Movie Forums Top 100 of the Aughts (the 00s) - Preliminary Thread

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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yeah, I find it to be one of the harder decades to rank. There's a lot of 26-50 movies that I'm tempted to put over my 25 to push them onto the list. Of course, I don't officially have 1-25 even sorted out yet, so there's that.

I don't have anything ranked yet, but I've been trying to narrow down my list to make it more manageable before ranking anything. I still have a long watchlist left, so I'm trying to only watch the movies that I think have the potential to make it onto my list.

I knew that there were a lot of movies from the 2000s that I hadn't seen yet, but until I started looking for movies to watch for the list, I didn't realize that my list would have been almost entirely rom-coms, animated movies, and musicals. At least now it looks like I'll have some other movies on my list to balance it out better.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I forgot the opening line.
It'd be ironic if, after watching approximately 50 films with this countdown in mind and carefully making my list and endlessly fine-tuning it, I forget to actually submit it. I'm going to focus and make sure I don't overlook that one important step in the process.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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It'd be ironic if, after watching approximately 50 films with this countdown in mind and carefully making my list and endlessly fine-tuning it, I forget to actually submit it. I'm going to focus and make sure I don't overlook that one important step in the process.
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if this happens to me at some point

Don't worry, we're going to harass you guys individually over the next week and a half to make sure nobody forgets.
Perfect. Cause I definitely need that haha (never thought I’d ask someone to harass me but here we are… )

I’m gonna send a list in for sure. I still want to tweak a bit though.

I’m gonna send a list in for sure. I still want to tweak a bit though.
A perfectly timed post if ever I saw one as there's a t'week 'n' a bit remaining until the deadline

I've been getting through at least 3 movies a day during lockdown, but I've been heavily focusing on the worst movies ever, and I'm trying to get more bad movies on my log since over half of them are rated 4-stars or higher. I want to get away from that as soon as possible, but I don't have the time to overcome the halfway mark before the deadline, so I'm gonna use my current list.

*Order 66 being the massive spamming of all MoFo posters.
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Ok, just to stir up some conversation as we approach the voting deadline... one of the voters just commented to me via PM, how few he felt "were worthy of being on the list", and how "relatively easy" it was for him to come up with just 25. Now, I still haven't sit myself to make my own list (I should probably send myself a PM), but I've been under the impression that I'm going to have a hard time choosing which ones to leave in, which ones to leave out, but who knows if it'll be the other way when I actually sit down to do it.

Now, we have 23 ballots so far... of those that have voted, or that are in the process of doing so, how hard has it been for you?

Trying to narrow it down to 25 has been extremely painful for me. I thought I was settled on which movies I was voting for but now I’m questioning that and that’s without ranking them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Now, we have 23 ballots so far... of those that have voted, or that are in the process of doing so, how hard has it been for you?
It was both hard and easy for me to make my ballot. Hard because I couldn't decide the order between the movies as they seemed equal to me...except the first few films and the last films on my list...So I gave up and didn't bother ordering the middle of my list very much which made it easy.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Trying to narrow it down to 25 has been extremely painful for me. I thought I was settled on which movies I was voting for but now I’m questioning that and that’s without ranking them.
For me it comes down to me kicking myself if a film that I love dearly will just miss the cut knowing I had the opportunity to put it higher on my list. That's the killer.

Trying to narrow it down to 25 has been extremely painful for me. I thought I was settled on which movies I was voting for but now I’m questioning that and that’s without ranking them.
I kinda have like my Top 5 in my mind, but after that, it feels like a scramble. We'll see when I sit down to make an actual list.

It was both hard and easy for me to make my ballot. Hard because I couldn't decide the order between the movies as they seemed equal to me...except the first few films and the last films on my list...So I gave up and didn't bother ordering the middle of my list very much which made it easy.
I think this is what I did for the previous countdowns. After settling down the first ones, I just scattered the rest

For me it comes down to me kicking myself if a film that I love dearly will just miss the cut knowing I had the opportunity to put it higher on my list. That's the killer.
Yeah, once you hit 20, you start fighting with yourself of which ones to leave out. A struggle indeed

I’m late to the party so sorry if this has already been mentioned but are we counting Kill Bill as 1 movie or 2? LOTR is definitely three movies.

I’m late to the party so sorry if this has already been mentioned but are we counting Kill Bill as 1 movie or 2? LOTR is definitely three movies.
2 separate films as they were originally released.

EDIT: That's actually a good question that's bound to come up as the deadline approaches, so I added that clarification to the 3rd post on the thread. I'll add any other frequently asked question or clarification there, if needed.

I kinda have like my Top 5 in my mind, but after that, it feels like a scramble. We'll see when I sit down to make an actual list.
Well obviously my top 7 of the decade are decided (with my top 2 being all but set in stone), but beyond that I'm having trouble settling on an order.