The Mofo Top 100 Television Shows


Chappie doesn't like the real world
The darker, more adult tone was part of the reason I preferred it to Buffy. However the show was also great at comedy episodes. While Buffy could always be funny when it came to doing full-on comedy gimmick episodes I'd possibly give Angel the edge actually.
I think Angel is quite funny as well. I doubt anyone will be surprised that the Angel as a puppet episode is one of my favorite episodes. When he fights with Spike it's hilarious.

I agree with TUS that to bring Spike into Angel kind of ruined some of the poignancy of the last Buffy episode, but I love Spike too much to care.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Quantum Leap was my #25. I loved it as an early teen. I started to rewatch when it showed up on Netflix. Unfortunately it didn't hold up for me. There are probably other shows I should have put on instead but there was a time in my life it would have been #1 so I am glad to see it.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
64. The Rockford Files (1974 - 1980)
63. Quantum Leap (1989-1993)
Quantum Leap...I know someone who will be happy.
That would be me.

"Quantum Leap" was #11 on my list. I tried hard to push it higher, but I just couldn't figure out anything to drop down lower. (That just goes to show how much I love the shows in my top ten.)

Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell were both amazing in QL. (I've met both of them at conventions, and they're both super nice people too.) I fell in love with Scott Bakula's character, Sam Beckett, while watching QL.

Anyone who hasn't seen this show should definitely try it. It's a wonderful show. The only problem is the second season DVDs changed the music in a few key episodes, (at least here in the U.S., but I don't know about the U.K. version.), so if you can find it streaming somewhere, the second season is a little bit better streamed with the original songs.

"The Rockford Files" was on my shortlist, and got cut in the final rounds of cuts. It's a great show, and James Garner is fantastic as Jim Rockford. I'm glad to see that it made the list even without my help.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
63. Quantum Leap (1989-1993)

Finale: The last episode had many people divided but most of them didn't know that it wasn't intended to end there. The show was going to go in a very different direction with Sam now being able to leap at will. However, the series had been canceled.

In reference to the QL finale, the reason that people were divided about it was because it was one of the best episodes of the series, but it had a note written at the very end of the episode that made a lot of fans very upset. (If you want to know what the note said, you'll have to watch the show because it loses its impact if you haven't watched the show and become invested in these characters.)

63. Quantum Leap (1989-1993)

Happy about this, although I did not vote for it.

My best friend when I was a kid LOVED this show. We used to watch it and talk about it. I wasn't that particularly crazy about it, but it was alright. I have a couple of seasons of it on DVD.

I found out two things of note while researching Quantum Leap.

Dean Stockwell was really hot. I noticed he had great eyes and looked him up when he was younger.

I found this out years and years ago. I think he looks good even on the Quantum Leap show. Scott Bakula isn't bad, either.

Unfortunately I forgot to vote for this list, but I love Cowboy Bebop, Columbo and Boy Meets World and I also like a few of the other entries.

I'm curious to see which series will be at the top.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Chappie doesn't like the real world
In reference to the QL finale, the reason that people were divided about it was because it was one of the best episodes of the series, but it had a note written at the very end of the episode that made a lot of fans very upset. (If you want to know what the note said, you'll have to watch the show because it loses its impact if you haven't watched the show and become invested in these characters.)
Yeah, I know what the note said. When the show was canceled they slapped that note on the end and made it the last episode.

I'll probably never watch it. I like science fiction series, but I like them to have a spooky or weird element to them.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Happy about this, although I did not vote for it.

My best friend when I was a kid LOVED this show. We used to watch it and talk about it. I wasn't that particularly crazy about it, but it was alright. I have a couple of seasons of it on DVD.

I found this out years and years ago. I think he looks good even on the Quantum Leap show. Scott Bakula isn't bad, either.

Bakula isn't my type but Stockwell sure is. I don't think he looked bad on the show either. I saw his eyes and it prompted me to look into him further. He has fantastic eyes.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yeah, I know what the note said. When the show was canceled they slapped that note on the end and made it the last episode.

I'll probably never watch it. I like science fiction series, but I like them to have a spooky or weird element to them.

One of the nice things about "Quantum Leap" is because the premise of the show is that he "leaps" into other people's bodies, (and lives), each episode is different. Some are dramatic, some have more comedy, some are more sci-fi, some are creepy, etc. There are periodic references to real life people and/or events, such as Stephen King, the assassination of JFK when he leapt into Lee Harvey Oswald, and when he leapt into Dr. Ruth Westheimer. He even leapt into a chimpanzee in one episode, he leapt into Al, (Dean Stockwell's character), in an episode, and even switched with Al in another episode. He even leapt into his younger self in a fantastic two-part episode. There was even a story arc with another "evil" leaper.

I highly recommend giving this show a chance. If you're looking for spooky, then start with the Halloween episode "The Boogiem*n".

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I'd be interested in seeing the Stephen King episode. I read there was a vampire episode but it wasn't talked about very favorably. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like it though.

Maybe I'll see if they have a season cheap somewhere.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'd be interested in seeing the Stephen King episode. I read there was a vampire episode but it wasn't talked about very favorably. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like it though.

Maybe I'll see if they have a season cheap somewhere.

Yes, but the vampire episode is not the Stephen King episode. The vampire episode is called "Blood Moon". The Stephen King episode is the Halloween episode that I mentioned earlier.

There are a few other spooky episodes as well. An episode with a psychic, and another one with a woman who is haunted by her dead husband.

If you have Hulu Plus, the "Blood Moon" episode is listed, so there may be other episodes available to watch there as well.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I had a lot of friends who were into Quantum Leap when it was running but it must have clashed with something (probably an appointment at a bar seeing as it ran during my university years) because I don't think I've seen an entire episode.

I loved The Rockford Files when I was a kid but haven't seen it since then. I miss the slightly oddball, slightly anti-heroic crime solvers from that televisual era. It was a time when private detectives did more than snoop on unfaithful husbands and track down massive debtors.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Chappie doesn't like the real world
62. I Love Lucy (1951-1957)

Theme Song

Quote: He's put his foot down so many times, I feel like I'm married to a cuban centipede. ~ Lucy Ricardo

Now iconic sitcom starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz who were married in real life.

The series revolves around Lucy trying to break into showbiz with hilariously disastrous results.

Popularity: It won five Emmys, was the most watched show four of its six seasons, was voted the all time greatest television show in a poll conducted by People magazine and was the first show to end its run at the top of the Nielsen ratings. Only two shows have since accomplished that feat; The Andy Griffith Show and Seinfeld.

Broadcast achievement: The I Love Lucy show has ran continuously from its first broadcast. It has always been in syndication on one network or another.

On Lucille Ball: She was 41 when the first episode of I Love Lucy aired. She was the first woman to run a major television studio. She was on the very first cover of TV Guide and appeared again a total of 39 times. No other celebrity appeared close to that number. To this day more women comedians sight her as an influence than any other comedian.

Points: 64

Placements: 1 20th, 2 10th, 1 7th, 1 19th

63. The West Wing (1999-2006)

Theme Song

Quote: You know what you are? You're the Charlie Brown of missile defense. The Pentagon is Lucy. ~President Josiah "Jed" Bartlet

Political drama set mainly in the west wing of the White House.

In the first season the show won a record nine Emmys.

Camera Shots: The show is credited with creating the walk-and-talk shot. The actors are filmed walking towards the camera while having a conversation. One actor can break off and another one join in. This shot can be used when lengthy expository dialogue is needed for a more interesting shot.

Real world issues: The West Wing often parroted actual current events. Subjects like a news radio talk show host with anti- homosexual views, terrorism and scandalous affairs were all dealt with on screen.

Fun fact: The West Wing and Hill Street Blues are tied with the most Emmys for a drama show. They both have 26.

Fun Fact # 2: The character Sam Seaborn was modeled after George Stephanopoulos.

Points: 64

Placements: 1 20th, 1 13th, 1 10th, 1 4th, 1 19th

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
62. I Love Lucy (1951-1957)
63. The West Wing (1999-2006)

I've been a fan of "I Love Lucy" since I was a little kid, but it didn't make my list. I'm glad to see that it made the list even without my help. Most of my favorite episodes are the ones where they travel to Hollywood and abroad, and they meet a bunch of famous movie stars, but my absolute favorite episode is the one where Ricky tells Little Ricky the bedtime story "Little Red Riding Hood".

I never watched "The West Wing", but my Mom loved it, and she'll be happy to hear that it made the list.