Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Ridiculous 6 (2015)

I thought I was gonna hate this movie. I surprisingly didn't. It is essentially a Western Parody. It is A LOT better than A Million Ways To Die In The West I'll tell ya that much right off the bat. Though there were many times when I rolled my eyes and there were many jokes I found not funny at all. It was also weird seeing Taylor Lautner in an Adam Sandler movie. There were a lot of jokes I did find funny though. This film has been criticized for some racist jokes towards Native Americans, but I literally didn't see or hear any at all. If I did I guess they weren't memorably offensive or weren't meant to be offensive so I didn't see them that way. If people were talking about all the characters that say redskin or saying an racial slurs towards Native Americans, that is unfortunately what the West was like back then and I don't see why you'd have to sugar coat any movie or tailor it to not offend everybody. White characters are shown saying the N word a lot in movies based back when the relationship between Whites and Blacks was very tense, yet nobody is offended then are they? Let me just put it this way, nobody sets out to make a offensive or bad movie and I'm sure Sandler and the rest of his team weren't trying to offend or belittle Native Americans. They were just trying to make a comedy, which Sandler hasn't been able to do good for 10 years. Though this whole 4 picture deal with Netflix that Happy Madison films made is not over yet so let's see what happens.

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Accottone - 8/10

Fine film. I think it can apply to all - the idea that all people are slaves/prostitutes. However, how you deal with it is can be a measure. Shows the brutal struggle of life without any sugarcoating. Stella was a character I fell in love with. At first, her beauty, and then the innocent virtue. I wish she would had a few more lines.

Pasolini is very economical - he doesn't milk a scene. When a guy jumps into the water, he won't spend 20 minutes wasting showing you his strokes, you understand, and moves on.

American Grindhouse (2010)


This documentary traces the history of Grindhouse/exploitation films with clips and interviews. There's not a whole lot of eye-opening information presented, but if you're a fan of these movies, it's good fun to watch.

Trouble with a capital "T"
In a Lonely Place (1950)


Like just about every noir I've seen, I can't say I was completely engrossed in this, although I didn't feel like it was a hardcore noir. It was still an outstanding watch with a good story. Bogart was just awesome playing a character who almost nobody would like in real life.
Awesome film and it won the Film Noir Hof.
We had some very diversified voting. All of the films were strong.

Coming in at 5th Place: Sunset Blvd...95 points....nominated by Neiba

4th Place: Laura...97 points....nominated by gbgoodies

3rd Place: Double Indemnity...111 points....nominated by Christine

2nd Place: The Third Man...114 points....nominated by Seanc
And the Winner is:
1st Place:

In A Lonely Place
...116 points....nominated by Sane

Congratulations to Sane.

And a big thank you! to everyone for participating.

[/size]Awesome film and it won the Film Noir Hof.[/size]
Thanks for that info, CR. I didn't join that HoF because I don't seem to fully appreciate noirs yet, but I've found out there's a whole lot of great ones.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
A group of elderly strangers take a chance on an internet promotion to leave their structured lives in Britain behind to enjoy an opulent hotel in India only to find themselves in a rundown, chaotic world of noise and colors.
All of them reacting in various levels from horror to intrigue to this new adventure in their old lives.
Admittedly, the very solid cast all perform in their respective comfort roles and the storyline is far from new; I still fell in love with this movie from the very introduction of each and every one of them to the very end.
It's a beautiful, life-affirming film and I never stopped smiling. A very charming film indeed.


Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Very artsy. Cold, brutal, lots of slow-mo, and some great use of different color skies. From the grey of fog to the bright orange of an inferno.
I've been VERY curious about this film since I stumbled across the trailer on youtube.
Definitely need to track this one down and see it.
Thanks gun for reminding me about this one

Despicable me (2010)

It's an animation movie focused on a villian! it's great lovely heartwarming and very funny, that guy's accent though, I'm from bulgaria and russia is our mother and that sounded exactly what a russian person talking english would sound like! ahaha

Anyway it's a great movie, I'd re-watch it a thousand of times 8.5/10
.Royal purple is noblest shroud.
Theodora Empress of the Byzantine Empire

Welcome to the human race...
Calamity Jane -

Extremely passable fluff that starts off okay but doesn't end so well. Didn't help that the Deadwood version of the eponymous character left such a strong impression on me.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

12 Years A Slave (2013)

Rewatch. It is so weird seeing Cumberbatch and Fassbender with Southern Accents. I think if I didn't know they were British it would of worked for me more, but their accents weren't horrible or anything they were serviceable. The cast alone is great. You got the likes of as I said before Cumberbatch, Fassbender and also Chiwetel. Also having Paul Dano and Brad Pitt doesn't hurt either. This movie is a hard watch though. Most of the movie is like a racist's wet dream.

Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer (1992)


I haven't seen Monster and I was in a fog when this was news, so this was my first look at this case. It makes great theater and I wouldn't expect anything less out of Florida. The main story is interesting enough, but then you've got Aileen lashing out at judges, "may your wife and children get raped in the ass", she's got a deadhead attorney, and then a wacko lady who adopts her. Aileen claims that out of the seven men she killed, two raped her and the other five attempted to. I believe her. The problem is that she continued to put herself into bad situations that resulted in death, without ever contacting authorities as a victim would. I can't go to a bad neighborhood at 2am every night, sit on a stoop, flash some cash, and blow people away who try to mug me over and over again. I don't believe she was a serial killer; I think she was more of a vigilante. Maybe those can be the same thing, I don't know, but I did have sympathy for her. It's just too bad that this girl ended up on the path that she did. This documentary has a lower production value, but I think it suited the case very well. I was only going to watch one Aileen Wournos documentary with the time I have left before lists are due, but I'm thirsty for another one. I'm being conservative with my rating because this is not an original, creative movie, but I loved it.

I'm really pleased to see you liked it. Maybe more than you think. I think you'll like the follow up documentary and I hope you watch it even if it's not in time for the countdown.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I'm really pleased to see you liked it. Maybe more than you think. I think you'll like the follow up documentary and I hope you watch it even if it's not in time for the countdown.
I'm definitely watching it, probably in the morning.

The Hangover (2009) - Todd Phillips

- This movie is totally hilarious and it's one of my favorite comedy of the 2000's. Every actor and every character are highly enjoyable to watch and the storyline is so awesome that it make the movie highly entertaining. I love many scenes and I cry laughing at one time in the movie. One of the best rewatch in recent memories.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

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The Edukators - 9/10

I saw this the first on Sundance a few months after it was released in 2004, and probably saw it again a year after, but hadn't seen it since. It was my #1 back then (I always rank my passion).....Still great.

Young leftists against talk, and take action. But their method is very different from anything else in history. A story you've never seen before. Don't wanna say much about it. Besides the social and political stuff, there's a lot of internal questions, and among the group.

Is it really idealism or is it self-interest? Very objective movie. You hear both sides, and they both compelling.

Personally, I don't care what someone calls themselves. It's the actions that matter.