Halloween Horror Challenge


I usually try to fill up on horror movies this time of year, so I'll be back to report on what I've seen. Great idea.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Is the film mainly in English or other languages?
Hard to say. If you put it up against eachother it would probably be 50/50. If not, then maybe 60% english. There isn't really too much dialogue in it tbh.

But anyways, I'll just settle with the 1 point.

Cure (1997) - Kiyoshi Kurosawa
I wouldn't place Kurosawa near the top of my list of modern Japanese directors but from what I've seen so far he always makes very interesting movies with a very restrained style. This is an atmospheric horror movie with a very surprising last 30 seconds.

Movies: 4
Points: 5

Dead Silence (rewatch) James Wan
- I like this movie and I find it very underrated ... The Ending is awesome and Mary Shaw is creepy as hell

''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Let the night air cool you off
Juan of the Dead (2011; Alejandro Brugués) - The first zombie movie made in Cuba, which was enough to pique my interest. Then I found out that it was a comedy. I saw a poster that had the lead and his buddy on it. Shaun of the Dead was instantly brought to mind. I thought it might have just been made to be Shaun of the Dead but in Cuba. I was wrong, the characters are enough of their own thing to put that thought to rest. And while it's not as funny or as good as Shaun, it's still a funny little zombie action flick. It's worth the watch.

points: 4
films: 2

I saw parts of Halloween 2 on TV. I hope I just caught the bad parts, because it looked bloody awful.
If it's Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 from 2009 then YES it's freaking awful and one of the worst movies ever made.

Talking about Halloween...

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

Movies: 2
Points: 2

Let the night air cool you off
Dead Snow (2009; Tommy Wirkola)

I was expecting a bit more schlock, but this movie really isn't played for laughs* despite it's wacky premise. I really wanted to like it, but there's just too many things I can't get behind that hindered the experience for me.

*I know that in a few scenes some splatter gags are employed, but overall I think they wanted to be more serious than funny. Well, at least up until that awful final battle scene.

Points: 6
Movies: 3

Thanks to the Halloween Big Brother competition, you are now dead JJ. Drowned!
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Dead Silence (rewatch) James Wan
- I like this movie and I find it very underrated ... The Ending is awesome and Mary Shaw is creepy as hell


This is the only James Wan film I hate. It's chessy as hell, and the plot is bilge.
from me I'm afraid.

A system of cells interlinked
Salem's Lot (Oct 1) - A 1979 TV miniseries directed by Tobe Hooper. For a TV series, it's pretty well done, and has some genuinely creepy scenes.

The Hills Have Eyes (Oct 2) - Aja's remake is directed pretty darn well, I must say. I may like this more than the original.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Lord High Filmquisitor
Freddy vs Jason - 7/10

This is the only film in the original Friday the 13th series that I find even remotely tolerable. Even though it's just a 21st century monster mash and obvious cash-grab, it's just so fun doing it that I can't help but gloss over its more lacking parts (of which, don't get me wrong, there are many). The premise of throwing the two antagonists into a movie together makes more sense than it has any right to, the kills are entertaining and the film as a whole is fairly servicable.

1408 - 9/10

This is easily my favorite Stephen King horror adaptation (based upon one of my favorite Stephen King short stories). Great casting, writing and direction make this a chillingly good film. It's a shame that his other films don't step their game up as much as this one did.

Movies: 3

Points: 3
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What Ever Happened to Baby Jane (1962) - Robert Aldrich
Fantastic performance from Bette Davis and an excellent Sunset Boulevard-esque ending.

No Such Thing (2001) - Hal Hartley
Criticker calls it a horror movie and Hartley himself seemed to consider that it was but it's pretty borderline. It does use a horror story line - it has people in a small Icelandic village getting tourists drunk and then leaving them outside the local monster's lair - but it's a more of a Beauty & the Beast story with themes related to the media and the need for instant gratification. Sarah Polley & Robert John Burke are great as is the first half of the movie. Second half is a bit messy but overall I really liked it.

Movies: 6
Points: 7

1408 - Damn it's good ! Cusack is awesome and the storyline is pretty entertaining! I like the ending definitely a very good Stephen King Adaptation.

Scream (rewatch) - Funny , Scary , well crafted and very nice acting. Wes Craven 2nd best movie in my opinion the ending is great.

Movies: 4
Points: 4

Going strong with my Halloween marathon!

Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

Well, it started out good honestly, and the buiid-up was better and more creepy in this than 4. The girl who plays Jamie is freaking great though, even better in this than 4. Unfortunately, this didn't get much better, and rather declined. A lot of weird and stupid decisions in this too but to some extent it was enjoyable...

Movies: 3
Points: 3

Just finish ...

The Last House On The Left (2009) - Dennis Iliadis
- Good movie with some disturbing very violent scenes but it's very long per moment .... the acting is nice , the storyline is nice and the atmosphere of the whole movie is quite good. The Ending is awesome and it's the best part imo.


Surprised to see such high praise for 1408. I felt it was proof that it was easier for Samuel L Jackson to be in bad film than it was John Cusack to be in a good one.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Hell yeah !

Just finish...

Jennifer's Body (2009) - Karyn Kusama
- Megan Fox is completely I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E but in spite of that this movie is a total boredom and snoozefest. One of the worst horror storyline that I ever seen.... very bad movie but I give a 1.5 because of Megan Fox.


Let the night air cool you off
Hell yeah !

Just finish...

Jennifer's Body (2009) - Karyn Kusama
- Megan Fox is completely I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E but in spite of that this movie is a total boredom and snoozefest. One of the worst horror storyline that I ever seen.... very bad movie but I give a 1.5 because of Megan Fox.

You have to watch this movie with a group of friends, specifically a funny group of friends. You would then have a blast.