The Mofo Top 100 Television Shows


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Monty Python, hell yeah!!! A classic!

3. Dragon Ball Z
4. Monty Python’s Flying Circus
9. House of Cards
11. Family Guy
12. Cheers
13. The West Wing
19. The Big Bang Theory
22. Frasier
25. C.S.I. (Las Vegas)

I had All in the Family at #7, probably too low because I haven't seen it in a while. This show was a lot of things, and I can't picture a major network airing something like it today.

Loved Flying Circus when I was young, but it didn't make my list. It's been too long.

My list-

1. Survivor
2. The Shield
3. Saturday Night Live
5. Married with Children
7. All in the Family
23. Cheers

Looking for 2 more

A dozen of mine have placed, thus far...

1. "The Rockford Files" (64)
4. "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (70)
6. "Monty Python’s Flying Circus" (23)
7. "The Larry Sanders Show" (99)
8. "Cheers" (35)
9. "Peep Show" (53)
12. "Lonesome Dove" (60)
14. "The Colbert Report" (81)
15. "The Office" - UK (45)
16. "Deadwood" (27)
20. "Parks & Recreation" (58)
23. "All in the Family" (24)
25. "Have Gun - Will Travel" (DNP)

Only five of my remaining dozen will place, now. Oh, well. Seven really great shows aren't gonna make it.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Trouble with a capital "T"
Funny Clip!^

I had Monty Python Flying Circus at #10.

I found out about that show when I was a kid by flipping the channels. I couldn't believe the PBS channel had something so cool on it! I only understand about half of what they said due to their strong British accents, but it was still the funniest thing I'd seen.

We always watched All in the Family and Maude and The Jefferson. Those were all great shows.

i've loved everything i've seen from monty python, but i haven't seen enough of the show to vote for it. i've seen a few episodes of all in the family and i've liked them. i prefer sanford and son though.

new prediction:
The Simpsons
Breaking Bad
The Wire
The Sopranos
The Office (US)
Arrested Development
Game of Thrones
True Detective
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Sex and the City
South Park
Twin Peaks
Twilight Zone
Friday Night Lights
Band of Brothers
How I Met Your Mother

Sex and the City? Does anyone here besides Honeykid and I even care about it?

Let the night air cool you off
I don't remember where I had it on my list off the top of my head, but I voted for All in the Family. It was only recently that I discovered it, I'd heard about it and whatnot, but I didn't expect to be as funny as it actually is.

new prediction:
The Simpsons
Breaking Bad
The Wire
The Sopranos
The Office (US)
Arrested Development
Game of Thrones
True Detective
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Sex and the City
South Park
Twin Peaks
Twilight Zone
Friday Night Lights
Band of Brothers
How I Met Your Mother
No love for Mad Men on the forum?
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Chappie doesn't like the real world
22. The Office (U.S 2005- 2013)

Theme Song

Quote: Close your eyes. Picture a convict. What's he wearing? Nothing special, baseball cap on backwards, baggy pants... he says something ordinary like... 'yo, thats shizzle.' Okay. Now slowly open your eyes again. Who are you picturing? A black man? Wrong. That was a white woman. Surprised? Well, shame on you. ~ Michael Scott

A mockumentary style sitcom based off the original UK version.

Cast connections: The actors that played Jim and Ryan went to high school together and the actors portraying Andy and Kevin went to a Christian school together in Georgia.

Steve Carell: He hadn't watched the British version of the show before being offered the role of Michael. He was also worried about just be copying Ricky Gervias and not make the role of Michael Scott is own.

Pam's engagement ring: Jenna Fischer kept the ring and has been seen wearing it in television appearances. Even after the series was over.

More than actors: Both Mindy Kaling and B.J Novak did more than act in The Office. They wrote, produced and dated.

Phyllis and Creed's former life: She was once a burlesque performer and a NFL cheerleader. She was also the casting director of The Office before they wrote her part specifically for her. Creed was a member of the band The Grass Roots.

Points: 153

Placements: 2 6th, 1 1st, 1 4th, 1 5th, 1 11th, 1 15th, 1 16th, 1 18th, 1 25th

21. Sherlock (2010 - )

Quote: “I’m not a psychopath, Anderson. I’m a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research.”-Sherlock

Theme Song

A British series with a contemporary take on the Sherlock Holmes stories.

Preparation: To prepare for the role Benedict Cumberbatch read every original Conan Doyle story.

Spock: Watson refers to Holmes as "Spock" in the show. Leonard Nimoy has also played Sherlock Holmes and Benedict Cumberbatch played Khan in Star Trek: Into The Darkness.

Sherlock Holmes is a Chinese gay icon: Although his sexuality has not been confirmed to be gay, many Chinese people still regard him as a gay icon.

Molly Hooper: The role was only to be a one time thing to illustrate Holmes's lack of social skills and romantic cluelessness. The producers expanded the role because they were so impressed with Louise Brealey's performance.

Points: 155

Placements: 2 11th, 1 6th, 1 7th, 1 8th, 1 9th, 1 10th, 1 12th,1 16th 1 18th, 1 23rd

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've only seen The Office on the back of airplane seats, you know those little TVs. Being too cheap to pay for the sound, I've watched it in silent mode....All I can say is the filming technique used on the show is odd. If you seen the show you know what I mean.

The Office is way too low!

Was my #1. One of my favorite things in the universe, if not my favorite thing.

Helped me out a lot when I was recovering from my mental breakdown, so it's a very close show to me. See, I have schizophrenia and social anxiety (which anyone on here who knows me knows that), and while I was recovering from both (err... when my social anxiety was at it's peak and I was overcoming it as well as recovering from my breakdown), I turned to The Office to keep me company. You don't know how important that was for me. Not just the humor, which kept my spirits up, but feeling like I was part of this group of people all of whom I loved dearly. I watched the entire series all the way through, twice, while I was recovering.

I even enjoy the not-as-great seasons without Michael, even though there is definitely something lacking without his presence. He is, without a doubt, my favorite character in history.

I was planning to write something longer but I'm installing some very important software right now and that's where my mind is at. Just know I f*cking love that show like nothing else.

Sherlock was my number 6. When I first heard about the show, I had my reservations. A modern day Sherlock Holmes? Starring that weird looking Benedict Cumberwhatever? Yeah, I don't know about that. Thankfully after some insistence by my friend Funny Face, I gave it try. Instant love. The stories are intriguing, the dialogue is witty and engaging and Cumberbatch and Freeman have wonderful chemistry.

My List
1. Blackadder II (#29)
2. Roseanne (#56)
6. Sherlock (#21)
8. The Big Bang Theory (#31)
10. Blackadder Goes Forth (#46)
14. Archer (#78)
17. Married With Children (#44)
21. House, M.D. (#65)