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I was just goofing around on the Internet and found THIS review for Contact. It was down right amusing to read, actually. I personally thought Contact was a great movie. Any thoughts people?
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I have to return some videotapes.
I was just goofing around on the Internet and found THIS review for Contact. It was down right amusing to read, actually. I personally thought Contact was a great movie. Any thoughts people?
Wow...That is truly a crazy review. I actually liked the movie mainly due to the fact that I have been enthralled with space exploration since I was a kid. I also liked Carl Sagen and thought it represented his original work quite well. The whole pitch between religion and science was interesting and well concieved/plausbale. I did not like the fact that the crazy religious guy with the creepy blond hair was actually able to infiltrate the contraption and blow it up. Even pre-911 security would have had crazy tight security considering the events at hand.
"Jesus Marimba, a lovely beast like that runnin around can put steam in a man's strides."
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A system of cells interlinked
Now that was some good comedy...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine
I'm sorry it might have been a great movie, but I absolutely hated it, I don't really know why, but I'm thinking just because I'm not really fond of Jodie Foster.
"Walk down the right back alley in Sin City and you can find anything..."

Now that was some good comedy...
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Meecrob "You know, that stuff you get as a appetizer at Thai food restaurants. "meecrob" is way grosser than "****," dude. I'd scarf down a whole wet bucket full of **** before I ate another plate of meecrob." Cartman

Talk about missing the point...

I love Contact, it's one of those movies I watch every year.

I really enjoyed Contact as well. At first viewing in theatre, I was a little let down about the ending but I have grown to love it over time. I wonder if they will ever make a sequel.

All I can say is WOW. I can't really say I thought this movie was a brilliant piece of cinematic work, but it was pretty good. To give it a review like that was a bit over the top in my opinion.

WOW... what a review, i think it has no connection to the movie. i've seen the movie and it is quite good so i think that that review is completely parallel.

Well, what can you say - hell of a review, by a highly intelligent and unbiassed person! NOT...

I enjoyed the movie, granted it wasn't a triple oscar movie, but as with ANY movie, I'm sure I could, if i wanted to waste my energies to cut that deep, pick at implausible bits, incorrect depictions, impossible deeds, inconsitencies, bad wardrobes, inaccurate information, bad science, (and the list could go on and on!), but unlike this reviewer, I watched it in the spirit I'm sure it was made, to be an entertaining movie that was for the most part well done, and not a 10 commandments revelation to convert the masses! Someone needs to get a grip I say..


Now honey, let's not have a scene!

That reviewer obviously dilikes religion. Good movie though.

I would sooooooo love a sequel too.

i've seen this movie many times, and it still holds up really well, it's so intriguing, and delightful, jody foster is at her best here, great plot, have ur say.

Contact is a movie that I find myself revisiting time and again, more because of its philosophical and theoretical heft than anything else. Brilliant story telling in which complex ideas are communicated simply enough to be understood by a non-technogeek audience.

It's interesting to see this pop up today. Zemeckis on in the Director's Chair was on and he was talking about it.

He said this was the first movie he had carte blanche on. I don't seem to remember it being an amazing movie.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's interesting to see this pop up today. Zemeckis on in the Director's Chair was on and he was talking about it.

He said this was the first movie he had carte blanche on. I don't seem to remember it being an amazing movie.
Note to Execute Producers, don't give Zemeckis carte blanche ever again.

Registered User
i would like know if someone of you have ever seen the movie CONTACT with a expressive and talented actress like Jodie Foster. It left me to reflect on many questions

Nearly watched it again last week funnily enough

Registered User
and what do you think about it ?