Rate The Last Movie You Saw


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Havent seen Need for Speed yet, it does look good but I will wait for it to be cheaper. I like that Aaron Paul is driving in this, I like to think Jessie Pinkman want straight from the end of Breaking Bad and straight into this
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Watched Bad Words on DVD and This Is Where I Leave You in Theater's this week.

Bad Words was way better than I expected. Jason Bateman was incredible. The humor was hilariously crude, which is right up my alley. The little Indian fella has the sweetest voice ever! I did think that the story was weak in a couple places, but overall it was a really funny film that will tug at your heart strings a tad. 4.2

This Is Where I Leave You- Adam Driver was seriously the PERFECT casting decision for his character. He was incredible. However, I felt at times Tina Fey and Jason Bateman came across as a couple, and not as brother and sister. I loved the plot/story but it was really sad that the things I guessed toward the beginning weren't answered. Like if Tina Fey and Timothy Oliphant's character ever get back together.. Or if maybe Jason Bateman and Abigail Spencer's characters decided to give their baby away to Corey Stoll and Katheryn Hahn (bc they couldn't conceive), plus a couple more. I really hope they plan on having a sequel, bc if they don't, its gonna be a sad ending, which isn't fun in this case.
I hated Bad Words, didn't find it funny at all. I think the 6.7 it holds on IMDB is even overrated. I would give it a

But I still need to check out This is Where I Leave You
"Oh, so you'd be General, huh? If you were General, I'd be Emperor, and you'd STILL get the sake! So shut up and get the sake!" -Hattori Hanzo

"#GAMEOVER420BLAZIT" -bluedeed

The Mission -

So much better than Exiled and Drug War. What Johnnie To film should I watch next?
Vengeance. Watch Vengeance, it's amazing
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Vengeance. Watch Vengeance, it's amazing
Haha. I heard it's a Memento rip off. People are hatin' on it. May be pretty good, then.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Lawrence of Arabia (1962).

I must admit that lengthy running time has kept me away from this classic for way too long. I finally saw it and I must say it was great. A little bit let-down by the last 30-40 minutes or so, I expected something else and it didn't quite live up to the set-up. That said, it was a great experience, i was not bored at all, and it was especially extremely beautiful to look at in that glorious 70mm!


well ***** ! why didn't i watch this before ? some parts felt like a silent film, and i couldn't pull my eyes away from the screen. first act.. quite entrancing. and then the E.T.- looking baby showed up about 30 minutes in (huh?) bizarre. at first, i liked Mary, the girlfriend / wife. then as the story went on, i hated her. and her family was just awfully weird. then Judith Roberts as the Beautiful Girl Across the Hall came along and saved the movie. she was attractive. Jack Nance as Henry was cool too.
You've got your things
And i've got mine
Everything is fine, in heaven

+ 7.5 / 10

You're making me want to rewatch Eraserhead, dammit Nostromo.

It did nothing for me when I first saw it, but I have this weird feeling I could love it after a second viewing.

Chappie doesn't like the real world

Compliance (2012) - written & directed by Craig Zobel

An odd viewing.

As I was watching this film, I couldn't help but be completely overwhelmed with how implausible and inconceivable it felt. It made me actually resent the work to a rather high degree until I discovered it was based on an shockingly tragic and literally unbelievable true story:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_s... shington_scam

The beginning of the film states that everything depicted was based on true events, and nothing was exaggerated in the least. With my luck, I happened to miss the first five minutes, so I was under the impression that everything was just... part of the film. Consequently, as I was watching it, I was completely dumbfounded with how inane and ludicrous these characters were. I couldn't believe somebody actually wrote a script so far-fetched and distant from reality.

But none of it is fallacious. Ultimately - with what I initially perceived to be a vacuously written and directed film - was actually an extremely compelling and insightful examination into human behaviour, and how far we go when it comes to complying with authority
I had the same experience with the film. I didn't know anything about it. I had the same this is ridiculous feeling you had about it. I even stopped it in the middle to look the story up to see exactly how far off the rails the movie had gone.

I was stunned. Shocked. Not only was the movie true, it happened more than once. It blew my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about it and how that could happen. That poor girl. That stupid, stupid manager.

If I had children, I would show them this movie. (At an age appropriate time, of course) I'd have a long talk with them about trusting their instincts and what to do in different situations.

Simply unbelievable.

Blow-Up (1966)

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

Into the Storm. Though it isn't a very critically acclaimed movie, I thoroughly enjoyed it. My rating: 4/5

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)

Funny, smart and entertaining! Downey Jr. doing the type of role he does best, and he kills it!


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Needs no introduction, the film chosen by mofo's as the 2nd best of the 70's, the iconic, Jaws. Already a huge fan (i think 4th on my list), i was stunned to see this advertised at my local cinema. So last night i went with huge expectations of this film, that i had already watched countless times and i was not disappointed. Probably the best cinematic experience i have ever endured, especially that score. Every positive feeling i ever had of Jaws was heightened, the audience,they jumped, they screamed and they laughed like they had never seen it before. Amazing.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Touch of Evil (1958)

Just an awesome thriller, and it's much how I felt about The Third Man earlier this month. Great performances and story, but the direction sets it apart. It's too bad I have to vote against it in the movie tournament.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Rear Window (1954)

My third Hitchock's film after Vertigo and Psycho. It's unfair to compare it to any of those because it's a different concept (also, Vertigo is an absolute masterpiece, you can't do much better than that).

It's a very exciting thriller, beautifully shot, with some very clever lines and a good sense of humour! It's one of those movies you can see 100 times but you will always find something new.
James Stewart and Grace Kelly are amazing!
