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I really liked this installment. The Walking Dead basically built their entire show on it.
Since it already stars Dennis Hopper and John Leguizamo, having Hoskins in it would make it a proper Super Mario Bros. reunion.

Wake in Fright -

Australians just be like that
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

over the past few weeks, I have been watching films for the B Movie II Hall of Fame.. I said after I watch each film I would rate them overall.. Here is my ratings and comments. I'm removing the mentions as they are in the original post

My thoughts

The Child - recommended by pahaK

First thing I noticed about this film is the lighting. I found it very dark and sometimes hard to see the scenes clearly. The music was annoying. The script wasn't terrible but wasn't good either. I found that the zombies looked more like rejects from "The Creature of the Black Lagoon." The acting was so so. Blood, well very 1970s'ish. The ending where the zombies were after the housekeeper and the guy was very overacted. 2.5/5

The Burning - recommended by cat_sidhe

I found this kind of interesting. It did seem a lot like the Sleep Away Camp horror films. The first thing I noticed as "Mark Rattner" from FTARH (Brian Becker's character). Seeing Jason Alexander and Fisher Stevens when they were young was a bit different too. I found the story just a normal 80's camp horror story - "Let's pick on this guy and then years later, he comes back to kill everyone for revenge". Nothing new here for the 80's generation. The canoe scene was a bit overacted and the fake blood was horrible. 3.5/5

Night of the Creeps - recommended by TheUsualSuspect

Again, kind of interesting. Very similar to most 80's teen romance/comedy/horror. This is one that wouldn't bother me to watch again. It just has that 80's teen vibe to it that I enjoy. The acting was fine. Blood was fine. The aliens at the beginning, I could have done without. The "creeps" kind of reminded me of how Leechwoman is in Puppet Master . 3.5/5

Hunter's Blood- recommended by Joel

This was interesting as well but not too off of those city folks poking fun at the redneck hill people, who have no problem hunting humans as animals. I have seen a few like this before in my cinema viewing time. The acting wasn't that great and neither was the blood. I guess I'm so used to modern horror blood being close to the real thing. I would probably watch this again. 3/5

The Beastmaster - recommended by MovieGal (myself)

Well what can I say? This film has held its own even though its aged. I actually enjoyed it and I haven't seen it in over 20 years. I found it fun but yeah the acting wasn't that great. At times Marc Singer overacted. The animals were still cute. Tanya Roberts was just normal. John Amos was nice to see. And if anyone noticed Billy Jayne aka Billy Jacoby played young Dar. Rip Torn was great as the bad guy. Maybe next time, I won't wait so long to see it! 3.5/5

Cherry2000 - recommended byCitizen Rules

I actually enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I found it has a similar feel to it like Mad Max... probably the futuristic dystopia feeling. Melanie Griffith was entertaining. There was nothing wrong with this film from what I could see. I would probably watch it again. I think Citizen Rules as a thing for love stories in a futuristic setting 3/5

The Editor - recommended by CiCi

Oh man, where do I start? I found this film bad but not as bad as some of the other's here. The blood and guts were cheesy. The acting was overrated. The story was decent but there was just something about it. Not a fav. Probably wouldn't revisit. Sorry Cici! 2.5/5

Space Invaded - recommended by edarsenal

A very cute and fun watch! The little girl was adorable. The aliens were cool. The story was interesting. Yeah I would definitely watch again with friends. 3.5/5

Jack Frost - recommended by HashtagBrownies

A holiday slasher in its own. I didn't think it was great. I have seen some better, even foreign b movie holiday films. The killings were a bit fun and the r*pe scene with Elizabeth Shannon, how crazy! Not sure if I would watch again or not. Don't count that as a bad thing though. 3/5

note to HashtagBrownies - watch the Danish film "Sint". You would enjoy it!

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - recommended by mattiasflgrtll6

For being Killer Tomatoes, rarely anything resembling blood! The movie was very silly. The actors had no problems overacting. It reminded me a bit of "The Kentucky Fried Movie". If you haven't seen that mattiasflgrtll6, you should! They say you should always see "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" at least once and I saw it my once time. 2/5

The Beast Must Die - recommended by Siddon

Sorry Siddon but I didn't like this at all. Love Peter Cushing but found this movie boring. I think I stopped really paying halfway through. I figured out who the wolf was before then. 2/5

The Dragon Lives Again - recommended by TYTD

I actually liked this movie! I watched it last because I figured I wouldn't like it at all. I guess most don't know this about me but I love Martial Art films. I love the old karate films and well what can I say? I did find some characters hilarious like the Asian Popeye and Asian Outlaw Josey Wales - Clint Eastwood. I would watch again with friends. 3/5

Final Portrait. 2017

This is a low key movie about three weeks in the 60s when the writer James Lord sat for a portrait by the artist Alberto Giacometti. Based on recollections from Lord, what we are really seeing is a portrait of an artist and his process. It's also as much a memoir/documentary as a movie. And although there is not a whole lot of traditional 'storyline' to the narrative, I found that the depiction of the artist and his creative process was so authentic, I felt I met and knew him through this film.
As I said, I enjoyed the film, But then, after seeing it, I knew Giacometti. And how can you not enjoy a movie about someone you have met and known personally?
RATING: four out of five stars
What a nice review, LL! On your recommendation we watched this unusual film last night. As you say, it's a small movie, but nevertheless packed with talent.

Geoffrey Rush turns in another perfect performance. It didn't hurt that he even LOOKS like Giacometti. And the rest of the cast are first rate; even Armie Hammer, who is not my most favorite actor. The actresses playing his wife and his mistress are delightful, as is Tony Shalhoub, playing Giacometti's brother.

The narrative turns a bit tedious, with scene after scene of the sittings with Rush at the easel. I suspect some license was taken with the truth, as this would be the second telling (Lord's book, then the screenplay by Lord & Tucci). But the artistic process as you have highlighted it shines light on what some artists of all stripes go through. I have been personally privy to the process, and Giacometti's emotional roller coaster is not uncommon.

The cinematography with the coloring by Danny Cohen is remarkable, as is the first rate score by Evan Lurie-- which is memorable.

This is a film that will not be seen by a wide audience, but it shows what a labor of love can produce. This was undoubtedly a small budget film, whose characters were surely happily undertaken by some very talented actors.

Thanks for the tip!


You're welcome! And thanks for your comments, this may be the most rewarding commentary I've received on this forum. Glad you enjoyed the movie. And it makes sense that a musician of your experience and stature would not be a stranger to the challenges of the creative process.

I enjoyed your review as well. Yes the actor looked like the artist, and was so vivid that he all but stepped off the screen. I forgot to mention the score, so I' m glad you did.

As you so aptly put it, the film was ' a labor of love'.I' m happy you wanted to see it b/c of my review; and even more pleased that you appreciated it as much as you - and I -did.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?

It was better the second time around. I checked out the original DVD from the library a few months back and I didn't realize this until after the fact, but it suffered from disc rot, which causes DVDs to deteriorate. In this case, it caused that disc to skip an important scene in which a few characters discuss the color-coded doors which actually all lead from the same door, including the fact that only Howl knows where the black one leads, and clean through the closing credits. Thankfully, Blu-rays don't suffer disc rot, so there were no interruptions this time and it looks and sounds the best it ever has outside of the theater; can't go wrong with the best home video format that doesn't require a 1300-dollar player. Having found time to read the British children's novel which serves as its source material, I can say this is a really good adaptation of it. Sure, Miyazaki streamlined it considerably; there are subplots and even side characters that don't make the cut, but that's easily attributed to the fact that there's simply no way to fit all of them into a two-hour movie. The author Diana Wynne Jones was well aware of this and gave it her full approval, calling it "a fantastic film." The English dub is also one of the best. Both Mortimer and Simmons are excellent as Sophie; I really like what Disney did here, having Mortimer fade in and out during the latter half until
WARNING: spoilers below
the curse is lifted
and it's Mortimer for the rest of the movie. Bale makes for a great Howl; pretty impressive, isn't it, how with Bale here and Michael Keaton as Porco Rosso, Disney got not one, but two of the best Batmen ever to dub a Miyazaki film. Crystal is a whole lot of fun (When isn't he?) as Calcifer, making for a surprisingly endearing fire demon; I read a couple weeks ago where someone commented on another site that he and Bale were out of place in this dub, but... Well, to each his own, huh? There's also a wealth of other live-action stars, all of whom pull it off rather well, and the dub script is completely natural. Later, guys.

The Color of Pomegranates 1969
★★★★ Watched 10 Oct, 2018

Parajanov visualizes the work of a medieval Armenian poet in which he uses symmetries as rhymes and contemporary architecture as touchstones for many of the compositions. The camera seldom moves pinning the subjects to walls or buildings or to spots in fields where they repeat movements or are stirred by wind or stand completely still in what amounts to an an animated painting. He references drawings, writings, and various artisanal processes throughout the film in what amounts to a tribute that goes beyond the scope of a single man to the point of encompassing an entire era of creation defined by its spiritual foundation.
Letterboxd | ReverseShot | SlantMagazine

I'm sorry, but I have to confess I was exhausted during watching this Malick's movie. It appeared to me overblown, I prefer rather simply stories. The pics was beautiful indeed, but after 2 hours I had enough.
Anyway, I can tell you were hughely impressed and I wish you many such great movies to watch.
Oh, thanks Ms M!

Speaking of the cartoon film, this is my fav hero

Gets a
but still goes down as a big disappointment.
So do you.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I rated it 2 out of five, I'm with you, it's a big disappointment.
Phew, how can you be so right so often, but then really f*ck up?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
- B-Movie love is here, but not much else. Not as funny or witty or even charming as it should be.

The Vault
Not scary, not thrilling, low budget ghost-heist film. Yup, ghost-heist. Weird blending of the two genres that could have worked, but doesn't.

A pretty great creepy clown performance can't save this gore for the sake of gore flick.

Another weird movie here with good performances. Knowing some religious history will help you digest this peculiar film.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Running Scared - 7/10
Doom - 4/10
Superman Returns - 8/10
Hi there new blood.

What did you like in Superman Returns?

It's been years since I watched it for the last time, seven years if my memory is right, I didn't like it, so it's probably at least a cool movie, since I used to like Batman & Robin, yes, that was my vision of Super Hero back in the day.

I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey in 70mm at the Prince Charles cinema in Leicester Square, London.

What an experience. Thoroughly loved experiencing such an iconic film presented in a way it was presented back in 1968 in an old fashioned cinema. I felt like I was transported back in time. As far as the film goes, technologically ahead of its time. Personally, I found it a little indulgent in places and some of the scenes were simply beyond comprehension. However, I think that was Kubrick's intention.

I can't stop thinking about it, so I can't imagine how people in the sixties felt after leaving the cinema.

Sidebar: It was funny watching it for the first time and seeing bits and pieces from other movies that were inspired or influenced by it. Whatever you think of the movie you can't deny the fact it inspired so many great directors.
