Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Anvil: The Story of Anvil

Incredibly touching story about cherishing the little things, not losing sight of hope even when it seems to have left the door, and rockin' for the sake of rockin'.


Welcome to the human race...
The Warriors -

WARNING: "The Warriors" spoilers below
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.

Fist of Legend (1994)
Watched again last night on Netflix. First-class fighting action w Jet Li. Traditional Chinese vs Japanese someone-killed-my-master story. One of the most enjoyable from Jet Li that I've seen. Very solid kung-fu classic.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) -

- mainstream
- blockbuster
- action film
- great film

WTF!? The three first should exclude the last one, but somehow the movie is all four of these!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Netflix had a behind the scenes doc. It was better than the movie and the show.
I plan to watch this too when I'm done with the series.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Fort Apache

Probably the best Ford I've seen so far this week. It's generally great in every category of filmmaking, but it's the themes that really make this film great. The ending really reminded me of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, due to the idea that legend precedes actual truth. Sometimes one has to lie in order to preserve the dignity of others. I did think the Philadelphia subplot was rather superfluous in the grand scheme of things. I was bored during some sections, but that's a rather minor qualm. I think I'll like this one even more when revisiting it in the future.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Playtime (1967)

This looks great, and some parts raised a smile, but it wasn't exactly the life-changing experience the glowing reviews in the 60s thread suggested. This film reminded me of those picture books where you have to spot things, like Where's Wally/ Where's Waldo, with lots of different incidental details. The best part was the posters advertising all the different destinations, but all have the exact same grey building with the famous landmarks squeezed into the picture in the background. Two hours of it was a little wearing, however, and I just don't think I got all the jokes.

A tentative

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: 10/10 - An amazing continuation of the LOTR trilogy! Just as awesome as FOTR!

I Lived, But ... (1983) - Kazuo Inoue
Fantastic documentary for anyone who appreciates Ozu. Really goes in depth into his life and his writing and movie making processes and includes short interviews with many Ozu regulars like Chishu Ryu and Haruko Sugimura. Many of the insights are quite fascinating including the fact that his scripts didn't just include lines to be read - they explained how they were to be read ... word by word. Also stories of him spending half a day rearranging bowls on a table to get his shot to look just right or moving a painting a quarter of an inch over and over between shots until it was perfect. The documentary shows what made him such a great director ... But also why he died relatively young sadly. Only negative was no Setsuko Hara but that wasn't the directors fault.

Summer Clouds (1958) - Mikio Naruse
Naruse's first colour film is quite a meandering affair - in fact at times it almost meandered too much but thankfully the good cast, including Chikage Awashima and Haruko Sigumura, were able to get it back on track. It covers pretty standard themes for the time, changing families against the backdrop of a changing society, and whilst it does a good job I thought it was perhaps slightly on the weaker side of Naruse's filmography. Still worth seeing though.

Calcutta (1969) - Louis Malle
This was my 9th Malle film and the first of his documentaries I think. I've generally enjoyed his films and that was the case here - although "enjoyed" is probably not quite the right word. This is a documentary, as the name would suggest, about Calcutta (or Kolkata as it is now known) and it really shows a city of massive contrasts with much of the great British architecture still in place whilst many of the residents live in squalor. There is little in the way of narration so Malle gets his point across mostly with images. Some of it is quite hard to watch and I felt like a bit more narration could have given it more focus but overall it was quite interesting.


Hey guys, I'm back! Not that any of you remembers me probably, but yeah, I'm back.
Last two movies I have watched:

Turbo Kid, 2015, by Three Different Guys
Cool little movie which I would have adored if I was 10 (and my parents would have let me watch it, which they wouldn't have because of the huge amount of juicy gore it has). Don't take it as a flaw
though, I mean it in the best possible way! It's fun and has everything a kid would love. An over top evil evil guy, a clumsy hero, a funny girl with bright eyes, corny one liners, cool bikes,
cool gadgets that go PEW PEW and make people explode into pieces. The female main character would have probably been my first crush (ok, maybe after the Empress in the Neverending Story).
There is also a truly, truly beautiful shot in which our two heroes romantically interact under a bloody rain.
The story level is "story? HA!", being just a generic Mad Max-like post apocalyptic wasteland, but who cares. Again, a cool, cool little movie.

Midnight in Paris, 2001, Woody Allen
Woody, Woody. Movies with rich people being rich and jerking off at how much they know about art and literature and life in general. And still, I love (most of ) his movies. I guess it's the great,
delicate way in which he treats his characters. This movie even managed to make me like Owen Wilson! I only wish that the last sequence, the talk in the rain, would have lasted longer. It
had soooo much potential! God it reminded me of the absolutely perfect endings of Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. Blah. But I guess Allen made it that way to compensate for how super talkative all the characters are throughout the rest of the movie. I wish I knew more about
art and literature though, I think I would have appreciated this movie even more. I really liked the way Hemingway was portrayed, but who knows if it was truthful!

PS just a friendly reminder to please not judge my english since I am not a native speaker!
Cinema Italiano.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

The Longest Day (1962)
Haven't seen this since I was a teenager. Should have done a rewatch before the 60's list, would have been very high on my list.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
++ VERY surprised by this, they did a really good job on it.

Welcome to the human race...
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence -

Well, I didn't hate it. Like its predecessor, it's going to take a while to process. I am unsure whether or not the deliberate blending of CG animation and line-drawing animation works all that well in the film's favour.

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) -

- mainstream
- blockbuster
- action film
- great film

WTF!? The three first should exclude the last one, but somehow the movie is all four of these!
Gave it the same score. Great movie.