Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Inside Out (2015)

Stellar Disney/Pixar animation triumph. All about (in case you haven't heard!) a pre-teen girl, Riley, whose life is changed when her family uproots her from the Mid-West to San Francisco. And we are shown her reactions mostly from the emotions inside her brain, with several side-trips outside with Riley's actions shown as her emotions try to deal with with what she may or may not do. The animation is excellent as usual with the Disney/Pixar team-ups and the voice work is awesome also. My two favorites were Bill Hader as "Fear" and Lewis Black as "Anger," who is constantly and literally blowing his top. Another notch in the belt of the two studios and deserving of its Best Animated Feature Film Oscar.

Angel and the Badman (1947)

Excellent and different Western, with John Wayne as a notorious gunman who is nursed to health by a beautiful Quaker (here called "Friends") woman, played by Gail Russell, along with her family. The attraction between the two is almost instant, but Wayne's character "Quirt Evans," resists as long as he can, with former rivals on the prowl, old friends tempting him to go back to his old ways, and a Marshall from the territory dogging his steps. Although it has its serious parts, the mood is mostly light from the comedy of seeing Wayne struggling to be nice all the time, and his irritation from his friends smirking at him doing things like holding a baby and using sticks instead of his gun on the bad guys. An excellent, almost-classic Wayne movie, with great support from Gail Russell who is so beautiful that you don't blame Wayne's character for being tempted by her. A must-watch if you like Wayne or Westerns even partly.

Spy (2015)

I was really looking forward to this flick with Melissa McCarthy, mainly due to the trailer, which indicated that she was a CIA desk-jockey who would be thrust into the field with comic results ensuing. Well, the plot is basically right, but the comic side is a bit off. There are some funny bits, but they mostly come from the supporting cast, not McCarthy. She plays it mostly straight, and where I wanted to see her stupidly do heroic things by accident, she doesn't. Just from sitting behind a desk, she totally knows how to do everything a spy would do. I get the intelligence part, but suddenly she's a fight expert, a weapons expert, can drive cars with the greatest of skill, etc. etc. I didn't expect total realism from this movie, but c'mon! Anyhow, Rose Byrne does a great job as a bitchy bad gal, Jason Statham is fun part of the time as a bumbling spy, and Miranda Hart is fun all of the time as McCarthy's best friend. I'm not going to totally trash this movie, but it's definitely not the best comedy I've seen from the past year.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Welcome to the human race...
Shaun the Sheep Movie -

Probably the first Aardman work I've watched since Chicken Run, and while it is well-made and charming, I'm not really seeing enough of the hype. I blame A Town Called Panic.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Deadpool : 8/10 , funny, well produced, a different Marvel

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

The Man Upstairs (1958)

Had never even heard of this prior to watching and even on IMDB this has only been rated by 93! Richard Attenborough gives an outstanding performance as Mr Watson, a tenant in an apartment block in England. Unable to sleep and in pain one night his temper boils over and a series of events take place that has him deemed mentally unstable. Gritty and with a claustraphobic, this low budget drama does rely heavily on Attenborough, almost becoming a character study but worth a watch for this alone.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Next Friday (2000) - 5.8/10
I watched the first movie Friday yesterday or the day before that and i liked it allot. This movie didnt get the expectations that i thought it will give me and was a bit dissapointed. I think if here was Smokey it would be much better. Overall again quite short but it wasnt that good soo it doesnt matter anyway, the acting was ok and the story not soo entertaining. Ill watch the third part Friday after next over the weekend i hope it wont dissapoint me like this. I wont reccomend this movie but if your bored or dont know what to watch give it a try.

I have to return some videotapes...
Batman Returns -

Really not that good.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

Prometheus (2012)

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Next Friday (2000) - 5.8/10
I watched the first movie Friday yesterday or the day before that and i liked it allot. This movie didnt get the expectations that i thought it will give me and was a bit dissapointed. I think if here was Smokey it would be much better. Overall again quite short but it wasnt that good soo it doesnt matter anyway, the acting was ok and the story not soo entertaining. Ill watch the third part Friday after next over the weekend i hope it wont dissapoint me like this. I wont reccomend this movie but if your bored or dont know what to watch give it a try.

Uh, hate to break it to you bud, but the "Friday" films are kind of a niche thing, and most people aren't going to find enjoyment out of any of them, let alone the two sequels. Honestly, I would suggest not even bothering with the third one if you didn't care for this one, it's basically the same thing.

These films really aren't designed for people who aren't in a particular state of mind at the time of viewing, if you catch my drift...

Anyway, as for myself.

Not as strong as "City of God", but a lot of fun and I enjoyed it, even after a few years it's still as entertaining as I remember.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Batman Returns -

Really not that good.
I'm agree!
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Never On Sunday - 8/10

This could have been one of the greatest movies ever. The female lead is excellent; the lead male is a dope. Homer, is fascinated with Greece, fancies himself as an amateur philosopher and meets a free-spirited prostitute. He tries to change her, going by the book, whether it's Aristotle or regular social mores. She believes in human nature, and being happy, though Homer says how the three great Greek philosophers thought it was happiness of the mind, stimulation, where she is more nature oriented.

The movie was very special to me, even though it had a few dull parts. I was in Greece, very close to Piraeus (Athens mostly) for 7 weeks. I've had a lot of family live there while migrating, and I still know how to write/read, I know a few words. It was nice seeing the Acropolis.

Homer wants to know how Greece was so amazing, and how did it become to this. There are other problems, like trying to have some rent-control, and logic and motives fall in, plays in perfectly in the movie.

I can't think of 5 funny movies, but this had some amazingly funny scenes at times (and a lot of stupid ones, thanks to Homer). He makes a deal, and he tells Illia to live "his" way for 2 weeks, and how wonderful it is. He replaces Greek music with Classical music, etc etc... The funniest part is when she's breaking everything while saying "Some like Mozart, though critics prefer Bach" - and other Western trivia. It's hilarious! Not laugh out loud, just great.

I'd also recommend going to Greece, or anywhere out of your comfort zone! You can learn, experience, and then go back to your comfort zone. Don't just watch a movie and imagine and dream, go do it! Go find the greatest prostitute on Earth

10 Cloverfield Lane

A very well-made movie, with competent acting and direction. Also, the inevitable ideological trappings, which is not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion (in fact, inevitable)

I loved how the film realizes the expend-ability of males and the immense value of females in post-apocalyptic situations.

Some will complain about the ending, others about the limited scope, but it's an overall compelling story, with some powerful scenes and excellent portrayals from John Goodman and Mary Elizabeth Winstead (who is quite attractive in the most girl-next-door kind of way)

I would love some more "Cloverfield"-style movies down the road (I loved the first one as well) Cancel Indy 5, and make 15 of these movies instead.


Edit: I am very satisfied with the quality of films in recent months. Star Wars VII, Deadpool, The Witch and now 10 Cloverfield Lane all remind me why I love film. Please Batman v Superman, don't spoil the streak.

I have to return some videotapes...
Edit: I am very happy with the quality of films in recent months. Star Wars VII, Deadpool, The Witch and now 10 Cloverfield Lane all remind me why I love film. Please Batman v Superman, don't spoil the streak.
Spoilers: It will.

Allegiant (2016)

Another cliched and boring young adult novel adaptation that had bad acting, dragged on for too long, and brought absolutely nothing new to the table of YA movies. Even the good actors (Shailene Woodley, Jeff Daniels) felt like they were phoning it in. Would not recommend.

That's what many keep saying, but in my opinion, without any basis in reality. Of course, sometimes movies stink from a mile away (Ghostbusters, Indy 5, POTC 5) but this is definitely not it.

Master of My Domain
Hello agree, I'm disagree!

Wanna be ambivalent together?
Shut up you two. I'm indifferent.
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