Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
crap and I got nuthin else to say - go figure
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Welcome to the human race...
The Jungle Book (2016) -

If this is what I can expect from all these other live-action Disney remakes, I think I can probably do without them.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I love naked girls but...in Boardwalk Empire after they show me a guy masturbating while a prostiture is hanging he and he goes out shoot some mother******s with his penis visible I was like.... Dude, this is really idiot! I drop out the series. It was so... stupid. I don't know, I can't express myself very well about what I fell in this HBO scenes. They show just for show. It's not sexy, it's not nice, it's fell stupid. I prefer my porn movies.

I love naked girls but...in Boardwalk Empire after they show me a guy masturbating while a prostiture is hanging he and he goes out shoot some mother******s with his penis visible I was like....
Wow! I gotta see that!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Moulin Rouge(2001)

I haven't watched many musicals, but this one was pretty good. The acting and cinematography was purposely sort of over the top, and the actors did fit their roles well and made it both funny and dramatic. The singing was beautiful, especially by Ewan McGregor, who by far delivered the best acting in this movie.

Overall a decent 7 out of 10!

The Tree of Life [2011, Terrence Malick]

Unlike A New World, which really bored me to death despite its beautiful visuals, this film kept me glued to the screen throughout. Flaws notwithstanding (I could do without the pseudo-poetic voice-over narration), I really think it's a great film. Yes, it mainly relies on visuals (and they are truly breathtaking) to carry its point across but it's not without its substance, either. Obviously it's a very polarizing film, and, while one category of viewers will harp away at how the film plumbs the depths of profound wisdom and spirituality, others will claim watching the paint dry is actually more entertaining. I do understand where the criticism comes from, and frankly, given my experience with A New World, I was almost expecting it to suck. It didn't.

Minnie and Moskowitz - 8/10

A story about a man who forces a woman to love him. This is the third time I've seen it. First time over a decade ago I was so frustrated, mostly by Seymour Cassell, but it was also the first real original movie I saw. I became a Cassavetes fan just a couple of years ago, so I gave it another chance, liked it a little bit more, but totally loved it now, even though Seymour still annoying

WARNING: "Spoiler" spoilers below
Maybe this will get people to see it? I love when the mothers meet. John Cassavetes' mom is hilarious in everything she is. Scorsese got his first job from John, and probably used his mom in the same role.

A great film, indeed.

WARNING: "small" spoilers below
The scene where he cuts his moustache is hilarious. His reaction was priceless.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

The Lobster
Been wanting to see this since reading a number of reviews (I do believe Iro's was the first) and finally got my chance. It is a stark and unflinching portrayal of the characters' loneliness, awkwardness and how so little remains of their emotions with a constant splash of dark humor that keeps things from getting too dour. Not to mention quite a few "Wha th' f@ck?" moments from the very opening to the final scene.
Strange, but very good movie.

Oh, and a very direct warning to Omni - if you're reading this -

Do NOT ever, EVER EVER watch this!!!

Trust me.

The Suspect (1944)
+ I had nominated this for the 40's HOF without actually seeing it - just had a hunch and it paid off quite nicely. I'll write up a more detailed review for the HOF at some point - may even rewatch before writing it, but I will say, being a huge fan of Charles Laughton, I have added this one to so many of his that I love.

Finished here. It's been fun.
Mary Poppins

Charming and way ahead of its time. Julie Andrews might be proof that there's a God out there. Dick Van Dyke is proof that there's no such thing as a performance that's too hammy.

Mary Poppins

Charming and way ahead of its time. Julie Andrews might be proof that there's a God out there. Dick Van Dyke is proof that there's no such thing as a performance that's too hammy.
I think you might be new to this board, so I wanted you to know that this is my # 1 favorite movie of all time and I'm so thrilled to see someone liked it as much as I do.

I think you might be new to this board, so I wanted you to know that this is my # 1 favorite movie of all time and I'm so thrilled to see someone liked it as much as I do.
Lucas has actually been here longer than you.

I had nominated this for the 40's HOF without actually seeing it
haha, i didn't know this. Think it was just us two that did it.

Foxcatcher (2014)

Maleficent (2014)