Donnie Darko = What?


There is nothing wrong with not liking a good movie. There is something wrong with saying it's not that good because it's confusing when most other people seem to grasp it just fine (edit: I should say, grasped it to some extent at least, or enjoyed it regardless).

I'm sorry but the only criteria you've given for saying that it isn't all it's cracked up to be is you didn't understand its plot. Seems to me the fault lies with you and not the movie.

adam-dvddaily's Avatar
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I can see your point but this thread was just created to talk about the confusing storyline, can you even enjoy a movie when you don't have a clue what's going on? Again these are my opinions.... I don't much care for Jake Gyllenhalls acting and never have even before I saw this movie, the best character in the whole movie was Donnies Dad, I didn't much like the acting of most in this movie, it felt as if the movie just created far too many questions that it didn't answer.

Most things are answerable though to be honest. It's a complex movie that might need research or at least re-watches afterwards. This film is fantastic, in my opinion, and it's even better once you feel you understand it. You can then watch it again, and again and uncover some other, smaller things. That's all part of the fun. But sure, if you don't like these types of films that's fine. :3

adam-dvddaily's Avatar
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Maybe I'll give it another watch see if I can pick up on anything I may have missed

It might be a good idea, but I liked it the first time even. I loved the characters too. I hope you do enjoy it because I don't think it's overrated at all.

adam-dvddaily's Avatar
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I think the situation that has developed here is that we both clearly like different types of movies, where as i dont mind if others say something bad about a movie i like, you seem to be on the defensive. It would be easier to just accept another persons opinion even if you dont agree.

I know the acting isnt the greatest in The Expendables, but then im fine with that, i can move on. (See how easy that is)

Jake Gyllenhall may be in your eyes a terrific actor, but that is your opinion, i just have a different opinion. I dont know him, or his life outside of acting enough to dislike him, just his acting.

An example of poor acting in Donnie Darko? Yeah course i can, i think everyone can pick at least one, if not then surely the whole cast will be huge stars by now. But just to prove that i can pick an example here goes:

The entire scene in which Patrick Swayze is giving a talk to the school.... Even Swayzes acting isnt the best in that scene, not to mention the child actors and their acting abilities or more lack of it.

And i will repeat this is just MY opinion.

Yes, I lost my cool a bit. I edited it even harsher and then deleted it... I'm sorry it's just that I'm not so much on the defensive as the offensive. Yes I'm a very defensive person, it's something I have been working hard on for years but am still not that great at. You should meet my divorced parents lol.

By give an example, I meant a specific example. Okay Swayze in that scene, what exactly was wrong with his acting? He is acting like someone not very good at public speaking, and the kids more so. I think they did a fine job at acting that way. I mean it has been years since I watched the film, but I have seen it like ten times.

I dislike Tom Cruis' acting, but I don't mind the acting of other people who are worse, so I can understand not liking a specific actor's style of acting. My issue wasn't that you didn't like it, but that you said it was bad.

((P.S. opinions are opinions, redundant. Not the issue. I think yours are wrong, I am challenging your opinions. I hope that's okay, and I'll try to be nicer.))

adam-dvddaily's Avatar
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Fair enough, but just so you know i have said that the movie isnt bad i just stated it is over rated.

adam-dvddaily's Avatar
Registered User
Well that certainly explains why it's on so many top lists.
Haha I suppose those that have it on their top lists have a different view of the movie than i do mate

A system of cells interlinked
Donnie Darko, which I happen to like a whole lot, is NOT a great film. It falls short of greatness with a muddled third act and some questionable narrative. Regardless, I have seen it multiple times, because I really enjoy the tone, the score (as well as the licensed music), and I think the actors all do a fine job with the material. It's a flawed film, though.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

A system of cells interlinked
You know your opinions can be wrong, despite what post-modernism tells you.
Proper punctuation can remove ambiguity from sentences that function as both a question and a statement, as well.

Proper punctuation can remove ambiguity from sentences that function as both a question and a statement, as well.
It was just a statement.