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"Outlier" isn't a particularly uncommon word. It's often used in things to do with statistics - a statistical outlier is a data point that doesn't seem to fit the trend shown by the rest of the data. Thus, metaphorically, it can also be used to describe a person like that.

Because Sexy's somehow become convinced that some defect of mine is what resulted in this guy's bizarre behavior.
It's your general attitude. Every time I turn around now, you say a word I've never used before. You're like an intellectual Conky the Robot from Pee Wee's Playhouse, ready to spit out some big word everyday. It's bound to get on the nerves of people.

I'm not sure why you decided to launch into a completely unsolicited (and off-topic) personality audit, but it kinda sounds like you're just describing your own reaction and phrasing it as a warning about "people."

But if there are actually people out there who get annoyed at hearing a word they don't know from time to time, my response to them would be to get over it. If something like that gets on their nerves, then I suspect their nerves already lead a very difficult life.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It's only over-representing if I deliberately go out of my way to find a word I don't already know, or would not otherwise use, simply to impress people. And I do that almost exactly 0% of the time.

As you say, outlier is not an unusual word. And when I read someone else who uses the occasional word I don't know (as opposed to a barrage of them, which is usually a sign of insecurity), I take it as a reason to learn more words, not to demand that they stop showing me new ones.

So, to each their own. But this is how I actually talk, and I do it because it best conveys what I want to say. I don't dress it up or talk all that differently online than I do in real life. How you guys react to it is your business.
Occasional? Barrage? Conveys? You lost me. I came here for movie talk not a vocabulary lesson.

Occasional? Barrage? Conveys? You lost me. I came here for movie talk not a vocabulary lesson.
The wonderful thing about coming across an unfamiliar word on the internet is that you can quickly and easily look up the definition.

And those three words aren't even particularly unusual.

"Marge, where's that metal deely you use"
"You mean a spoon?"
A well placed Simpsons quote? I'm sold.

I think people get annoyed because they have to refer to a dictionary or Google when they don't know a word. I personally have no problem with this. Learning a new word is a satisfying experience, really. Everyone should strive to expand their vocabulary.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

I think people get annoyed because they have to refer to a dictionary or Google when they don't know a word. I personally have no problem with this. Learning a new word is a satisfying experience, really. Everyone should strive to expand their vocabulary.
Learning new words and Yoda nattering on with big words all the time are two separate things.

T_L_P complimented some of my reviews, should I be worried?
Not if you don't mind sharing credit. And by sharing, I mean he completely ignores the fact that you're the one who wrote it.

Learning new words and Yoda nattering on with big words all the time are two separate things.
Yoda doesn't do that nor does he come remotely close to doing it. It's just that there's apparently nothing to be outraged about right now so you've made something up.

Hang in there, Sexy. There'll be plenty for you to moan about once the 80s countdown starts.

As I said earlier, Yoda's treatment of this guy who got banned wasn't correct because he shouldn't have asked the person to confess who he was with everybody, or else he'd get banned. You are just asking for someone to NOT confess that way. I am not surprised by the way this guy acted, although Yoda is.

Add to that Yoda and his outlier words and you've got yourself a bomb. I am merely saying that I think Yoda should change his approach with people. No asking others to do embarrassing things. No speaking to them with words they may not know. Then, I believe, there will be less problems.

Yoda doesn't do that nor does he come remotely close to doing it. It's just that there's apparently nothing to be outraged about right now so you've made something up.

Hang in there, Sexy. There'll be plenty for you to moan about once the 80s countdown starts.
This isn't even me being outraged.