Would you be friends with frank? [picture included]


Okay. Just as a random post I wanted to know if you guys like the pic below. It's a picture of my friend, except it's a "little" edited. I know it's a random thing with no point but i'm bored. I'm not trying to "defame" him in anyway cause that's not his real picture. Also, do you think it looks too fake, cause i gotta work a little more on the editing stuff.
His Edited Picture:
i © new jersey

"I need more sex, OK? Before I die I wanna taste everyone in the world."
-Angelina Jolie

What exactly is this? And is that a pic of you?
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by ks0616
Okay. There's this guy called Frank. His real name is Francis. He's a bit of a loser, but that's okay, we all are. Anyway, I just to see how many people would actually be willing to date him. I'm not trying to find him a girlfriend and/or boyfriend but just outta curiosty. He says that he can get as many girls as he wants by his side, I'm out here to prove him wrong. Please feel free to severely criticize him and his face. He's really smart, but to an extent that incredibly annoying. Please help us to once prove his "all-knowing" mind wrong.
His Picture:

.. feel free to gag.

I'll gag all right, at the fact that some chump really took the time to defame someone like this. However much of a loser you think this guy is, you're 10 times worse.

Stay off the boards assclown.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Originally Posted by Sedai
I'll gag all right, at the fact that some chump really took the time to defame someone like this. However much of a loser you think this guy is, you're 10 times worse.

Stay off the boards assclown.
it's like an inside joke. we're best friends. we always "defame" each other. I'll reword my post if you want me to cause i'm not trying to defame him in anyway. He's actually a pretty cool guy, i just edited his picture a little for a little pozaz.

Originally Posted by ks0616
it's like an inside joke. we're best friends. we always "defame" each other. I'll reword my post if you want me to cause i'm not trying to defame him in anyway. He's actually a pretty cool guy, i just edited his picture a little for a little pozaz.
And there in lies the problem… an inside joke is normally only funny to those who are in on the joke… but thanks for the clarification…

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
And there in lies the problem… an inside joke is normally only funny to those who are in on the joke… but thanks for the clarification…
i apologize for any misunderstandings but i still worded the post so it wouldn't seem so cruel.

If this is the edited version of the picture, what does frank really look like?, what or who is he trying to strangle?
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Originally Posted by nebbit
If this is the edited version of the picture, what does frank really look like?, what or who is he trying to strangle?
Hes trying to strangle a dude named Stephan.

Originally Posted by James_Bond
Hes trying to strangle a dude named Stephan .
that's not very nice!

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by James_Bond
Hes trying to strangle a dude named Stephan.
Once again inside jokes don't really work on here unless we know who your talking about. Although it seems very funny
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!