. Sci-Fi is a vast field and it's nice to see different tastes and choices and some movies I haven't seen to consider for future (heh-heh) viewing.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
The Thing made my list at #14 and thus ends my noms that will be on the list. Best use of a body horror monster ever in my opinion (yes, even better than the Xenomorphs). The way it transforms from a "natural" state into the wierd piles of goop/spider head/stomach mouth etc where both inventive and freaky as all hell. A perfect blend of horror and sci-fi.

In the end, I think my number will be 78/100 seen.

And here's my complete list:

1 Iron Giant (1999)
2 WALL-E (2008)
3 Her (2013)
4 The City of Lost Children (1995)
5 Paprika (2006)
6 The Martian (2015)
7 Wreck-it Ralph (2012)
8 Serenity (2005)
9 The Quiet Earth (1985)
10 Alien (1979)
11 The Invisible Man (1933)
12 The Terminator (1984)
13 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
14 The Thing (1982)
15 Pacific Rim (2013)
16 Back to the Future (1985)
17 Inception (2010)
18 Ghost in the Shell (1995)
19 The Fifth Element (1997)
20 Silent Running (1972)
21 Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
22 Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
23 Paul (2011)
24 Gattaca (1997)
25 They Live (1988)

Kinda surprised that neither The invisible man nor Pacific Rim made it onto the list. The others are just personal favourites, though I've heard good things about The city of lost children here on the forum. If any of the movies you haven't seen seems even the slightest bit interesting, I urge you to give them a shot.
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

The Thing made my list at #14 and thus ends my noms that will be on the list. Best use of a body horror monster ever in my opinion (yes, even better than the Xenomorphs). The way it transforms from a "natural" state into the wierd piles of goop/spider head/stomach mouth etc where both inventive and freaky as all hell. A perfect blend of horror and sci-fi.

In the end, I think my number will be 78/100 seen.

And here's my complete list:

1 Iron Giant (1999)
2 WALL-E (2008)
3 Her (2013)
4 The City of Lost Children (1995)
5 Paprika (2006)
6 The Martian (2015)
7 Wreck-it Ralph (2012)
8 Serenity (2005)
9 The Quiet Earth (1985)
10 Alien (1979)
11 The Invisible Man (1933)
12 The Terminator (1984)
13 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
14 The Thing (1982)
15 Pacific Rim (2013)
16 Back to the Future (1985)
17 Inception (2010)
18 Ghost in the Shell (1995)
19 The Fifth Element (1997)
20 Silent Running (1972)
21 Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
22 Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
23 Paul (2011)
24 Gattaca (1997)
25 They Live (1988)

Kinda surprised that neither The invisible man nor Pacific Rim made it onto the list. The others are just personal favourites, though I've heard good things about The city of lost children here on the forum. If any of the movies you haven't seen seems even the slightest bit interesting, I urge you to give them a shot.
Kudos for including The Quiet Earth, a sci-fi film I like but didn't include on my list, partially because I knew it was too obscure to make it.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Wasn't The Thing based on Who Goes There? by John W. Campbell?
Yeah, Holden was cool enough to drop me a line to let me know my mistake. I had always thought, since my teenage years, that this and the original were loosely based on Lovecraft's Mountains of Madness --- my bad!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
@CosmicRunaway, add me to the few that had Equilibrium on their list. My only other that didn't make it was 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea from Walt Disney.

My List: 22/25
#1 Should be in the top 3, if not the top spot
#2 Alien
#3 Serenity (#59)
#4 Gattaca (#51)
#5 Planet of the Apes (#17)
#6 Dark City (#48)
#7 Strange Days (#81)
#8 Matrix (#11)
#9 They Live (#45)
#10 Predestination (#56)
#11 Silent Running (#76)
#12 Ghost in the Machine (#64)
#13 12 Monkeys (#14)
#14 Wall-E (#16)
#15 Akira (#55)
#16 Her (#25)
#17 Brazil (#32)
#18 Time Machine (#69)
#19 Equilibrium (DNP)
#20 Minority Report (#63)
#21 Moon (#29)
#22 Ex Machina (#30)
#23 Logan's Run (#71)
#24 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea (DNP)
#25 The Fifth Element (#34)



Woody Allen is a pedophille
The Stats
Blade Runner

Blade Runner dominated for the first few months of the list, and it held the top spot a lot longer than 2001 did, but in the end it didn't stand a chance against Stanley Kubrick's sic-fi epic.

The Placements
1st (x8)
2nd (x4)
3rd (x3)
4th (x4)
11th (x2)
12th (x2)
15th (x2)

Woody Allen is a pedophille
The Stats
2001: A Space Odyssey

Not even close... Like I said, for the first few months of the countdown Blade Runner dominated the list, but out of nowhere 2001 started getting first placements from everywhere, and eventually beat out Blade Runner and every other Sci-Fi film by over 100 points.

The Placements
1st (x12)
2nd (x6)
3rd (x2)
6th (x5)
10th (x2)
14th (x2)
19th (x3)
24th (x2)

1) 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2) Blade Runner (1982)
3) Solaris (1972)
4) Brazil (1985)
5) A Clockwork Orange (1971)
6) 2046 (2004)
7) Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
8) Gravity (2013)
9) La Jetée (1962)
10) Seconds (1966)
11) Alphaville (1965)
12) Pi (1998)
13) Solaris (2002)
14) Dark City (1998)
15) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
16) Alien (1979)
17) Forbidden Planet (1956)
18) Fantastic Planet (1973)
19) The Thing (1982)
20) Twelve Monkeys (1995)
21) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
22) Planet of the Apes (1968)
23) Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001)
24) Sleeper (1973)
25) Logan's Run (1976)
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

List = Ruined

Blade Runner was my #15, shoulda put it higher.

25. Starman (1984) - Simply can’t believe this never made it
24. Interstellar - 43rd
23. Logan’s Run - 71st
22. Galaxy Quest - 88th
21. Saturn 3 (1980) - Damn you guys!
20. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978) - 58th
19. Invaders From Mars (1953) - I guess I knew this wouldn’t make it
18. Repo Man (1984) - Damn you guys!
17. The Blob (1988) - Damn you guys!
16. Silent Running (1972) - 86th
15. Blade Runner - 2nd
14. Sunshine (2007) - 52nd
13. Event Horizon (1997) - 93rd
12. The Abyss - Seriously shocked this never made it
11. Independence Day - 40th
10. Alien - 4th
09. Aliens - 12th
08. Alien 3 - I guess I knew this wouldn’t make it, I still love it though
07. Jurassic Park - 13th
06. Dredd (2012) - 96th
05. Moon (2009) - 29th
04. Predator (1987) - 26th
03. The Fly (1986) - 15th
02. RoboCop (1987) - 28th
My 01 Movie. The Thing (1982) - 3rd

I've ranked the other 90 already...

10. The Terminator

09. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

08. The Empire Strikes Back

07. A Clockwork Orange

06. A New Hope

05. Back To The Future

04. Alien - My #10

03. The Thing - My #03

02. Blade Runner - My #15

01. 2001

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Six people correctly predicted that 2001 would crown the countdown they were: Harry Lime, Holden Pike, TheGunslinger45, Kaplan, TUS, and gandalf26 (I really don't feel like going back and getting quotes for all of them so just take my word for it.) All of them get ten points!

Only two people predicted Blade Runner as the Runner up and they were kaplan and Holden Pike. (9 points to both of them)

So the final results are:

1. Holden Pike - 20 Points
2. Kaplan - 19 Points
3. TUS - 11 Points
4. (tie) gandalf26 - 10 Points
4. (tie) TheGunslinger45 - 10 Points
4. (tie) Harry Lime - 10 Points
5. (tie) Rodent - 7 Points
5. (tie) Cricket - 7 Points
6. Raven73 - 5 Points
7. SC - 3 Points
8. Siddon - 1 Point

Congratulations @Holden Pike you have won the official Sci-Fi Countdown Prediction game! Your prize is eternal bragging rights for the rest of your time on this forum!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm very happy with those two movies at 1 and 2 and even though there were some questionable movies on the list, I have my faith in my fellow MoFo's restored! with these last 2 great Sci Fis.

I had at #1 Blade Runner (1982)

and my #2 was 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)