Star Wars: The Force Awakens


In the Beginning...
Yeah, either of those explanations would work for me. My initial reaction to the design was negative, and I just assumed it was another "let's be different" kind of gimmick. But the more I think about it, the more I feel like there's a reason for it.

I think it looks boss.

I don't know if "boss" is ever used anymore to describe something really cool, but "boss" feels like the right word for it.

Master of My Domain
I was so excited while watching that when the voice asked if you felt the force awakening I automatically said 'YESSSSS' real loudly...

Practical and deadly.

"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Ok, so I have watched the teaser at least five times, which is probably twice as much as I have purposely watched any trailer. Changed every wallpaper and profile pic I use to something Star Wars. It is safe to say I am geeking out, and I am not prone to geeking out.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Star Wars 7 Trailer Narrator Revealed

As Star Wars: The Force Awakens has found its trailer circulating through the internet faster than an erroneous price listing for a Wii U, one particular mystery has stepped to the forefront of the trailer analysis market: who's voice is behind the ominous narration for the first look at J.J. Abrams' slick but appropriate for canon sequel? Despite the relatively fresh nature of this debate, there's already a front runner and an apparent "winner" for the honors of who actually voiced the trailer. That winner, according to a report that's surfaced online, is none other than Andy Serkis.

According to HitFix, Andy Serkis, who we know is already in the cast of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, is the mysterious voice leading our ears on a journey into the future of the Star Wars universe.

My reaction copy/pasted from Facebook:

Two things about this trailer.

One, lots of CGI. I hate that. I understand that it's easier to do effects with computers but it doesn't feel like a Star Wars movie. But that leads me to point two...

This minute thirty feels more like a Star Wars film than all the prequels combined. Holy crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I watched it again.

I really need to stop.

I'm so excited I could die!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've gone on holiday by mistake
It's a hilt, like on a broadsword. It protects the hand by stopping someone from sliding their blade down along the length of yours.
Have to nitpick here .

The hilt sticks out a little before the "light" comes out so you have to wonder whether it's practical or not? As in can an opponents lightsaber simply cut through the non light part of the hilt.

Jesus I'm such a ****ing nerd.

I reckon it's offensive rather than a defensive hand guard.

Thin about when two saber users clash and have a physical strength test where they end up with the swords against each other and they push against each other for a second or two...

... for instance Obi Wan and Maul just before Maul Force Pushes Obi Wan into that hole... or when Obi Wan and Vader in Episode III clash...

If one of the saber users has that little extra bit poking out above the hilt, they could use it to stab, burn and basically distract the other guy while they're pushing against each other.

I'm so excited I could die!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go outside and tell everybody you're Darren Wilson.

Have to nitpick here .

The hilt sticks out a little before the "light" comes out so you have to wonder whether it's practical or not? As in can an opponents lightsaber simply cut through the non light part of the hilt.

Jesus I'm such a ****ing nerd.
Yeah, but that dos not mean you are right. Not only that but I think it could limit combat if your hilt can cut off your hands while twirling.

I reckon it's offensive rather than a defensive hand guard.

Thin about when two saber users clash and have a physical strength test where they end up with the swords against each other and they push against each other for a second or two...

... for instance Obi Wan and Maul just before Maul Force Pushes Obi Wan into that hole... or when Obi Wan and Vader in Episode III clash...

If one of the saber users has that little extra bit poking out above the hilt, they could use it to stab, burn and basically distract the other guy while they're pushing against each other.
Best explanation I have heard all day!

Master of My Domain
I'm glad I can have the discussion about the hilted lightsabers here not the YouTube comment section.

That place is horrifying.

Anyways my opinion I like the hilts because it gives more of a Jedi 'Knight' feel than before.