Movies you wish you could see in the theater?


I almost got to see it on the big screen at the Alamo Drafthouse, but the screening was canceled on account of the terror attack in Nice, France. A shame
Well, consider yourself lucky on two fronts;

terrorism avoidance and digital projection.

Maybe you should check out fifty shades of stuff.
No way. That film sucks!
I hate that s**t. Basic Instinct it's just for Sharon Stone crossing her legs in IMAX.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
No way. That film sucks!
I hate that s**t. Basic Instinct it's just for Sharon Stone crossing her legs in IMAX.
Do you ctually see anything? Looked to me like she was wearing pants.

I wish I watched Hidden Figures in theater or Assassins Creed.
Hidden figures sucks and I saw it in the theater

i wish I could have been there when Star Wars premiered in 1977, or Jaws in 1975.
Star Wars would have been a blast in theaters.

Thanks to the Alamo Drafthouse I get to see a bunch of movies on the big screen. I am waiting for Apocalypse Now to come to my city. THAT will be amazing!
Lucky you

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I saw Fantasia in the cinema when I was a little kid but years later an older brother told me he went and sw it when tripping out on LSD nd completely freaked out. I'll pass on that but I think it's a big screen movie

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Jaws and Star Wars were indeed blasts when they came out. I went to huge theatres on Opening Day for both films. Those are the two films I went to the theatre the most times - Jaws 25 times and Star Wars 20 times. I saw Star Wars here and Jaws here. I often watched Jaws twice a day, once a day to enjoy the film and then stay to see the audience's reaction. For Star Wars, my brother and I got in line but we stupidly thought we could go to the book store before the line went in. Well, it was gone when we came back and they only had one empty seat in the whole theatre. They let my brother sit in it, and I stood in the back of the theatre the entire movie. The opening, the jump to light speed, the Death Star trench scene all had the crowd roaring. Everybody was really into everything else as well. When it ended they let us stay and watch it again. That was back when I watched lots of movies multiple times - Cuckoo's Nest, Dog Day Afternoon, M.P. and the Holy Grail, Rocky, Network, All the President's Men, CE3K (seen first at the Cinerama Dome). I was attending college from 1973-1977 and watched many of these during the summer at pretty cheap matinees. There is a podcast about this time in my life with Yoda here.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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There are a few classic movies I want to see on the big screen. I want to see Mulholland Drive, Seven Samurai, Red Dawn, Apocalypse Now, Stalker (I would also see Solaris), and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas to name a few.

I have seen Taxi Driver, Dr Strangelove, Blade Runner, Blue Velvet, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Eraserhead, The Godfather, The Apu Trilogy, Jaws, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Shining, and It's a Wonderful Life, and Pink Flamingos to name some of the flicks I got to see on the big screen thanks to the Alamo Drafthouse and other independent theaters that do special screenings.

And of those films, I have seen Dr Strangelove and Taxi Driver multiple times on the big screen.

I can't think of anything that I've only seen on the small screen that I'd be willing to pay to see in the theater, but I would love to see Gladiator on the big screen again. Five times wasn't enough.