Nope's Movie Reviews

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Woody Allen is a pedophille
After Hours
(1985, Martin Scorsese)

To me, this film felt like a nightmare. and I mean that in the best way possible. You know that dream you have, when you're late for the bus, and no matter what you do you can't catch up, that's what this film felt like to me, and I loved it.

After Hours follows average office worker Paul Hackett after he struggles to find his way home during a very long ad crazy night. This film is defiantly the outlier of Martin Scorsese's works, and it was a very interesting stray from the normal. This movie was different to Scorsese's epics like Goodfellas, Casino, or The Wolf of Wall Street because it had a much more condensed story on a much smaller scale. During the entire film, the main character only had one true goal, to get home. Much like in a nightmare, no matter what Paul Hackett, did, something went wrong, and he ended up right back where he started.

One of my favorite things about the film was the very unique and interesting cast of characters. There were so many great characters, that I can't really pick a favorite. They all stood out so well, and were incredibly different. Some of the decisions made by the characters were illogical at times, but then again, I don't think this movie was logical at all. There were plenty of unanswered questions and unexplained actions, that it ends up working in the films favor. All of these confusing actions and events allow for the film to feel like a dream, and I think that was exactly what Scorsese was going for.

Another thing that was very effective in this film was the fast paced and at some points insane editing. This was especially evident in the beginning of the film, but also appeared constantly during the end. The film also had Cheech and Chong, what more could you want!

Overall this was a fantastic movie. The acting, directing, editing, and screenplay were all fantastic. This was a fun watch, and defiantly deserved to be praised as highly if not better than some or Scorsese's other works.

I wasn't much of a fan when I saw After Hours at the movies, but I was only 14. I watched it again for the first time since about 2 years ago and loved it. It's a fantastic dark comedy, and like you said, it has a brilliant array of characters.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Ace in the Hole
(1951, Billy Wilder)

Ace in the Hole stars Kirk Douglas as a journalist who capitalizes on the unfortunate state of a man trapped in a mineshaft. This film's message about corruption in journalism might have been one of the strongest morals I have seen in any film. If this movie came out today, I think it's message would be just as strong if not stronger. The word I would use to really describe this film would be gripping. Twenty minutes into this film and I couldn't turn it off. The characters were all fantastic, and Kirk Douglas gives possibly the best performance of his entire career. Jan Sterling is also fantastic as the wife of the man trapped in the cave. Her character was unlikable in every single way, and she was fantastic at playing one of the most despicable characters ever put to film.

Another thing I loved about this film was the pacing. Everything was set up in such a way that my heart was pounding during the incredible climax. Even during a simple conversation between two characters I was on the edge of my seat. My biggest and only complaint about the movie was the ending. I thought that it was far too anticlimactic and unrealistic. Something I thought was great about this film was that even though the main character was an absolute scumbag, I still liked him, and at some points, ever rooted for him.

Everything in this movie was just so well done. I haven't seen too many Billy Wilder films, but I want to go on a marathon after watching this. The only other Kirk Douglas film I have seen is Paths of Glory, but after this performance, he might be one of my favorite actors.

This film was fantastic, and it was only held back by a disappointing ending. Everything leading up to that point however was absolutely incredible, and I would recommend this film to pretty much everyone.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
(1958, Alfred Hitchcock)

I remember when I wrote my Rear Window review, I shamefully admitted that I had only seen three Hitchcock films. Oh how times have changed. Ten months ago, before I had ever even heard of Movie Forums, I probably thought I was a film snob when I watched a film from the 70s. Now, even though I am still one of the lesser prolific members on this site, I have vastly expanded my film library. As of today I have seen 9 Hitchcock films! My 10-month-younger self would be gasping with jealousy of my incredible film prowess. Joking aside, I watched Vertigo recently, and it was ok.

This film has been on the top of my watch list for over a year. I even bought it on Blu-Ray. Then I received the Alfred Hitchcock masterpiece collection (which included Vertigo), and I gave the Blu-Ray away to a friend. About 4 months after that I finally sat down and watched the damn thing. I started out very intrigued with a great opening sequence and title credits, but slowly the film caused me to lose interest. I don't know what it was. The film started out so strong, but then at a certain point, it just got kind of boring. The point I really started to lose interest was when a new (or half-new rather) character was introduced. I thought the love story was disconnected, and I never really cared about the main character.

I had heard many times that this film had a great twist ending, but to be honest, it didn't wow me too much. I won't spoil anything, but I could predict the twist from a mile away, and the presentation of it fell flat. I was very surprised when some people claimed this watch Hitch's magnum opus. I can't even compare this film to North by Northwest or Rear Window.

I know I've been saying all this bad stuff, but I didn't really hate the film, it just wasn't for me. There were many scenes I enjoy, and the first 40 minutes or so were very entertaining. If it's lucky, this film will probably wind up towards the bottom of my 50s list.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
I haven't seen Vertigo in many years. I have to watch it again for the 50's countdown.
That was the main reason I finally decided to watch it, as I said in my review though, it most likely won't make my cut. It will probably break the top 10 on the countdown though.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice
(2016, Zach Snyder)

What a hunk of garbage. The worst thing a movie can be is boring, and god damn is this movie unbearable. I saw this movie about three weeks ago, and I honestly can't remember a single scene besides that anti-climactic and somehow boring fight. Writing this review might be a challenge in itself.

I can't say that this movie disappointed me, because my expectations were far from high. After watching the train-wreck that was Man of Steel I knew this film would be a disaster. I'm trying to think of a starting off point of why I hated this movie, so I guess I'll start with the characters. When did Superman become an a••hole? Remember when Superman was fun? Watching Superman in this film honestly made me depressed. He hardly showed any emotion throughout the entire film besides one point in the very end. Batman wasn't terrible, but there wasn't enough cool billionaire Bruce Wayne. There was just grumpy Batman. Another large problem I had with the film was each characters lack of motivation. Why was Lex Luthor trying to destroy the world? Why does Superman hate Batman? None of it made any sense.

Superhero films used to make me happy. Spiderman 2, Superman: The Movie, and Iron Man still put a smile on my face, no matter how campy they are. At least there's no scene in the Spiderman trilogy where Peter Parker rips a sink out of the wall and viciously smashes his enemy over the head with it in a dark and depressing way that removes and fun and excitement from the scene.

I honestly blame Zach Snyder. I think Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and everyone else involved did a fine job, Zach Snyder just had to ruin all of it. This was more of a rant than a review, but until Aquaman, this is my least favorite superhero movie of all time.

I think that Batman V. Superman is, for better or for worst, the most interesting film-related topic at the moment. A more divisive blockbuster may have never been released before.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
I think that Batman V. Superman is, for better or for worst, the most interesting film-related topic at the moment. A more divisive blockbuster may have never been released before.
People said the same thing about Man of Steel. That film seems to be more universally hated though.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
I'll probably watch that on DVD, but as fast as I got into superhero movies, that's how fast I'm losing interest.
If you want a movie that will put you in a depressed mood, then watch it.

I just looked up Snyder, and the only movie I've actually seen from him is the Dawn of the Dead remake. I thought that was quite good, but of course that was a while ago now.

Whoever decided that Synder should direct the big DC films needs to be fired immediately. Divisive filmmakers shouldn't direct your tent pole films. Save him for your smaller movies.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Whoever decided that Synder should direct the big DC films needs to be fired immediately. Divisive filmmakers shouldn't direct your tent pole films. Save him for your smaller movies.
I agree, Snyder was trying to imitate Nolan and failed miserably. If you make a Batman v Superman movie, it can't be serious, it has to be fun! Snyder can make fun movies, but he can't make serious ones.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
After Hours is such a great under appreciated Scorsese film.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews