IMDB Assimilation


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Let's vet

I'm curious how new members feel about the place, coming from IMDB myself a few years ago.

Or what members in here think?

I wonder if things will change, enough to notice... I'd like to think (like any refugee) that with a solid foundation, it only widens our spectrum, makes everyone better.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
Well, it beats the crap out of IMDB, that's for sure.

The long term residents have been generally nice and helpful.

There are some technicalities I'm still finding out [ex: only a few minutes ago I found out how to leave a comment], but overall it's pretty simple to follow.
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I think it's a very good cyber experience of culture clash and assimilation for 'old timers' and 'immigrants' in the real world. Takes a bit of time for dust to settle as strangers on both sides figure out the culture, lingo, private jokes etc. It's a new adventure in learning about people IMO. Would be a great cultural studies topic.

Let's vet

I'm curious how new members feel about the place, coming from IMDB myself a few years ago.

Or what members in here think?

I wonder if things will change, enough to notice... I'd like to think (like any refugee) that with a solid foundation, it only widens our spectrum, makes everyone better.
I like the place. When you post a review you always get a feedback, people are nice here, and web is well organized. Also I don't see any aggressive adds or popups.

What do you mean by "if things will change, enough to notice"? Could you please explain little more? What should change and "to notice" what? Thanks
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
What do you mean by "if things will change, enough to notice"? Could you please explain little more? What should change and "to notice" what? Thanks
I think what Matt means is on forums like this that are well established, just like in real life, a sudden influx can, or can be seen, to change the regular balance. I think that's just a normal human/tribal reaction.

The balance on MoFo has changed already tbh, but in a good way.

In the past 2 weeks, I've seen a huge jump in amount of posts, and the game threads have all exploded too
There's numerous threads that normally would get a few replies, then die off... but there's been an influx of conversations going on and intelligent discussion and to add to that, more and more older threads gaining a new lease of life as well.

Sure, there's concern from the old-timers, including me, that some of the trolls from IMDb will arrive here and try to carry on their flame wars... but they won't last long due to the team of moderators... and won't last long due to the fact that the IMDb refugees who are currently here aren't the trolling type.

As far as I've seen, apart from that slight rocky start 2 weeks ago between a few of the refugees and a couple of the long-term MoFos, everything has been pretty solid

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I like the place. When you post a review you always get a feedback, people are nice here, and web is well organized. Also I don't see any aggressive adds or popups.

What do you mean by "if things will change, enough to notice"? Could you please explain little more? What should change and "to notice" what? Thanks
It could be anything. Certain people bring certain things out of other people. Some new members might revive old posts. One example are topics started, but that died down quicker than usual because there weren't enough people familiar. If it's revived, maybe people who signed up a year ago see it.

Maybe new ideas? Maybe we have someone from a country who has a ton of great recommendations. I imagine some will talk more or talk less depending on what's being discussed...

I think it's a good thing. I've probably talked to a few on IMDB, and we have a nice foundation here. You won't see spamming, etc..

So far I've liked everyone who has moved over. Even you, Little Devil, despite our Witch fight.

Eh, I like some of the newbs, but also don't like some of them.
Which is how I feel about the MoFo regulars too. So I guess, aside from some bumps in the road, so far so good?

Really doesn't seem all that different to me here. I think the whole "IMDB phenomenon" has been overblown. There's always new people showing up here. Some stay for awhile and then disappear. This will be no different. Only the truly crazy and bizarre last here.

Really doesn't seem all that different to me here. I think the whole "IMDB phenomenon" has been overblown. There's always new people showing up here. Some stay for awhile and then disappear. This will be no different. Only the truly crazy and bizarre last here.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
So far I've liked everyone who has moved over. Even you, Little Devil, despite our Witch fight.
I have no ill feelings for you mate. Just found it unnecessary and rather provocative. But all is good.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
You won't see spamming, etc..
I spam, but mostly about recipes to try in the Mofo mouthgasm thread (not about spam in food, though; that stuff is pure evil!), and funny pet videos, or just really stupid crap like this that my nephew sends me

Master of My Domain
I like IMDb members. Mainly because we can slowly turn them into weirdos that can only survive in MoFo and nowhere else on the Internet.
Letterboxd Profile:

I like IMDb members. Mainly because we can slowly turn them into weirdos that can only survive in MoFo and nowhere else on the Internet.
If I could just retain the ability to use eBay and Amazon that would be great, thanks.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Good question Matt, a couple weeks ago when it was announced that IMDB was closing i's discussion boards, I feared 100's and 100's of IMDB members would come here, swamping us. I figured most would be cool, but you know IMDB is where people went to bash other people, and I hate that.

So far my fears were unwarranted, as we haven't been swamped by tons of new users and they are getting along fine. Which reminds me of the Y2K panic at the turn of the millennium.

Registered User
I like it a lot. I've got my buds from IMDB here, I've got plenty of room to have actual discussions without people threatening to kill/doxx me, people actually LISTEN to me and take my points into consideration even if they don't always agree with them and, best of all, NO POSTING QUOTA!

I also love that this board is moderated and that what few fires almost started were quickly doused. It's still an adjustment period but I'm getting used to it.