Rate The Last Movie You Saw


That was my complaint about Mad Max Fury Road
Ha-ha-ha, funny, CR.

Fury Road had many cuts (like any other action film except like 10% of them), but it was well-planned and well-timed. It had a flow. Tak3n was just choppy and headache-inducing...

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
The Petrified Forest - 7/10

I think Leslie Howard's bad performance (on a fine role) gave Bogart so much attention. Not that it's one of Bogart's best performances, but he's very anti-elitist, while Howard is a snob with the non-realistic performance, concentrating more on enunciation, endless soliloquies with every line. I don't think Bette Davis was any good, too dramatic. Joseph Sawyer plays the same exact role he did with Bogart in the film Bullets over Ballots, even Gramps plays the exact role as Gramps in "The Grapes of Wrath" - the pre-Brando era.

The movie has a lot of good themes, most importantly, the purpose of life. The relationships between all the characters is interesting, but for the film is too short (1hr 25m) and they only dab a light brush on the situations and dialogue.

This film was done in 1936, and it's nice to compare context, language, even the attitudes. Consider it was during The Great Depression, too. Even the anti-hero is revered. It bothers me hearing endless reviews of "Bonnie and Clyde" pretending it was a genre in of itself, but every reviewer, basically anyone in the business wants to pretend that NOW is the most important time. Cagney and Bogart were the first real anti-heroes, and there's noticeable bitterness towards the bourgeois, and they always seem to remove the mask, and even satirize the phony mores and social hypocrisy.

Bogart's non-verbal skills appear very well, and as usual, he has a good sense of humor.

This film was just on TCM, maybe it's still On-Demand.


Not as bad as I thought it would be, judging by most peoples reviews they panned the heck out of this movie. I took it for what it was, a light hearted childrens movie. Again I am not too sure why everyone says "another Adam Sandler stuff up" honestly would you rather him still doing 90's comedies like Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore. I mean I will admit he does some trash like Jack and Jill and That's my boy however it would get so stale if he continued to do his old comedy style. Peter Dinklage was really the stand out though he lines were funny as well as his ego. The concept of the movie was ridiculous but for a kids movie it was all about the visual effects which I though were pretty good. Overall I did not think this was that bad of a movie.

2.5/5 Stars
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

Finished here. It's been fun.

Electra, My Love

i'm a tasteless philistine.

Finished here. It's been fun.

The Last Laugh

A great film undone by a horrible ending; loses half a star for that.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The Petrified Forest - 7/10

I think Leslie Howard's bad performance (on a fine role) gave Bogart so much attention. Not that it's one of Bogart's best performances, but he's very anti-elitist, while Howard is a snob with the non-realistic performance, concentrating more on enunciation, endless soliloquies with every line.
At least you should be thankful to Howard for demanding that Bogie be cast in the movie. They were both in the Broadway play, but when WB went to make the film, they wanted Edward G. Robinson, but Leslie said no. The movie was definitely the most-influential in getting Bogie better roles and eventually turning him into a star. Howard and Bogart re-teamed the next year in the screwball comedy Stand-In.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
At least you should be thankful to Howard for demanding that Bogie be cast in the movie. They were both in the Broadway play, but when WB went to make the film, they wanted Edward G. Robinson, but Leslie said no. The movie was definitely the most-influential in getting Bogie better roles and eventually turning him into a star. Howard and Bogart re-teamed the next year in the screwball comedy Stand-In.
Very true... Robert Osbourne pointed it out before the film started. Very admirable; he recognized talent.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Well I took a trip out of my normal comfort zone recently with some quite remarkable and surprising results


Year of release

Directed by
Peter Jackson

Timothy Balme
Diana Penalver
Elizabeth Moody
Ian Watkin
Brenda Kendall
Stuart Devenie

(aka Dead Alive)


What a rather joyous exercise in bad taste. And that really isn't something I was expecting to say about this film. After all I'm probably just about as far from a gore-hound as you will get on these forums. And I can say very confidently that this is indeed the bloodiest and goriest film I've ever seen. Hell the famous (infamous?) lawnmower scene alone probably produced more blood and guts than I've ever been exposed to. And I'll admit there were a few instances that made me feel the urge to vomit. However for every one of those moments there were probably about 10 moments that I just delighted in; moments that made me laugh uproariously or just gape in disbelief.

In its own perverse way this is almost as impressive a piece of filmmaking as the Lord of the Rings trilogy with which Jackson became a household name. Make no mistake, the Rings films are substantially better in every single aspect; but they had hundreds of millions of dollars to achieve that. Braindead was made for just $3 million and what it was able to achieve on such a tight budget is at times quite incredible. The majority of the practical effects are fantastic, but even when they're not it doesn't really matter because Jackson utilises them with such incredible creativity. Some of the twisted and inventive ideas that Jackson comes up with are amazing; who'd have thought they were so many ways to brutalise and eviscerate the human body? I would list some of my favourites but there were just so many countless examples that trying to remember them all has put my brain into overload. Eh let's see; the nurse with a head like a pez dispenser was great, the arm bursting through the mouth of a screaming woman, the zombie turned into a unique lamp, uncle Les with his detached spine and on and on and on .

So yes the film is extraordinarily violent but its done in such a lurid, over-the-top fashion that it almost moves into the territory of a demented cartoon. It's kind of like a Looney Tunes cartoon if it was extended to 90 minutes and had been directed by George A. Romero. Jackson just never rests on his laurels even for a split second. It seems like he's attempting to insert a touch of madness into every single frame. I loved some of the little random, throwaway touches in terms of moments or characters; the Nazi veterenarian, the kung fu priest, the pile of intenstines preening in front of a mirror, the pram garnished with barb wire etc.

While the films are a million miles apart in terms of material and tone, there is actually a trait that this film shares with the next film on Jackson's CV, Heavenly Creatures; both films occur in small-town New Zealand of the 1950s. That film detailed the true story of a crime that shocked the genteel, peaceful nature of the country. And Braindead does similar, ripping apart the quaint tweeness of the era; even using symbols of the time a part of its violent make-up such as the Archers radio show or a ceramic bird wall decoration.

In amongst all the gushings of blood and spewing of guts there are actually actors to be found, though they are frequently obscured by all the aforemenionted blood and guts. Now with a film like this you're never expecting performances of any great ability, and some are a bit rocky. Considering the material however some of the performances were actually pretty good. Timothy Balme in particular I found to be very likeable as Lionel Cosgrove, the man who death surrounds. And his romance with the uber-persistent Paquita is strangely sweet.

In truth I'm slightly disappointed at myself for enjoying this film so damn much. I thought I was above such low-brow, tasteless material. I thought I was above such type of films. But it turns out that I'm just as sick and depraved as the rest of you. So really I'm just the same as Swan. Now there's a sobering thought!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Very true... Robert Osbourne pointed it out before the film started. Very admirable; he recognized talent.
I'm glad to see someone watch The Petrified Forest, I always liked that film. It's staged like a filmed play so I think the performances were in tune with the dramatic theatrical style of stage acting.

I liked the concept of the film and what Leslie Howard's character thought and did, very lofty ideas. It was also interesting as that was not the usual character Bette Davis played, she's kind of a wide eyed dreamer. Not trying to change your mind or anything

So really I'm just the same as Swan. Now there's a sobering thought!
Uh oh, JayDee. Turn back while there's still hope for you.

Jurassic World (2015)
Yaaay! Makes me think I'm not crazy for giving it the same rating upon my own 2nd viewing!

But again, then I look at the text below your avatar and don't know if that's a good thing.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Suffragette (2015)

Thoughtful, intelligent and moving film. It successfully avoided most of the traps it could have fallen into, it wasn't glossy or overwrought or over simplified in terms of the characters and the morality of their actions. It focuses on a working woman and the reality of her life, and shows very well how she becomes drawn into the Suffragette struggle. Carey Mulligan was excellent as the lead character who carries the whole film, she's in virtually every scene. My only criticism would be the camera work in the crowd/riot scenes - I get that it's supposed to show urgency and disorientation but it's more unfocused than it needs to be. Well worth seeing.

Yaaay! Makes me think I'm not crazy for giving it the same rating upon my own 2nd viewing!

But again, then I look at the text below your avatar and don't know if that's a good thing.
Awful movie.

Even though it was a commercial excercise for Fed-ex I enjoyed the story immensly.

Love the ending with Hanks standing at the crossroads wondering which road to take.