Am I the only one who views people's avatar as them?


I know this sounds weird, but when I see or am talking to anyone on these boards, I sort of picture them looking like the person in their picture for some long as it's a human. Even when someone changes their pic, I then identify them as the new pic. That's why some of the people that have girls, actresses, etc. for a pic, I thought were girls at first. Weird, huh?

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
There is no way in hell you can be as cool and awesome as your avatar, so, quit trying so hard to make us pretend you are.

You can be my queen (to put it nicely), but not McQueen.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

As Citizen Rules said on another thread, he can't even watch Jake Gyllenhaal movies without thinking it's Sexy Celebrity!

I have "Adam" in my username so I hope people don't actually think I'm a girl lol
You would think that, but my username is Miss Vicky and you wouldn't believe how many times people have thought I was male because of my avatar.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
You would think that, but my username is Miss Vicky and you wouldn't believe how many times people have thought I was male because of my avatar.
Are you sure it's not because you type/talk like a sailor and tomboy.

You would think that, but my username is Miss Vicky and you wouldn't believe how many times people have thought I was male because of my avatar.
Actually that's how I knew you were a girl, that and the line under your pic. Even though you told me that your pic was Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator, it still looks like Jim Carrey to me. I looked it up, but only that pic in particular looks like Jim.

I even think everything Yoda says is somehow wiser.
So true, it's maybe because he is so reliable!!

I also saw Camo as a murderer psycho when he had the Ice Truck Killer avatar . Not to forget about TUS serious face and Iro's "don't f*** with me" MGS's face, which I like to associate with his complex taste in movies (that he is truely honest with his feeling towards movies he doesn't like).

Miss Vicky's avatar is kind of complex though.

Other people like CiCi and Mr Minio without dot, have actress as avatars and they are actually men (I think)

I can always picture SC as his avatar too

In my case I just try to use the craziest or most luxurious avatar I can think of with my post-teenager mind.

Actually that's how I knew you were a girl, that and the line under your pic. Even though you told me that your pic was Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator, it still looks like Jim Carrey to me. I looked it up, but only that pic in particular looks like Jim.
That can't be unseen now!!

Are you sure it's not because you type/talk like a sailor and tomboy.
Several people have told me that it was because of the avatar.
Also a lot of women I know talk the way I do.

Lagertha is the first female character I've had as an avatar, and I've already been thinking about changing it back to Strange (or to something else) for awhile now. I know a lot of people were surprised to find out I wasn't a dude before (which was sort of expected because it happens to me all the time), and I never thought that newer users might correctly assume I'm female first now. That's new for me, so maybe I should stick with her.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I know this sounds weird, but when I see or am talking to anyone on these boards, I sort of picture them looking like the person in their picture for some long as it's a human. Even when someone changes their pic, I then identify them as the new pic. That's why some of the people that have girls, actresses, etc. for a pic, I thought were girls at first. Weird, huh?
Not weird at all. Wait till you start reading posts and realize who it is without looking or have to do a double take because you thought it was someone else. JJ has been throwing me off with his Casablanca avatar for a couple weeks, I still think he is Cob. Citizen's new avatar will be throwing me off for sure.

Not weird at all. Wait till you start reading posts and realize who it is without looking or have to do a double take because you thought it was someone else. JJ has been throwing me off with his Casablanca avatar for a couple weeks, I still think he is Cob. Citizen's new avatar will be throwing me off for sure.
Yeah...I associate certain actors/pics with certain posters.

Not weird at all. Wait till you start reading posts and realize who it is without looking or have to do a double take because you thought it was someone else. JJ has been throwing me off with his Casablanca avatar for a couple weeks, I still think he is Cob. Citizen's new avatar will be throwing me off for sure.
This happens to me all the time even with my own posts vs. other peoples. The few times I've changed to a non Phoenix avatar I've confused myself. There was someone who joined (but I don't think stuck around) who was using the same image from Her as an avatar that I used to have and I'd get confused like "when did I say that?"

This might just do nobody any good.
It's cool, I'm totally 1960s Marcello Mastroianni.


Trouble with a capital "T"
Lagertha is the first female character I've had as an avatar, and I've already been thinking about changing it back to Strange (or to something else) for awhile now. I know a lot of people were surprised to find out I wasn't a dude before (which was sort of expected because it happens to me all the time), and I never thought that newer users might correctly assume I'm female first now. That's new for me, so maybe I should stick with her.
You should stick with her! It's one of my favorite avatars.

I do think the avatars we choose says something about us. To me your avatar is someone who is: strong but noble, graceful and feminine.

I have a hard time getting a mental picture of my fellow MoFos, and I'm influenced a lot by their avatars. Because let's face it, we can't hear each others voices, we can't see if a person is smiling or growling, so we fill in the blanks with our own image of that person.

... Citizen's new avatar will be throwing me off for sure.
I'm changing that back today! It seems weird, even though it's a cool pic, I don't feel like Rita Hayworth!