The MoFo Top 100 Film Noir Countdown

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First, a correction. I had Quicksand as my #18, not my #17.

I had Le Corbeau as my number 16. There's a sense of claustrophobia that builds up particularly when a series of anonymous poison pen notes start showing up in unexpected places such as a funeral wreath and flying from the rafters of a church. It starts out with a doctor being the victim of a campaign but soon others in a small French town get called out by a source only known as The Raven.

There's another memorable sequence towards the end as the police come up with a way of finding out who the Raven is by having the men of the town write a series of the Raven's letters to see who will give up or give away the identity.

I was a bit tired from a long day of work when I saw this, but I can appreciate its final shot and the production design.

My List:

16. Le Corbeau (aka The Raven) (1943)
18. Quicksand (1950)

I just have to say that this countdown has had me watching films that have been on my watchlist forever, and re-watching movies that are already on my list for this countdown because this era of noir (as opposed to neo-noir) is my favorite. I have a list of noir to-watch that isn't on my list for the countdown that backs up all the way to Peoria! What fun!

Exactly! I just wish I had started sooner so I could have watched or rewatched some films beforehand. There were many films I had seen but didn't remember well enough to include, and others I've seen parts of on TV and really liked, but didn't include because I hadn't seen the whole thing (yet).

D'oh! Their last names aren't even the same! I don't care, I love them both! And I've found the cable channel that I saw Dangerous Crossing on. It's called Movies! It has lots of Noir on it but they do have commercials. I don't care as they don't edit out anything. Here's the link:

Movies! is the channel I was talking about in an earlier post! Dangerous Crossing is shown a lot on that channel -- and yet, not often enough

Studio sets with some stock footage of the ocean and the ship. You can always tell if an ocean liner in a movie is a set because ship cabin's aren't that big and the hallways aren't that wide!
Dangerous Crossing is a good movie featuring a gorgeous Jeanne Crain, and a good post-Klaatu (The Day the Earth Stood Still) role for Michael Rennie.

It's really just a good mystery film though, not too dissimilar to Hitchcock's The Lady Vanishes.
Thanks Doc and CR, added to my ever-growing ‘@ Sea Watchlist’ But first up are; The Battle of the River Plate and Murphy's War.

I've not seen any yet, but I own Le Corbeau. I have done for years, so I doubt I'll see it any time soon.
Panic In The Streets is one of those films I think I might've seen, but I really can't be sure. Some days I lean more yes, others no. I do know that whenever I hear or read the title, I think "Fire in the disco".

5-time MoFo Award winner.

Trouble with a capital "T"
#96 Gaslight (1944)

Director: George Cukor
Production: MGM
Cast: Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten
23 Points 3 Lists

'Ten years after her aunt was murdered in their London home, a woman returns from Italy in the 1880s to resume residence with her new husband. His obsessive interest in the home rises from a secret that may require driving his wife insane.'


Trouble with a capital "T"
#95 Dead Reckoning (1946)

Director: John Cromwell
Production: Columbia Pictures
Cast: Humphrey Bogart, Lizabeth Scott, Morris Carnovsky
23 Points, 4 Lists

'A soldier runs away rather than receive the Medal of Honor, so his buddy gets permission to investigate, and love and death soon follow.'


Seen and liked both Gaslight and Dead Reckoning but neither made my ballot. Both are 8/10 for me and I'm glad they both made the countdown.

Seen 6/6

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
After three rouuds of reveals, I'm still not in. I guess, I've watched mostly noirs of the main course which are to be shown later on...
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Cukor's Gaslight was #41 on the MoFo Top 100 of the 1940s.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I have seen Gaslight!
So first one I've actually seen.
Um, enjoyable. Good to see just or know where the term, "gaslighting," comes from.

The trick is not minding

Not a good start. 👀
Gaslight is something I should have watched by now but just haven’t gotten around to it. Consider me ashamed.

As longtime MoFos will know, I am a huge fan of Lizabeth Scott. I could have easily included six or seven of her titles on my ballot. I somehow limited myself to only two, so of course I am overjoyed that Dead Reckoning made the cut, even without any help from me. It was the film that made me fall for her. Way to go, MoFo!

Still getting donuts here. I've heard good things about both, though; especially Gaslight.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Really want to see Gaslight again, it’s been a long time. Think I originally saw it for a Hall towards the beginning of my Mofo life.

Dead Reckoning is another to add to the watchlist.

At first I thought I hadn't seen any of the last four films, but I had Dead Reckoning crossed off already, so I investigated further... and after watching a few clips I can confidentially say that I have indeed seen it. I know I did watch a number of films during a Humphrey Bogart marathon on tv many years ago, so if I had to bet on where I'd seen it, that would be where I'd put my money.

I wonder how many other films I'm going to have to investigate as the Countdown continues? haha

Seen: 2/6

Gaslight is another film I nominated in another didn't win which was a TRAVESTY and ABSURD....but yeah this is a personal favorite of mine.

Gaslight is another film I nominated in another didn't win which was a TRAVESTY and ABSURD....but yeah this is a personal favorite of mine.
I fully agree!!

I watched Gaslight with my wife and we both enjoyed it quite a bit. I've also seen Dead Reckoning but I don't remember it by the title alone. The 2 entries before those are blind spots.