Rate The Last Movie You Saw


White Bird in a Blizzard (2014)
- All I have to say is.......holy ****. This movie WAS NOT what i expected it to be at all. This movie was surprisingly enjoyable and if you've seen it you might have an idea why I was shocked by it. Shailene surprisingly was very good in this and Christopher Meloni is great like he always is.This movie was great just because it was so unpredictable and the acting was pretty good all around as well.

If you have not seen this movie i highly recommend it if you like Mysteries, or indie movies in general
WARNING: "" spoilers below
Or if you wanna see Shailene Woodley naked....there are plenty of those scenes.
but just letting you know whatever expectations you have for the movie going in....you're completely wrong.

Master of My Domain

This is Spinal Tap

Really clever and well-written mockumentary, but it's unfortunately lacking in laughs. I chuckled a few times, but throughout most of its' runtime I just felt rather ambivalent. It's clearly a good film, but I went in expecting something that is both good and hilarious like Blazing Saddles.

I'm with you Lucas, Spinal Tap is simply not funny, regardless of how good everything else is.

Taking a break from Japanese flicks, eh?
Actually I got into thrillers, (got back into thrillers would be more perfect) every now and then I do that...I love thrillers
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy

The Imitation Game (2014) - Morten Tyldum

It was very absorbing. Was glued to the screen from start to finish...very inspiring stuff too. It gave me a feeling of deja vu though...same colours, tones, hues, acting styles, same editing patterns, camera angels or movements...they just all seemed 'seen' somewhat...like all the information of moviemaking (of a particular, trusted type of course) had gone into a trusted machine and everything came out just perfect...how could anything go wrong (or different)?

8 out of 10

That's pretty much how I felt about it. It's good, well made, but I'd seen it hundreds of times without ever having seen it before. For one of the "best films of the year" to be that ordinary was quite a statement, I thought.

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Shoeshine - 9/10

Amazing film. Children losing their innocence, also children who are sometimes innocent in certain acts, but get convicted in the eyes of whoever. The harsh realities of life, and such a great script, great acting by the kids. Again, don't wanna say too much to give anything away. You'll know what I mean when you see it.

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L'Avventura - 3/10 - Brought to you by the director who crapped out "Blow-Up" - blew it right out of his a$$. This film was absurd. 2 and a half hours of nothing. I believe silence can tell a lot, and though there's plenty of talking, nothing is being said. Most of the Italian films I've seen are very great, but this was horrible.

Afterwards, I listened to the first few minutes of the commentary, and at the first viewing, I guess everyone booed it. Antonioni could then say, "Oh, nothing like this has been done before" as a defense, or throw the overused word "art" to give an explanation of something that isn't good.

And to an earlier discussion, for 1960, this shows a lot of leg. Even though I love long hair on women, the short-haired girls are very, very beautiful. A few times you see the beautiful women nude, but not showing anything. Lots of ridiculous kissing, maybe this was made for hip 11-year olds, I don't know..

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Day of Wrath - 6/10

The movie starts out really good, but the last half wasn't as good. It's a movie about a suspected witch and possible inheritors.

I couldn't imagine this movie being in color, takes away the scary depth.

El Topo (1970) - Alejandro Jodorowsky (Mexican Western)
I'm not great with surreal movies. I usually need to find some meaning in a film (whether it's what the director intended or not) and with films like this I often struggle. The issue seems to be with religious imagery is I have little understanding of its inspiration. To me the bible was about some bearded guy making stuff for 6 days, then he had a break, then it rained a lot and then everyone ate Easter eggs. That's my ignorance - not the movies fault.

Having said that I still found myself fascinated by the images and I also found myself really thinking about how Jodorowsky makes movies and his use of people of all different shapes and sizes. I was wondering if he is really exploiting people ... and then I thought maybe that's what he wants me to think and that's me creating those issues in my head.

So, I ended up really enjoying this even though I had little idea of what Jodowsky was getting at. The key to whether I like a movie or not is whether it makes me think and feel - this definitely made me think,

El Topo (1970) - Alejandro Jodorowsky (Mexican Western)
I'm not great with surreal movies. I usually need to find some meaning in a film (whether it's what the director intended or not) and with films like this I often struggle. The issue seems to be with religious imagery is I have little understanding of its inspiration. To me the bible was about some bearded guy making stuff for 6 days, then he had a break, then it rained a lot and then everyone ate Easter eggs. That's my ignorance - not the movies fault.

Having said that I still found myself fascinated by the images and I also found myself really thinking about how Jodorowsky makes movies and his use of people of all different shapes and sizes. I was wondering if he is really exploiting people ... and then I thought maybe that's what he wants me to think and that's me creating those issues in my head.

So, I ended up really enjoying this even though I had little idea of what Jodowsky was getting at. The key to whether I like a movie or not is whether it makes me think and feel - this definitely made me think,

I love Jodorowsky films.. have you seen "Holy Mountain" or "Santa Sangre" yet?

I think "El Topo" is my favorite of them..

I love Jodorowsky films.. have you seen "Holy Mountain" or "Santa Sangre" yet?

I think "El Topo" is my favorite of them..
Only Fando & Lis which I rated
+. Will possibly watch Santa Sangre today.

Master of My Domain
The Naked Island (1960)

I watched for the 60s list. Having no dialogue was really effective in the film because the atmosphere created, especially revolving around the island can sink in perfectly. The story is simple, straightforward but loses itself a bit trying to be both minimalist and a Kurosawa-like drama. Overall, it has a few flaws but great film methinks.


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Victory At Sea - The Feature Film

This was called the Victory At Sea Feature Film.

It condensed 13 hours of World War Two footage into 90 minutes.

It was a great recap of the original series.

The films were great, it was logically organized.

It had the great scores from the Broadway composer Richard Rodgers.

It also had Alexander Scourby an actor from theatre and films as the narrator. With his acting background, his narration was excellent.

For making an excellent recap of the great series Victory At Sea, as well as great music and narration, I would give this one a 10!

Very enjoyable !

The Rundown (2003) - Peter Berg (American Action)
Dwayne Johnson and Sean William Scott punch and kick their way out of the Amazon jungle. There are very few words in that sentence that made me think this would be anything but a crapfest ... but it was surprisingly entertaining. Ridiculous but entertaining. I'm a fan of Berg due to Friday Night Lights (the TV show - not so much the movie) but I've been a little disappointed with his films - this however is worth wasting 100 minutes on.


Brimming with rififi!

Beginning in Yojimbo, Sanjuro staunchly positioned himself as one of cinema’s most enigmatic, adrenaline-charged characters. Sanjuro is brilliantly paced and rife with thrilling action. This film has one of the most chilling, gory deaths of its decade and preceding decades I have ever seen. Kurosawa, as expected, exemplifies a command of action and a knack for propelling the story through emotional scenes of dialogue and elevated performances.