Leaving the forum


Awwww...Juno. I ripped her so bad and everyone here *cough* MissVicky *cough* was giving me crap for it.
Miss Vicky got mad because you made fun of someone who's female?

Huh, that's not bad for someone who's been really on-and-off for the last two or three years, I guess. A little surprised by some of the people that managed to outrank me (Psychic Isaac? Martian Leader? Juno MacGuff?)
Yeah and Juno came back as Scout doing the same pity act, posting constantly, and nothing of substance but always pretty sounding. Id rather have a drunken compulsive liar, or a high strung anime geek than some pathetic spam thing that takes up....well, any effort given in reading its spam. Yeah.

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, I've generally been pretty drama-free unless of course it was getting into arguments with some of the more ridiculous individuals that plagued the site during my peak years (which were what, '06-'11?)
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

It's nice to be drama free around here. It's relaxing and keeps you stress free. I've been very lucky to be without any drama around here for almost 13 years.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
This thread is so Sexy Celebrity circa <insert year>.

Guapo, don't be a putz. You should stay. Don't listen to these Philistines.
I think he should stay too. In the end the things that are bothering him really aren't that substantial if he were to stand back and gain some perspective.

By the way, Guap, if you reading this Revolutionary Girl Utena didn't tank. At least not in my eyes. At least three of us liked it and I even said it made me want to watch the series and maybe read the manga. Sometimes you just got to look on the brighter side of things, you know? Be happy that a couple of people really dug something that you really care about instead of dwelling on all those that didn't.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Yeah, I've generally been pretty drama-free unless of course it was getting into arguments with some of the more ridiculous individuals that plagued the site during my peak years (which were what, '06-'11?)
Care to be more frequent around here?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Just here for the free donuts
I give Guap an A for effort. I made an offhanded comment in the Top 100 Television Shows thread equating watching a lot of anime with being a juggalo and I promptly received a very long and extensively detailed PM detailing the finer points of anime as a higher art form and legitimate artistic medium. It was polite and well written. However, I have run across many of his not-so-nice posts attacking other members opinions and would see a lengthly block of text and just sigh, shake my head and cruise right past it.

Huh, that's not bad for someone who's been really on-and-off for the last two or three years, I guess. A little surprised by some of the people that managed to outrank me (Psychic Isaac? Martian Leader? Juno MacGuff?)
Everybody who got any votes at all made that list, Iro. I'm pretty sure I voted for you and that I was the only one that did. Not to make you feel worse, but there it is.

Awwww...Juno. I ripped her so bad and everyone here *cough* MissVicky *cough* was giving me crap for it.
I don't remember that at all.

I don't like all the attention this thread is taking away from me. I'm going to leave again. I'm going to make my own "I'm leaving" thread momentarily.

Welcome to the human race...
Because of Guap, I got to watch two of my bottom ten films of all time. Thanks Guap!
Which ones were they?

Everybody who got any votes at all made that list, Iro. I'm pretty sure I voted for you and that I was the only one that did. Not to make you feel worse, but there it is.
Ah, well, that does make sense. Thanks for voting anyway, though!

I don't like all the attention this thread is taking away from me. I'm going to leave again. I'm going to make my own "I'm leaving" thread momentarily.

I almost forgot about that countdown. I thought it was funny for whatever reason.
I haven't forgotten the countdown where you forgot to vote for me....

Yeah that was dumb because u should have been top 5
Actually looking at the thread, you forgot me twice. You made a list and submitted it and then said you forgot some people so Sexy let you resubmit your list and you still forgot me! But I'm not bitter or anything.

We should do another one next year, only actually give people more than a few hours to come up with their lists.