The Diet Thread


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I'm joining in!

Well, at least partially as I don't have a weight in a room I rent, so I couldn't really tell how much weight did I lose, but I will finally start to exercise. Something I never really did in my life for real. Since on my studies there's Physical Education (I believe Poland is the only country that has this subject on studies*; correct me if I'm wrong). I have to end my lazy bones habits. There were various kinds of sports we could choose ourselves. Some of them include (the sport and then my commentary):

- swimming - I can't swim and am not too keen to learn, or at least not at school,
- horse riding - that's a kinky one, but they actually require you to know something about it already and you are also being charged for the possibility of 'renting' the horses; sounds crazy anyway,
- football/volleyball/basketball - I never was a sucker for such team games and I was very bad at them, so it's natural I didn't choose them
- bodybuilding (weightlifting) - I never was too strong and honestly I can't imagine myself sitting in the gym lifting.
- aerobics - that's the one I have chosen!!! I talked about it with my mate and actually it was him who suggested this option. It's a perfect choice to me, although it made some of our male friends laugh. Just look at this:
- it's not too hard - it's gonna contain some dancing moves - always useful in the future, but overall it's not running after a ball for 2 hours or lifting and almost breaking my spine for an hour
- it's only me and my mate that signed up; I'm talking about boys of course. It's us and 18 girls. They're probably gonna wear leggings, so I think you already know what I mean.

- there's a two hour break between this and the lecture so I will have enough time to change my clothes and take a shower; will not have to haste
Can't think of any disadvantages right now. A perfect idea. :>

To overcome my laziness I also decided to start running! I'm renting a room in a house on the outskirts of a city, so there's a lot of good running paths.

Not really thinking about a real diet. I will just cut on eating sweets and unhealthy food (didn't eat much of it, anyway; unhealthy food that is, as I am very keen on sweets )

* How do you call it? I know it's University, but can it be a college, or is it something before University? You see, in Poland we have a little different system and I'm always confused with English/American school chronology or however you want to call it.

- it's only me and my mate that signed up; I'm talking about boys of course. It's us and 18 girls. They're probably gonna wear leggings, so I think you already know what I mean.
I think leggings will be the least of your joys.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Considering the weekend I had last week I am happy with my first week results. Hopefully I can keep it going for a whole week and beyond.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Down to 100.4 this morning after 3 12 hour shifts in a row from about 103 10days ago.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
So where are all the people supposedly taking part? No grit and determination? That Fast food too good?

I was back to 100.8 kg this morning, hopefully crack the 100 barrier some time in the next few days. Might starve myself.

I'm up to 224.4.

But I've been struggling with constipation these last few days (if that's tmi, sorry) which is why I haven't posted weights in here. Didn't see much point in weighing myself when I'm full of *****.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
So where are all the people supposedly taking part? No grit and determination? That Fast food too good?

I was back to 100.8 kg this morning, hopefully crack the 100 barrier some time in the next few days. Might starve myself.
I'm still in this. I just weighed myself and 137. That's one pound so far. Hopefully, that sticks. I didn't eat much today do to a slight stomach ache.

I wish this wasn't just for weight. I do believe I've finally found the thing that will correct my spinal cord deformation. Well, a good 85% plus, anyway. Now wouldn't that be oh so very nice!?!

I wish this wasn't just for weight. I do believe I've finally found the thing that will correct my spinal cord deformation. Well, a good 85% plus, anyway. Now wouldn't that be oh so very nice!?!
That would be great Destiny!

I'm here, sorry days later than I said, but this morning I weigh 176lb . Wish me luck as I'm working in a pub that makes amazing pizzas today...oh the temptations!

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I just finished first aerobics and it was quite exhausting. Sores will come tomorrow.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

That would be great Destiny!

I'm here, sorry days later than I said, but this morning I weigh 176lb . Wish me luck as I'm working in a pub that makes amazing pizzas today...oh the temptations!
Thank you, dear. My results won't be weighed in, but they will be about which size ball is now being slid through the space between my back and the wall. This is of course while I'm standing straight up against it. (If you want to call it that!) Right now it's a softball. I aim to get it all the way down to a golf ball or smaller, and then I aim to learn how to golf. Thank you! Thank you!

My miracle cure will hopefully be The Teeter. Who knew!?! We shall see.

p.s. This is unfortunately going to hurt like hell. "No pain, no gain!"

Thank you, dear. My results won't be weighed in, but they will be about which size ball is now being slid through the space between my back and the wall. This is of course while I'm standing straight up against it. (If you want to call it that!) Right now it's a softball. I aim to get it all the way down to a golf ball or smaller, and then I aim to learn how to golf. Thank you! Thank you!

My miracle cure will hopefully be The Teeter. Who knew!?! We shall see.

p.s. This is unfortunately going to hurt like hell. "No pain, no gain!"
Here's to ping pong balls! Look forward to hearing your progress, keep your chin up

I don't have a "weighting device" on my home so I have no idea how much I weight on a daily basis but I know that from November to February I went to the doctor and since it's the US the measure is in pounds, and lost 10 pounds in between, from 182 pounds to 172. I think that considering my height (about 5'10 in the imperial system), that's about right.

I gotta fess up..I gained...up from 145.5 to 146.6
It's like you're unraveling a big cable-knit sweater that someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting...

Come on people. I know the weather sucks, but Spring is in the air. Get it moving. I've almost got my first post ready to go. Everyone lose 5 lbs before I get it up here.

Maybe you guys really need some sort of competition or something. Dare each other. I dunno. There's not much more you can do when you're online. If the rep was back up, you guys probably would have liked that for this deal.