Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Jerry Maguire (1996) - Cameron Crowe

I'd seen this a couple of times before but went in with pretty low expectations due to changes in my taste in film. As it turned out, with the exception of a couple of things, I really enjoyed it. Those couple of things are the terrible performance by Cruise and those horribly cheesy lines at the end.

Crowe seems like an interesting director as he seems to struggle between being a pure mainstream director and an indie filmmaker. His writing is mostly very good and there are some great lines here but like some of his other films he slips into crowd-pleading sentimentality. Overall I like him and this is one of his better films.

Apart from the script, what makes this enjoyable are the support characters. Personally I find that to be unusual in modern Hollywood films as so often the support characters are shallow or simply plot devices but here they steal the show. Cuba Gooding Jr is great and puts in one of the best support performances in a Hollywood film in the last thirty years. Most of his family feel like real people - as do Rene Zellweiger's character's friends and family.

It lost points thanks to the close ups of Cruise with tears in his eyes and the cheesy lines but overall it's lots of fun.


Welcome to the human race...
Unforgiven -

You could make a drinking game where you do a shot every time someone makes a reference to the fact that Eastwood's character "ain't like that anymore".
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Unforgiven -

You could make a drinking game where you do a shot every time someone makes a reference to the fact that Eastwood's character "ain't like that anymore".
I'd like to play, but I ain't like that anymore.

The Honeymoon Killers (1969)

...a brilliant satire as well as the most bizarre love story, a unique experience...
Embraces a neo-realistic documentary style of filmmaking so successfully that the movie feels like it's actually happening.
Absolutely essential viewing for any film fan!

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

The Big Sky (1952)


Set in the 1830's, a rag-tag group of fur traders seek to return an Indian woman to her tribe, in order to curry favor and land a sweet deal. This movie is on the top 100 Westerns list, but I will think of it as more of an adventure film.

This movie is 140 minutes long, and about 20 minutes of that appears to be added scenes. These 20 minutes are of lesser quality both visually and aurally. There is some story behind this, and I remember Mark touching on it in a recent post. It is very noticeable, and throws off the continuity a little, but I wouldn't hold it against the movie.

Kirk Douglas is very good in the lead, but this is not a one man show. There are several terrific performances and stand out characters in this movie. There is one great scene after another, and I had a lot of fun watching it.

This was the 6th Howard Hawks' film I have seen, all very good, and this is how I would rank them-

1. The Big Sky
2. Red River
3. The Big Sleep
4. El Dorado
5. Rio Bravo
6. His Girl Friday

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006) - Larry Charles

This is a somewhat hit and miss collection of scenes but the hits are great. The social commentary parts are often pretty one-sided and can be kind of annoying but when judged simply as a comedy, it is often very funny.

Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) - Matthew Vaughn

- No high expectation are always awesome stuff! I don't know why but when I don't feel a movie I aways find it very good after watching it... Colin Firth is badass and he totally steal the show in that spy flick. I'd rather watch that movie than any James Bond I've seen. Samuel L. Jackson is hilarious ad the vilain and the church scene is one of the greatest I've seen recently with that Free Bird soundtrack . Some hilarious scenes when the whole world start fighting . I really appreciate it and the ending is very nice.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Fright Night (1985)

A movie that is not a straight up horror comedy, but oh my God does it entertain you! It makes you laugh, smile and feel terrified, but most importantly, it's so much fun to watch. I understand all the love this movie gets, because yes this was my first time watching it... finally! And I'm glad I did...


The Green Inferno (2013)


Eli Roth does his take on Cannibal Holocaust with mixed results. I'm a Roth fan, but this is a weak movie for him. It's idiotic and not very good, but it has it's share of sick, tasteless moments. A guilty pleasure for someone like me, but I would not recommend it.

Fright Night (1985)

A movie that is not a straight up horror comedy, but oh my God does it entertain you! It makes you laugh, smile and feel terrified, but most importantly, it's so much fun to watch. I understand all the love this movie gets, because yes this was my first time watching it... finally! And I'm glad I did...

It's ok, but I've always thought it was liked a lot more Stateside than it was here.

It's ok, but I've always thought it was liked a lot more Stateside than it was here.
I don't know where it is liked the most, but I know it's a well-respected and generally highly regarded film in the genre.

Actually, I wasn't a fan of it to begin with, the start was slow and confused and I didn't care for characters or anything. But thankfully it picked up after about 30-40 minutes and kept getting better.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Escape from LA

reaches a Verhoeven level of satirical craziness. absurd, surreal, demented, and hilarious in equal measure. make no mistake - this is one of Carpenter's very best.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

The 100 Year Old Man That Jumped Out A Window and Disappeared (Sweden)
Utterly, utterly, utterly - did I mention: Utterly? Utterly delightful.

(MULTIPLE REWATCHES) Murder By Death (1976)
+++ silly, nutty spoof of old time mysteries. Always a fun watch for me

put it on for halloween