World War II HoF


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Welcome to the Word War II Hall of Fame

Coming just two decades after the last great global conflict, the Second World War was the most widespread and deadliest war in history, involving more than 30 countries and resulting in more than 50 million military and civilian deaths (with some estimates as high as 85 million dead). Sparked by Adolf Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939, the war would drag on for six deadly years until the final Allied defeat of both Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945.
The rules are the same as other HoF's: nominate a movie, watch all the nominations and send me a list with a ranked order.
Whoever does not send the list gets his movie disqualified.

Are eligible to this HoF every movie related to the World War II, being the conflict itself (from any point of view), the Holocaust, etc.

You have until Januay 15th to send me your nomination. That gives you one week to choose from a wide range of amazing movies related to WW II.

After that, I'll decide a deadline, depending on how many people join this and I'll update this thread.

We never had a movie about this subject winning a HoF before so everything is eligible!

I hope we can all enjoy this so remember this is only a game and we're all here to have fun and be amazed in the process, so be nice!


Citizen Rules (list received)
Fabulous (list received)
Guaporense (list received)
LukeyMomo (disqualified)
MovieGal (dropped out)
neiba (list received)
Nope1172 (Dropped Out)
Pussy Galore
SilentVamp (list received)
The Usual Suspect (dropped out)

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Deadline for sending your list is April 16th!!!

So Proudly We Hail (Mark Sandrich, 1943)
nominated by Citizen Rules

So Proudly We Hail is a dramatic telling of one of the biggest Allied defeats of WWII....the fall of the Philippines and Bataan to the Japanese army. The defeated U.S. troops rush to evactuate to the nearby island of Corregidor. This is when the infamous Bataan Death March, happened. What makes this film unique, is it was made during the war, so has a much different feel to it.

The Bridge on the River Kwai (David Lean, 1957)
nominated by Nope1172


The Great Escape (John Sturges, 1963)
nominated by Luckey Momo

Judgment at Nuremberg (Stanley Kramer, 1961)
nominated by neiba

The Big Red One (Samuel Fuller, 1980)
nominated by SilentVamp

Idi i Smotri a.k.a. Come and See (Elem Klimov, 1985)
nominated by TheUsualSuspect

Au Revoir les Enfants a.k.a. Goodbye, Children (Louis Malle, 1987)
nominated by Pussy Galore

Der Untergang a.k.a. Downfall (Olivier Hirshbiegel, 2004)
nominated by Fabulous

Lore (Cate Shortland, 2012)
nominated by MovieGal


Giovanni no Shima a.k.a. Giovanni's Island (Mizuho Nishikubo, 2014)
nominated by Guaporense

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I'll join this one. I've actually got a few movies in mind for consideration. I think I will just need a day or two before I make a final decision.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I'm considering joining. I've got a lot of HoFs on my plate though
Who needs social life?

Seriously though, I want this to have a relatively extended duration, so noone feels pressured! You still have some time to see how fast can you deal with other HoF's, so don't worry. Besides, if someone needs some extra days, it's fine by me! I want this to have the least drop outs possible!

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Was that an answer to Fab or am I going to have the honor to host an HoF with mark f participating?
That's an answer to Fab. Aside from all the countless reasons I don't participate, this one may have Guap, again, ranting against Come and See.

I'll surely participate in that one, I love WW2 films!
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

I'll surely participate in that one, I love WW2 films!
What about Saving Private Ryan? hahahahah
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm in for sure!.....Cool idea for a Hof Neiba. Now I just have to decide which film to nominate.

This is an interesting list of American World War II films made during World War II

I looked, but couldn't find a list of British made WWII films made during WWII... I would LOVE to see a list of German and Japanese fictional WWII films that they made during WWII.
Mark can you help on that?

I'd like to participate. I haven't seen many WWII films (besides the obvious choices) and I'd like to see some interesting ones.