Scenes needed for violent media study


Hi Community,

I am currently working on a project looking at the effects of media violence on anxiety, anger and aggressive behaviours.

I have a simple lab based experiment lined up, and I'm looking to manipulate one variable in film clips - who is dishing out the violence.

In order to do this, I need to find two film clips whereby the violence is 'matched' but there is either a 'good guy' dealing out the violence, or a 'bad guy' acting violently.

For example, participants will see two different film clips whereby in one clip the good guy beats on the bad guy - and in the other, the bad guy beats up the good guy.

I'm wondering if anyone can think of a film whereby the good guy is both beaten up and perhaps takes revenge, and uses violence on the person that initally beat him up.

An example (although not from the same film):

Scene from Fistfull of Dollars where Clint is beaten up by a gang of thieves (the bad guys)

A scene from Pale Rider where a gang of thieves is beaten up by Clint (the good guy)

Any suggestions much appreciated. There must be a lot of revenge action films out there where this is common, just none spring to mind!


1. Alex Murphy's murder by Clarence Boddicker and his men at the start of the film
2. RoboCop (Alex Murphy) kicking crap out of Clarence Boddicker during the scene in the drug lab
3. You could also use the final scenes between Boddicker and RoboCop in the steel mill when thy face off again and Robo jams his Data Spike into Boddicker's throat

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Indy beats up and is beaten up several times through this movie.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Hi thanks guys these have given me some things to think about

Finding it hard to find a clip of Indy being beaten up though! That clip would be ideal..

Lord High Filmquisitor
The Raid, The Raid 2 and The Killer all immediately come to mind.
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If the scenes don't need to be from the same movie...

The hammer scene, Drive (good guy)

Halloween fight, Karate Kid (bad guys to those not down with the Cobra Kai)

Fight Club is probably your best bet for scenes of a good guy doing the beating and vice versa (plus that movie seems to tie into your lab in general).

Old boy (the original) has the infamous hammer scene which is an incredibly awesome single take action scene of a "good guy" doing the beating (he takes his fair share as well). The plus side of this one is that it is super easy to find, just hit Youtube.

John Wick has a great fight scene where he gets beat up.

Casino Royale has tons of great fight scenes where James get whooped on.

Annnd there are tons more, these were just the first that came to mind.
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Hi Community,

I am currently working on a project looking at the effects of media violence on anxiety, anger and aggressive behaviours.

I have a simple lab based experiment lined up, and I'm looking to manipulate one variable in film clips - who is dishing out the violence.

In order to do this, I need to find two film clips whereby the violence is 'matched' but there is either a 'good guy' dealing out the violence, or a 'bad guy' acting violently.

For example, participants will see two different film clips whereby in one clip the good guy beats on the bad guy - and in the other, the bad guy beats up the good guy.

I'm wondering if anyone can think of a film whereby the good guy is both beaten up and perhaps takes revenge, and uses violence on the person that initally beat him up.

An example (although not from the same film):

Scene from Fistfull of Dollars where Clint is beaten up by a gang of thieves (the bad guys)

A scene from Pale Rider where a gang of thieves is beaten up by Clint (the good guy)

Any suggestions much appreciated. There must be a lot of revenge action films out there where this is common, just none spring to mind!
Most of the revenge films I can think of involve the hero taking revenge for the murder of a loved one - not just for "being beaten up" by the bad guy

I guess The Karate Kid counts?

That was really revenge for his friend though - Rocky didn't get beaten up until he'd already entered the fight against Ivan Drago to avenge Apollo Creed.