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The greatest review I ever read.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Weekend (1967)

It got to where I wanted the story to progress,
Well, the director didn't want that may be...is it sometimes better to try and see why the director might/ might not have wanted something, to find out what his intention was in not progressing with the story? I get the point that Weekend itself might have made that expectation in the viewer that the story might progress...but isn't that always the case with Godard...in many of all his films the protagonist while going through a terrible moment of crisis (committing murder may be) is seen enjoying a conversation in a restaurant about some German musician of the 17th century with two unknown strangers... for 15 minutes.
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy

Weekend (1967)

The movie then starts to get political, and it became a bit of a mess for me.

The movie Weekend didn't start to get political from a particular point...it has been political from the beginning (all movies for that matter)...in fact the point that you wrote about the film had made before getting into "political...mess" is also very political. Quoting you "The point seemed to be people's lack of empathy towards other's suffering"...Godard always had this direct tone of addressing...may be he wanted to "mess" it up

all films are political, Godard's more so...

I delved deeper into classical Bollywood films last night. It was a solid 8/10 until the 3rd hour, when it sunk to a 6/10 for me. Due to the fact that it's ****ing 3 1/2 hours long...

Ain't nobody got time for that.
What film was this?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Not currently on fire...

The Big Racket - damn this was grim and violent. Was rejected by the BBFC on its initial release in the 1970s, even now only available in the UK with cuts. I just got the US release, apparently Americans are better adjusted and can watch this film uncut without problems. I have killed three people since watching it, but otherwise all is good.

Excellent atmosphere and action scenes are always a Castellari highlight, but at least in the English dub the criminal protection gang sounded too generic and implausible in their goals to be realistic.

@MondoEsoterica - an insight into my world of seriously obscure cinema.

Well, the director didn't want that may be...is it sometimes better to try and see why the director might/ might not have wanted something, to find out what his intention was in not progressing with the story? I get the point that Weekend itself might have made that expectation in the viewer that the story might progress...but isn't that always the case with Godard...in many of all his films the protagonist while going through a terrible moment of crisis (committing murder may be) is seen enjoying a conversation in a restaurant about some German musician of the 17th century with two unknown strangers... for 15 minutes.
That's true; it is sometimes better, and I expect this in his films. I didn't expect anything different in this one, but it wasn't enough for me here.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Inherent Vice

Rarely do I stumble upon a film where I have no idea if I liked it or not. PTA's oddest and surprisingly most challenging film and a unique direction to take after The Master (which I loved). The effect of this film is quite clever as you genuinely have no idea what is going on. Gonna' have to see this one again sometime later I just don't know what to think about it.