Who Will be Our Next President?


I'm hoping it's not going to be Trump, but I'm also terrified that it will be Trump.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about Biden...

I really hope Trump wins but I just can't see it happening. The polls are just too much against him. Either way I think it will be a long drawn out process with all the mail-in ballots. I just hate to see a great country like America so bitterly entrenched in divided camps. Hard to believe that just a generation ago Reagan won 49 states in 1984!

My prediction: a comfortable win for Biden.

Interesting you say that, because pollsters sometimes believe that "who do you think will win?" is actually a better predictor than "who are you voting for?"

I very much hope it's Trump and that's who I voted for. Trump is an absolute maniac when it comes to his energy and getting things done. It's still more a reflection of where I believe the political parties are right now as a whole. Just going off a tad, one of my biggest concerns these days is the dishonesty of the media in their efforts to influence.

I think Trumps gonna win again. His supporters are the most loyal I've seen since Reagan

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I'm gonna go with the prediction of Allan Lichteman and say Biden.
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I think Biden is going to win and I have money on Biden, I see the situation as a lot different to four years ago and think he has quite a straightforward path to victory. Now reading this thread has made me a little worried

Lots of people betting in Britain on Trump but I think that's because a) he's better value for money than Biden with odds and b) they think it's like last time with bookies undervaluing him and polls being wrong (which was wildly exaggerated at the time and in different circumstances)

It's been four years of continuous Trump bashing.
I don't think that makes much of a difference to be honest and isn't really part of my considerations. He got a load of media bashing during the last election and new stuff kept coming to light (like grab her by the...) but it didn't do anything. I think his supporters (and some others) aren't too bothered by that. There haven't really been any shocking revelations in the last few years for Trump.

I think if the election was this time last year he would have won but people have been unimpressed by how he has turned the Covid crisis into an opportunity to promote himself and how he has attacked scientists, mocked mask-wearers and social distancing and so on. I'm a sceptic myself when it comes to a lot of the government intervention here in the UK but I think it's about attitude and leading by example. Being macho has worked on other issues and helped him beat Hillary but I actually think people trust and respect Biden a lot more for taking this seriously. This is just my POV as someone from the UK though.

I don't want to get into a long debate and I know Yoda said to avoid actual political debate but I don't think he's really delivered much either, to be honest, at least not in the conventional sense that I would expect from a Republican. Economically he hasn't been very fiscally prudent, with a lot of his barriers/tariffs damaging, his libertarian war stance seems to come and go when he wants votes, there's no wall and so on. He's very authoritarian and anti-free market (like trying to censor Twitter too). I think a decent Republican would beat the Democrats who have a lot of potential weak spots (court packing, law and order), but they picked a safe moderate candidate hoping people would go for the calm option.

But back on topic the polls would have to be a lot more wrong than last time for Trump to win as I understand it. Last time they actually seemed to slightly underrate HC on the Popular vote, and Trump just managed to get like 2/3% more than predicted in some key swing states. If Biden manages to hold on to what HC got and add a few more then he gets it. Again, this is my view from afar but I do take a keen interest in all this, but I would really be shocked if Trump won again.

If Biden manages to hold on to what HC got and add a few more then he gets it.
Biden only needs to flip Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. All three of these were a percentage point victories for Trump.

Trump has his US America first notion.
As a European, I think that's a good attribute for the US president. I wish our politicians would be more concerned about our countries/people too.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I hope it's Biden and I think he will win too.
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I think there's a lot of democrats and even people who vocally support Biden who will secretly vote Trump because it's better for their wallets.