How should a MoFo Top Animated Films list work?


I think a "MoFo's top 100 animated feature films" list could work. It will probably be a little biased towards Pixar, Disney and Studio Ghibli,
Yep, that's what I'm afraid of.

@Swan: I love that list, but it features films like King Kong and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, which are predominantly "live action" films in my opinion (and also in your opinion, if I understand correctly). We could use that list as a basis to discover films for the MoFo list, though. I think it would be a great event!
Oh, you're right. Forget about that then. I just hope our list is good.

But yes, let's use that list as a great big resource, PLEASE.

The main reason I'd like to have the two separate lists: I have a really hard time comparing 90 minute Pixar features to 7 minute Looney Tunes shorts. The other reason: I would hate my list if I had to split it between shorts and features. I'd be leaving out a huge amount of things I love.
Yeah, please, let's keep the full-length and shorts separated. Again, I want more obscure films to make the list - having shorts on there too will mean less room for that.

Let the night air cool you off
If we do animated film list, ESPECIALLY two separate ones, it might end up making more sense if like the comic book list we do Top 50s. Maybe it'll attract enough lists, and a variety of films to do a top 100, but I don't think they will to be honest.
Maybe I am just overzealous, but I think a top 100 would be easily doable.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Seems like 100 would be doable for animation. The moderator could decide when they tabulate though.

Maybe I am just overzealous, but I think a top 100 would be easily doable.
Given that animation has plenty of great titles and is not as limited as say the top 100 Comic Book Movies, I think a Top 100 Animated Movies List is actually a serious possibility. But at the same time I can see it being a Top 50 as well.

Seems like 100 would be doable for animation. The moderator could decide when they tabulate though.
I think this would be the way to go. Accept ballots for a top 50, but still keep open the possibility of expanding the list to a top 100 if there are enough movies with enough votes to justify it.

Let the night air cool you off
I'd still participate either way, but I almost always enjoy the first 50 more than the top 50. I don't think it would be any different with animation.

I just mean that if, for some reason (which I don't forsee), there aren't at least 100 films with multiple votes a top 50 would be better.

I think it's a good rule of thumb that no one person should be able to put a film on a list with a single vote. So each list curator would have to see how many submissions they get, and make sure the cutoff is above that point.

Additional criteria/principles are admittedly more debatable, though. But I think that one is pretty fundamental to the idea of a "community" list--it's not reflective of the community if one person can ensure something makes it. Kinda defeats the whole idea.

I think there are more than enough animated movies for a top 100.

Top 50 is again too limiting. I want this list to be a good resource for people to really explore animation, because it's a genre with so much variety.

Oh yeah, I'd be shocked if we don't get enough entries for a good top 50 for animated films. Animated short films, however, would probably need to be 25. Which isn't unprecedented--the AFI Musicals list is 25.

I don't want to do it if it's only top 50. That will be so depressing and limited. This better be a good list dammit!

I don't think people are getting what I'm saying.

I absolutely believe that there are more than enough animated features to do a top 100. But the question is whether or not there will be at least a 100 animated movies that get a sufficient number of votes to justify a Top 100. So I think ballots should be accepted with the possibility of it being only a top 50 if that's what the numbers suggest it ought to be.

Well, if there aren't, we can just use the list I linked to instead and have King Kong and Roger Rabbit be on it. I'd rather have that.

Let the night air cool you off
Oh yeah, I'd be shocked if we don't get enough entries for a good top 50 for animated films. Animated short films, however, would probably need to be 25. Which isn't unprecedented--the AFI Musicals list is 25.
I disagree. We have tons of Looney Tunes, Disney, Tom & Jerry, and various other Tex Avery shorts. Wallace & Gromit. A bagillion fantastic animated Russian shorts. And the great thing about them are you can watch 10 of these in a day easily if you wanted to really help the list out. Of course, if people weren't interested in watching shorts for this list, then I suppose you would have a point.

Well, if there aren't, we can just use the list I linked to instead and have King Kong and Roger Rabbit be on it. I'd rather have that.
I wouldn't.

I disagree. We have tons of Looney Tunes, Disney, Tom & Jerry, and various other Tex Avery shorts. Wallace & Gromit. A bagillion fantastic animated Russian shorts.
Not to mention there are tons of things made specifically for places like youtube, such as the excellent Simon's Cat series of shorts. I mean, it's certainly possible that we don't get at least 50 films and we can certainly adjust the number as needed, but I think 50 is more than doable.

Another option would be to do a MoFo Top 100 Short Films and leave it open to both animation and live action.

Yeah, the available pool of entries is only half the question. The other is how many people would participate.

For better or worse, I think we've seen that a lot of people won't participate if they have to wrack their brains and/or watch a lot of new stuff just to fill out a list. Which makes sense, because submitting a list where you don't even particularly like your later entries also seems to defeat the purpose.

Let the night air cool you off
Yeah, the available pool of entries is only half the question. The other is how many people would participate.

For better or worse, I think we've seen that a lot of people won't participate if they have to wrack their brains and/or watch a lot of new stuff just to fill out a list. Which makes sense, because submitting a list where you don't even particularly like your later entries also seems to defeat the purpose.
I tend to get overzealous with these kinds of things. Watching obscure Soviet Union animated shorts about Winnie the Pooh (Vinni-Pukh) is incredibly exciting to me, I forget that not everybody is as weird as I am.

That animated list I linked has Jason and the Argonauts on it. Even though it's a live-action movie with stop-motion in it, the lists section desperately needs some Harryhausen.

Let the night air cool you off
Let's just do a bunch of list. A list for everything. I love making lists. I'd probably participate for anything you can think of, except maybe porn. I've never been able to finish one.