Halloween Horror Challenge


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Come on Mark, Splice deserves more than that.

anyways, a double bill for anyone who loves to see films deconstruct the genre.

Tucker & Dale vs Evil - Brilliant idea in which the college kids think the hillbilly's are killing them, when in reality they are killing themselves. Labine and Tudyuk have great chemistry off each other. Bowden is great to look at and the film is full of laughs.

Cabin in the Woods - Joss Whedon co-wrote this film that takes many twists and turns. A great inside joke to anyone who loves complaining about the genre.

Points: 23
Movies: 21
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The Innocents (1961) -
I liked this one quite a lot, but I'm confused. I thought the performances were great, but at the same time I wasn't too fond of the theatricality. But for the most part it's very good.

The Haunting (1963) -
Pretty mediocre to be honest. As opposed to The Innocents I found it neither frightening nor atmospheric. I liked the lesbian subtext though and it's a shame the two female characters didn't make out at least once.

Possession (1981) -
What the christ. This is the weirdest movie I've ever seen. Scratch that. This is the worst movie I've ever seen. Seriously, f*** this movie.

Movies 12
Points 14

Chappie doesn't like the real world
The Day of the Beast- Álex de la Iglesia

Iglesia may be an acquired taste, but he's a director that I really enjoy. It's a chaotic aggressive violent movie that's a lot of fun. It also cleared the room and allowed me to watch the movie by myself which is my preferred way to watch most movies.

Movies 28 points 36

Here's all the Halloweenish movies I've seen in the last month. A couple of them aren't really horroriffic so I'm gonna score myself a 9.

Beetlejuice (Tim Burton, 1988)
Sweet Home (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 1989)
13 Ghosts (William Castle, 1960)
The Boids (Alfred Hitchcock, 1963)
The Vampire Lovers (Roy Ward Baker, 1970)
Kill Baby, Kill (Mario Bava, 1966)
Hatchet for the Honeymoon (Mario Bava, 1970)
Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton, 1999)
Young Frankenstein (Mel Brooks, 1974)
Phenomena (Dario Argento, 1985)
Macbeth (Roman Polanski, 1971)

Hands of a Stranger (1962)

This is the first movie on a disc I made two years ago off of TCM featuring four movies in which the hands of a murderer are attached to some innocent accident victim, who finds these new hands have their own nefarious plans. So call it a marathon of murderous hands. Or something like that. I'm sure Mark can guess the other three movies, as I saw he'd even watched a couple during his Halloween challenge. This one is not so good. It's adequately directed by Newt Arnold, but the script tries way too hard. These characters talk and talk and pontificate and ruminate and break off into monologues, and the characters are given one overriding motivation and then it's stretched to ridiculous melodramatic proportions. And speaking of melodramatic, this movie has oozing from every scene. Very mildly interesting low-budget B movie. Rating: C-.

I was hoping I would be able to get to all four movies, but I'm thinking that won't happen. Maybe by Saturday.

I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Oculus -

Chernobyl Diaries -

Movies = 16
Points = 17

Should fit in two more films tonight for Halloween and then that ends the Halloween Horror challenge for me.


Fun-hokey-classic. Could have been better. Fun fact, this was filmed near my beach house truly middle-of-nowhere in the Panhandle of Florida, at a place called Wakulla Springs. Which stands in as the Amazon Jungle

6.0 / 10


The folks who made this seem to love the lore of Halloween, that was cool and i enjoyed that aspect. There's a lot of story threads and characters woven into the movie. It's got that Halloween-feel. And werewolf girls with big tatas

+ 6.5 / 10

THE MUMMY (1932)

This is the Scroll of Thoth.
Herein are set down the magic words by which Isis raised Osiris from the dead. Oh! Amon-Ra--Oh!
God of Gods -- Death is but the doorway to new life--- We live today- we shall live again--
In many forms shall we return- Oh, mighty one
Come to the show for Boris Karloff. And his calm yet haunting voice. Don't hear powerful voices like this often

7.0 / 10

Movies: 15
Points: 15

Trick 'r Treat (2007) -
Watchable but forgettable. I feel that it got the Halloween atmosphere right, but the characters and the stories just weren't that interesting. It even felt ridiculous and overdone at times.

Movies total 13
Points total 15


To be honest, I should have seen a lot more films for this challenge, so I'm sort of disappointed in myself, really. There's still so much more I've yet to see, ranging from classics to cheesy horrors to giallo, not to mention that I couldn't even find the time to rewatch some of my favorites.

But I'm going to continue with my own horror marathon, regardless. One shouldn't just wait for October to come about in order to watch horror films.

Anyway, here's my full list, ranked from best to worst:

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
Hour of the Wolf (1968)
The Exorcist (1973)
The Innocents (1961)
Sinister (2012)
You’re Next (2011)
Trick 'r Treat (2007)
Evil Dead II (1987)
The Haunting (1963)
Maniac (1980)
Don’t Look Now (1973)
The Evil Dead (1981)
Possession (1980)

I loved the first two, liked the other three, the rest I consider mediocre, bad and terrible.

Only managed one horror film last night, so my last film of the October Horror challenge:

Stage Fright(2014) -

Didn't realise it was a full on musical, thought the music parts would come from the stage production that they were putting on only but now and then a character burst into song. Rather amusing horror musical with a hilarious, in a good way, 'metal head' killer.

Final score:

Movies = 17
Points = 18

Inside (foreign)

This has been the best I've seen of the so-called french new wave horror gore fest or whatever it's freaking called. But this was the best executed movie imo. I mean the gore was crazy much, but the story did fairly well on its own. Haute Tension would've been the favourite if it didn't **** up in the end...

Edit: forgot about VHS: Viral, unfortunately I just remembered I had witnessed that crap. :/

Anyways, this was my last two horror films that I watched in October and God was I close to winning (ehm... or not).

Movies: 13
Points: 16

The Beast with Five Fingers (1946)

A dead man's severed hand seeks revenge. Peter Lorre again plays a mentally unstable character. Made by people who knew how to make these kinds of films. B-

Mad Love

The hands of a murderer are attached to a pianist's after his are crushed in a train accident. Peter Lorre stars as the obsessed, mad doctor. Well done all around. B

The Hands of Orlac

The original movie that Mad Love and Hands of a Stranger were based on. Directed by the German Expressionist director Robert Wiene, the director of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. A very good movie, focused more than the others on the psychological torment of the main character. Silent film worth 2 points. B+


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So did anybody watch half the amount Mark did? Personally I would consider that a victory.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I need to know who came in fourth and fifth. I know Mark was 1st with 120, Derek 2nd with 39, Godoggo 3rd with 36 but after that I'd have to search to figure it out and I'm way to tired. If anyone knows right off the bat, it would be helpful. It's for my achievement thread.

An update would be cool since the front page isn't up to date.