Mad Max: Fury Road - Most overrated movie of 2015?


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
One year later, it turns out that The Revenant is the true most overrated film of 2015.
Most underrated, and it has been out of theaters like four months.

its not my type of movie,i tried to watch only because of the backlash of men who went out of their minds when a WOMAN (oh em gee) was cast in the movie.
but someone came over while i was watching,i just havent bothered finishing after that cos it really didnt interest me all that

I have to return some videotapes...
I would call the Revenant overrated, but I still think it's beautiful... at times at least. I think we can all admit that if it was 2014 and Revenant came out it wouldn't have come close to a Best Picture Nomination. The year was weak and thats the only reason it made it in.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

I'm not sure about its promotion in America, but here in Australia, it's 'critically acclaimed' and is being praised for being amazingly good.

I went and watched it at the cinema the other night and wasn't as impressed as the media led me to believe I would be. Apart from some absolutely brilliant cinematography and sound, the plot was basically drive from A to B and back with the addition of a ridiculous amount of guns, engines and flames.

It didn't have any substance for me. Some scenes conveyed emotion pretty well, but it didn't make me care as much as it could have or should have. It's a semi-decent action flick as watching about 2.5 hours of car chasing gets old eventually. They still did a great job at directing an absurdly long car chase movie and keeping it as interesting as they did, but a bit more variation would have been refreshing.

What're your thoughts? Was it worthy of the hype train?
Substance? Have you even seen the originals? It's about good versus evil in an apocalyptic world. It is as simple as it can get but that does not make it less brilliant. The action and stunts are amazing considering most of it are practical effects as opposed to CGI. If you went in expecting something else than action then you had no business watching the film.

Welcome to the human race...
Oh come on Man....The Revenants one of the best movies Ive seen in years.

I loved Fury Road, but best picture nomination? That's going too far.
You loved it yet think a Best Picture nomination is too far?

The Revenant was based off true events, and they executed it brilliantly.
Not sure what difference being based on true events makes to a film's quality, especially when there's been some disputing of the film's historical accuracy that would undermine any claim that it is brilliant in that regard.

I dont have any idea how people think its an overrated movie. There was nothing shoddy about it! Hell, I could argue Tom Hardy outacted Leo (who did a fine job), but I cant even say Leos performance was overrated.
This article goes a long way towards comparing exactly how The Revenant and Mad Max compare when it comes to being effective pieces of cinema (with the argument that The Revenant is the significantly lesser film), with a major contention being that The Revenant doesn't have much in the way of substance underneath its lavish cinematography anyway. Hardy's a good actor, but I don't see anything special about his work in The Revenant, which has the sort of mangled delivery that plays into his worst acting tendencies and actively worked against the quality of the film as a whole.

Yes way.

Most underrated, and it has been out of theaters like four months.
So what? OP decided to start this thread while Fury Road was still in theatres and 2015 wasn't even halfway over. They're still 2015 films anyway. Also, there is no way in hell that this is the most underrated film of 2015.

I would call the Revenant overrated, but I still think it's beautiful... at times at least. I think we can all admit that if it was 2014 and Revenant came out it wouldn't have come close to a Best Picture Nomination. The year was weak and thats the only reason it made it in.
Depends, would it have replaced Birdman in that selection?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

This article goes a long way towards comparing exactly how The Revenant and Mad Max compare when it comes to being effective pieces of cinema (with the argument that The Revenant is the significantly lesser film),
Youre quoting an article written by "Film Crit Hulk"?!

with a major contention being that The Revenant doesn't have much in the way of substance underneath its lavish cinematography anyway.
Really?! Fury Road which I loved, it was fun, but no I dont think my "pleasure signals" being outrageously tweaked should qualify a film to be nominated for Best Picture. By that barometer some of the lowest brow comedies should have been nominated for Best Picture.

Fury Road has more substance, and underlying resonance?! No.
WARNING: spoilers below
Some fictional story about a madman captured for his blood and rescuing a bunch of pregnant maidens in a 18 wheeler hauling breast milk does not resonate with me like a mangled man whose son was killed in front of him, and has to crawl like a dog to survive the wilderness to get revenge.

The historical innacuracies come from Revenant patchworking a bunch of true events into a one story format.

Hardy's a good actor, but I don't see anything special about his work in The Revenant, which has the sort of mangled delivery that plays into his worst acting tendencies and actively worked against the quality of the film as a whole.
Yet you think his Fury Road performance was good, and it was certainly no effort to him like his work in Revenant. Ive heard this criticism before about Hardy, and his "mumbling". I dont always understand what hes saying, but I never disbelieve his performance. Rewatch Marlon Brandos earlier work, he was a mumbler too. Hardy was trained from the stage in England, there is no better school. He will be nominated many more times deservedly.

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
Im tired of all these useless threads about a film being overrated or sexist.... its a film.. something to watch and enjoy.... either you like it or you dont... .to each their own opinion... some like to start fights (not disagreements, but fights) in these threads.. go find your drama somewhere else.. and not this board...

I personally loved it.. it was great... but I enjoy action films..
Yes, somebody on this forum finally ****ing said it!!!!

Um no, that would be Jurassic World...
How? We're talking the same film?

The one with a lukewarm to mildly decent score on metacritic, 59/100 and a 7.0/10 on IMDb.... All the while Mad Max got a 90/100 on metacritic and more than an 8/10 on IMDb?

Overrated depends though. If you think the movie is a pile of dino dropping then yes, maybe to you it is.

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
How? We're talking the same film?

The one with a lukewarm to mildly decent score on metacritic, 59/100 and a 7.0/10 on IMDb.... All the while Mad Max got a 90/100 on metacritic and more than an 8/10 on IMDb?

Overrated depends though. If you think the movie is a pile of dino dropping then yes, maybe to you it is.
I thought the story was BS. Although the climax did make it all worth it, I'll give you that.

One year later, it turns out that The Revenant is the true most overrated film of 2015.
Well, lemme tell you something -- so far, I am in agreement with you.

I watched about 45 minutes of The Revenant recently. It was the movie I was speaking about here, but nobody seemed to care. I turned it off out of great disappointment and boredom. I'm going to finish the remaining 22 hours of the thing eventually -- especially since I bought the movie. But I was not enjoying what I saw. I HOPE it gets better. It didn't seem like the movie Leonardo DiCaprio should have won an Oscar for.

Well, lemme tell you something -- so far, I am in agreement with you.

I watched about 45 minutes of The Revenant recently. It was the movie I was speaking about here, but nobody seemed to care. I turned it off out of great disappointment and boredom. I'm going to finish the remaining 22 hours of the thing eventually -- especially since I bought the movie. But I was not enjoying what I saw. I HOPE it gets better. It didn't seem like the movie Leonardo DiCaprio should have won an Oscar for.
"Film Crit Hulk" approves of this post. To each their own. I think its a shame ......more shocked. It seemed impossible that it would fall flat with so many. I guess this is why Spotlight won Best Picture

I really wanted it to be good. I hope the rest of the movie makes me change my mind. Usually nothing Leonardo DiCaprio does is bad. He's an actor I've said I could watch in anything. But this was different so far.

I really wanted it to be good. I hope the rest of the movie makes me change my mind. Usually nothing Leonardo DiCaprio does is bad. He's an actor I've said I could watch in anything. But this was different so far.
Yknow whats funny, the first time I saw Gladiator it kind of fell flat with me. Now the second time I saw it, I wept. Go figure Sometimes one can just be in the wrong mood to watch certain films.

Yknow whats funny, the first time I saw Gladiator it kind of fell flat with me. Now the second time I saw it, I wept. Go figure Sometimes one can just be in the wrong mood to watch certain films.
That can happen, I guess, but usually, something about that first time... always lingers with you. Like with Hedwig and the Angry Inch (here I am bringing this up again) .... even though I like it more now... something about that first time I saw it still lingers with me. When I didn't like it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think when a movie gets talked about a lot before you see it, that first viewing can be tough too. Especially if it is not what you expected in any way.

I haven't watched either yet. Both seem to be pretty polarizing but on this site at least i think The Revenant is hated a bit more. I'll probably watch both in the next month or so.

Mad Max was incredible visually and it's not often that you see a strong female lead in character like Charlize theron was in that movie a side from that I felt a lot of the movie to be one wild goose chase with emotionless characters and the lack of script which didn't work For that movie. But a lack script can be useful as worked out the past for movies like drive and Nebraska. The movie was a bit overhyped though I believe

IDK Avengers and This Movie were pretty close too being best summer movie in my opinion. Personally i Do however think Max wasnt needed really. I think Furiousa could have lead this movie on her own only problem which is stupid is they had too call this Mad Max too get major press.

The Revenant is a tad overlong for the story it tells, but the craft and imagery is on another level. It's strikingly beautiful, and Leo gives it his all, even if he's in pain and agony for most of the time.

Hardy is one note and he's hard to understand sometimes, but he's still awesome in it IMO.

Fury Road is the best action film of the new millenium also because of the craft of the film. The stunts, vehicles, cinematography and visuals are all top notch. Story is a bit
Limp, it's a chase, but it excels at being a good movie about a simple chase.

It doesn't give a **** about whether your along for the ride or not. People that don't enjoy Fury Road probably don't enjoy the beach cause it's hot. If your not a fan of hot weather, don't go to the beach. Films like Fury Road are made to be a certain way, and lacking in substance is an argument that seems odd to me, because action films only need substance to attain to the action scenes (or a reason for the action events to be happening)

Fury Road achieves that, it earns its action scenes with a story that wouldn't carry much else than an apocalyptic road chase movie, which is what it is.

Roger Ebert gave Rob Zombies Devils Rejects ( a very divisive film with equal fans and haters) a 3 star rave review simply because he saw what the film was supposed to be, was trying to be, and in his view it succeeds. He may not have wanted to see it again, but he was able to see past his own personal preference to a broader perspective of what good cinema is, and what bad cinema is.

Sometimes you like a film not by personal preference but out of respect and admiration of the craft and final product the film is. If your a film buff, this is how you watch movies.

Not out of expectation.

But opinion and subjective thoughts are another topic. No one is ever wrong for disliking a film or thinking what they think. I've always believed however, the REASON you dislike the film says a lot about your opinions weight and how it should be considered.

Saying that Fury Road isn't appealing because it's a really a simple chase, is going ass backward to the reason your watching a film called Mad Max: Fury Road

Again, not saying anyone is wrong, but good perspective helps an opinion.