Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
No idea when I posted last, so I might end up posting a movie I've already mentioned. Please forgive me:

-The Sixth Sense - 10/10 - I think I did post this one before, but I'm still blown away by it. Even knowing the full plot going in, I still loved it, and Haley Joel Osment carried that film! Would love more films of equal awesomeness from Shyamalan!

-Sinister (2011) - 1/10 - My friend rented this movie for us to watch, thinking it was the 2012 version with the film footage. Nope. This one's about voodoo, was cheaply made, terrible acting, terrible plot and dialogue, DO NOT WATCH!

-Sharknado 3 - 2/10 - Why was there a third one?!? The acting was bad, as was the dialogue...and the story...and most of the jokes. Its only redeeming quality? It made me laugh a couple times. So that 2/10 is a very weak 2/10!

-Sinister (2011) - 1/10 - My friend rented this movie for us to watch, thinking it was the 2012 version with the film footage. Nope. This one's about voodoo, was cheaply made, terrible acting, terrible plot and dialogue, DO NOT WATCH!
you scare me out before reading the review I though you was talking about the 2012 Sinister.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

I have to return some videotapes...
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice -

Worse than Man of Steel. Absolute garbage.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

I saw two movies (without sound) but I saw them as they had subtitles, they were both comedy and they were nice to spend the 5-hour-drive.

I loved the black guys, they were hilarious with their musical numbers (I was still without listening though)

the new one with Adam Sandler, the little kid was hilarious, I enjoy every second of torture to his older brother. I love the part of the truck's driver real face, IT'S DARYL FROM TWD, my inner fangirl was screaming at that scene.

Master of My Domain
The Hateful Eight (Tarantino, 2016)

Sorry guys, I did not enjoy this film, as it made me feel genuinely disturbed throughout. Not because the violence was too much for me, but because the film does not deserve the right to show such a bloody mess.

I did admire some parts of it (especially the cinematography), so I'm gonna give a slightly higher rating than initially planned.

Letterboxd Profile: https://letterboxd.com/GatsbyG/

Greatest reviewer alive
The Hateful Eight
Sorry guys, I did not enjoy this film, as it made me feel genuinely disturbed throughout. Not because the violence was too much for me, but because the film does not deserve the right to show such a bloody mess.

I did admire some parts of it (especially the cinematography), so I'm gonna give a slightly higher rating than initially planned.



Whoever concocted such a story of this shape should be pumping out screenplays to Hollywood everyday! wonderfully acted, with each three performances, and just a horribly heartbreaking tale of a man going through monotony and vague psychological issues that don't appear to change even when the credits roll. In fact, it gets painfully worse in the final act. Better than Inside Out if you ask me.

Welcome to the human race...
Sorry guys, I did not enjoy this film, as it made me feel genuinely disturbed throughout. Not because the violence was too much for me, but because the film does not deserve the right to show such a bloody mess.
Why does it not deserve the right? Can you name some films that do?

Whoever concocted such a story of this shape should be pumping out screenplays to Hollywood everyday!
Would that it were so simple, but the quality would definitely suffer.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Sunset Blvd. (1950)


My second viewing in less than a year, and I wanted to try it again because the first time my wife was not into it, and sometimes that can affect my enjoyment.

I was loving the movie this viewing for most of it's running time. William Holden is one of my favorite old time actors, and Gloria Swanson was a lot of fun to watch. It took me a short time to warm up to Swanson's performance, as it seemed over the top. I then came to the realization that she's basically playing a character who is playing a character. Once I understood that, it wasn't an issue for me. My favorite character ended up being Max, the butler and other things. I also enjoyed the small role with Cecil B. DeMille playing himself. I thought there were a lot of great moments, but I soured on the movie in the last 20 minutes. While I can't say I have an exact issue with the ending, I can't exactly say I enjoyed it. The beginning makes it very predictable with how the movie plays out, and it left me wanting more. I also took a sudden and extreme dislike towards Holden's character. That's usually not a problem for me; many of my favorite characters are unlikable, but my feelings about him hurt the movie for me.

Master of My Domain
Why does it not deserve the right? Can you name some films that do?
All of Tarantino's filmography. Those films have violence that is justified and emphasized not too much, just a few bursts here and there for entertainment or tension. In The Hateful Eight, I felt like the gore and hateful attitude was there for the sake of being gory and hateful. It's basically the entire main attraction, and I did not enjoy it as much as I hoped.

All of Tarantino's filmography. Those films have violence that is justified and emphasized not too much, just a few bursts here and there for entertainment or tension. In The Hateful Eight, I felt like the gore and hateful attitude was there for the sake of being gory and hateful. It's basically the entire main attraction, and I did not enjoy it as much as I hoped.
Well it is called The Hateful Eight after all...

Master of My Domain
Well it is called The Hateful Eight after all...
Yeah, I kinda knew what I was going to get.

Finished here. It's been fun.
Andrei Rublev *

Second viewing, first time with the 3 1/2 hour cut. Cinema as an art-form rarely gets better than this, a stunning, bold examination of faith, human purpose, human savagery, and the necessity of art to elevate ourselves from the muck.

Apart From You

Very good film, another silent Naruse that's really effective emotionally. The strength of Naruse lies in his ability to create living, breathing characters. That's the case in almost every one his films. He's a superb filmmaker, one of the very best of the classical Japanese era.

Very rarely do I see a film that genuinely makes me feel uncomfortable and sick to my stomach. Angst managed to do that, depicting without flinching, the inner workings of a maniacal murderer as he goes about his sick deeds. It felt like I was watching something I shouldn't be seeing, similar to something like Henry:Portrait of a Serial Killer. I don't see myself ever revisiting this, but, yeah, it's good.

The Walk (2015)

Greatest reviewer alive

Tom Hardy anchors this piece better than anyone I can think of. Simple story, one night stand, one location, unrequited love, much better than I anticipated