Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Suicide Squad (2016)

The Grapes of Wrath (1940)


I was never an avid reader of books, and so I had no idea what this story was about. I was captured by this movie in the opening minute, and I could tell it was going to be something special. From the direction, to the story, to the performances, this is a great movie, but it also has some sort of intangible quality that makes it a magical viewing experience.

Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood (1985)

Out of Japan, this is one of the most notorious extreme movies. A psycho abducts a young woman, takes her to his wherever, and mutilates her. I think this movie's only goal is to be vile and disgust the viewer. Thanks to some strong gore effects, I believe that goal was accomplished, and that is what my rating reflects. Most people will consider the movie to be garbage. It's about 40 minutes long and on YouTube. No subtitles but so what.

Nerdstromo! Slim choices at the theaters these days for me... I know, I know, Star Trek, aghhh! I actually think they've done a good job casting these......... Chris Pine as Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Commander Spock, Karl Urban as Doctor 'Bones' McCoy, and Simon Pegg as Scotty. Say whatever you want, MAKE FUN ME, but I think Season 1 of the old Original Star Trek TV series was good, in spite of the dorky stigma it has. It's a fine show. And the characters relationships work in these new Star Treks... that's why I think The Force Awakens was bland. The relationships didn't work, I didn't care about anything. But these new Star Treks, they're decent. And I liked this newer one more than whatever the last one was called. This and Deadpool are the only movies I've gone to see at the theaters this year, and I enjoyed both, I kind of doubt I'll go see any others. Also this new Jaylah alien girl, played by Sofia Boutella, is kinda cool. I don't know what I think about her name though, it's like they tried to make her J-Law, and I don't like J-Law anymore really. I like Jaylah more than J-Law, basically. This movie was kind of crazy, with all kinds of space stuff and crazy graphics, and aliens, but the character relationships save it. Kirk and Spock, Spock and Bones, Kirk and Bones, Kirk and Scotty, Jaylah and Montgomery Scotty. Captain's log stardate Nerdstromo out

Star Trek Beyond

7.0 / 10

Who will stop the burgle?
Kirk always had a thing for that space strange. Story checks out.

Audition (1999) (Dir. Takashi Miike)

The only promotional image I'd ever seen for Audition was a woman in a butcher's apron with a hypodermic needle. With that in mind, I spent the first hour wondering if I'd acquired a romantic drama by mistake. You don't expect a film so highly touted by fans of bizarre cinema to take on the form of a typical Sundance entry. A single father seeking a wife is persuaded by his business partner to hold an audition under the guise of casting a movie. Hi-jinks ensues, right? Thankfully, this isn't a 2000s romcom starring Matthew McConaughey. It is something much, much darker.

Takashi Miike exerts masterful control of tone concealing his more sinister intentions by lulling the audience into a false sense of security. We see the heartbreaking loss of a mother/wife, the tender relationship of the father & son, the comedic premise of auditioning wives... It's an almost saccharine veneer that Miike proceeds to chip away at most impressively in the visual side of the medium. When the transition begins, the more natural lighting and framing gives way to dreamy neons and dutch angles. Flashbacks of previous scenes reach a different timbre. More first person POV is utilized. This stylistic shift happens so gradually, at first I mistook it for sheer incompetence. At the fulcrum of the picture, the world begins to crumble in on itself with surreal sequences that combine elements we were introduced to earlier in the film. The magnitude of the revelations for the main character is unmistakable.

After the turn, the icy heart of the film reveals itself through brutality. The gore is medieval, but the execution of it is modern and clinical. It's not meaningless bloodshed. It's as pointed as Pascal Laugier's Martyrs (2008) and similarly that point is up for some debate. While the femme fatale is a deranged product of child abuse, the flaws of our main character have also been revealed conveniently right before his torture begins. He has coldly rejected a lover. He has secretly lusted after his son's girlfriend. He tricked women into auditioning for him. It's even suggested that he only wanted sex out of the antagonist, a comment that has some grounds in what he expects of a wife. His demons have manifested themselves into his own personal angel of death. One that can open his eyes up to his own sins. While the punishment doesn't exactly fit the crime, he is shown mercy and sparred, left permanently handicapped in the same way as her abuser. She suggests that pain is the only truth and by the end of the film he has definitely suffered his way to a salvation. A baptism by fire of sorts.

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Welcome to the human race...
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls -
, maybe

The kind of movie that really can't afford to be as boring as it is.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

just out of curiousity...what did you think was good about it?
because i cant think of single thing...the main actress did well considering how awful the rest was though
Here is my review of the film from some time back...


Everybody Wants Some (2016)


I didn't think this felt quite as nostalgic as Dazed and Confused, although that's still the big draw for me, and there's no Matthew McConaughey in the cast. However, I thought this movie was funnier, and more fun overall. They both have brilliant soundtracks, with the edge there going to Dazed and Confused, while this movie has much hotter girls. This movie was a blast, and better than I expected, but then a movie like this set in 1980 would have to be pretty bad for me not to like it at all.

Who will stop the burgle?

brought to you by the Chinese version of Amazon

Michael Bay may only have been a producer on this, but his thumbprint is seen clearly. This is a good thing in the case of TMNT:OOTS . Vibrant, raucous, and outlandish are a great way to translate comic/cartoon material to the big screen. It never lacks for being being top-shelf visual popcorn and in that it is noteworthy.

The acting, the story, the villains, the casting....well, those can all be called in to question. Did you know that Tyler Perry is playing Baxter Stockman? Yea. The guy that turns into a fly. To critique acting in a movie like this is kinda pointless, but he makes you wish Madea was playing the mad scientist. Shredder is absent in any super ninja death-dealer form and Krang has almost 5 minutes of screen time for what is supposed to be the big bad.

If you are a fan of TMNT, the Dodge Challenger Hellcat, or Megan Fox cosplaying April O'neil, then watch this when it shows up on tv. A nice piece of fluff that is best viewed in bits when you can walk away and make a sandwich, instead of being chained to your seat for the entire runtime.

House of Wax (1953) -

I watched the remake of this after it just came out, don't remember much other than it being really terrible. This was better, fun film. Vincent Price is brilliant of course, he really does make average films that much better. I liked how it jumped into things right away with the big fight in the fire, think this is the sort of film that greatly benifits from this. The makeup on Price was great, he looked pretty horrifying in his burnt face state. The scene when he appears to Sue and she screams and runs away had one of the most baffling pieces of acting i've ever seen. After hearing the scream a guy goes "the scream it came from up there", and this woman just goes "let's look into it" so calmly it was hilarious. It was just a complete throwaway scene i just had to mention it, weirdly it was probably the thing that has stuck with me most after watching it last night. The actress playing Sue wasn't very good IMO, especially during the scene where she was crying about finding her friend murdered. Anyway good film, wouldn't have voted for it but i enjoyed it so glad it was nominated.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Hard Times (1975)

It delivers a lot of punches, that don't look like real punches. Bronson made it worthwhile.

Suicide Squad

I went into this thinking I was hate it but I was surprised that I didn't think it was that bad. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of things wrong with the especially Jarred Leto's Joker. It is the worst on screen Joker so far and his laugh sounded like an old crow. The story was very bland and did not make much sense other than the recruitment side of things. They also tried to hard to humanise the characters to make you like them, I think that would have been alright eventually but they flooded it too early. Some people praised Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn and I thought when they cast her it was a good choice but it was so hit and miss. The other characters was forgettable and that is only because there backstory was breezed over and besides Deadshot I did not care if any of them died. Will Smith was the stand out for the group and I had my doubt but thought he played him well. Viola Davis was also good in her role and thought she should have been the main antagonist. Now let me get onto the "bad guys" they were evil... that is about it, they were forgettable and dumb. There is so much they could have done with Enchantress but floundered it. Now this might sound like a lot of bad but overall the movie had good action and chemistry with the characters. It is like having all the ingredients but following the wrong recipe. I hope if they do a second they follow the comics more closely.

2.5/5 Stars
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

I choose this cover because it's best to go into this not knowing who the man is up against and some of the covers give it right away, I'm pleased I didn't see them as I was kept guessing was this an alien, a supernatural entity or what... the clues are there though.. there was a nice steady build up of tension which payed of to a pretty good finale though overall lacked the finesse to be a great film, it was just ok


Oklahoma! (1955)

There is certainly nothing bad about this movie. My problem with musicals is often the long runtime, and I guess it's often like that because they need to fit in the musical numbers with the narrative. It's just that with a movie that's already going to be difficult to grab my interest, a longer runtime makes it that much more difficult to maintain my interest. I very much enjoyed this movie between the musical numbers, which weren't bad but just not for me. Take 30 minutes of musical numbers out of this movie, and I may have liked it a whole lot. Two musicals I liked were Calamity Jane, and to a lesser extent, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and this movie has the same western type of setting. How the movie looks is it's biggest strength, with a lot of beautiful shots and colors. Shirley Jones was so cute when she was younger until The Partridge Family ruined her. I also enjoyed the other characters and there's some well placed humor. My rating is slightly too high for how much I enjoyed it overall, but it's much too low for it's quality.

10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

I enjoyed this movie right from the beginning but really loved the ending. Cloverfield may be my favorite of all the found footage movies, and the way they did this as sort of a little substory was brilliant. Most of the movie is merely solid, but unlike Oklahoma!, it was very much my type of movie. A girl waking up shackled in a basement, or some variation of that, has been done countless times before, and those movies usually go in a similar direction. That is normally enough for me, but the late tie-in to the other film made this one stand out a bit for me. My wife liked it a lot too.

I was surprised everybody thought Marty and this girl were ugly. Sure, they weren't Miss and Mister of the Universe, but they didn't look that bad. Just ordinary people.
It's Hollywood. Ordinary looking people are ugly. That's why they're usually the bad guys. Or were back then.
5-time MoFo Award winner.