I need some 2000s movie recommendations that I will actually watch!

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"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I do like: period pieces, historical based films, dramas, light comedies, romance, though provoking, sci fi, story or visually interesting films.


I remember The Score (2001) left a lasting impression on me. I got the dvd and watched it many times. I also own Rescue Dawn (2006), cause it was pretty good. Maybe you haven't seen the latter, or both?
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I see a couple recs I second so maybe I will do okay here. You have probably seen some of these too, but here we go:

You Can Count On Me
Last Train Home (doc)
Shotgun Stories
Old Joy
Letters From Iwo Jima
Master And Commander
Road To Perdition
All Or Nothing (not sure how much Leigh you have watched, but this is a gem and doesn’t seem to be mentioned much)

Everyone please watch Nobody Knows from Koreeda, spectacular.

A system of cells interlinked
Lust, Caution (Lee, 2007)

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"

Conspiracy (Frank Pierson 2001)


People say Schindler's List is a hard watch, but I found Conspiracy to be far more chilling. There's not even one scene of actual violence that's shown. The movie takes place entirely in one location and is composed of men sitting around a table in discussion.

But what was so effective about Conspiracy is: it's closely based on the one surviving transcript of the Wannsee Conference. That's the conference were the architectures and perpetrators of the Nazi's Final Solution solidified their master plan that resulted in millions of Jewish people being gassed in the Holocaust.

I don't know if words can express how this film made me feel. As the film progresses we learn of the Nazi party members solution to the 'Jewish question' is being settled by discussing the best way to quickly execute millions of humans. MY GOD! This really happened...this was a real conference that took place. In fact we see the actual estate house at the start of the film where it was held. And these men are not portrayed as hyper evil madmen, in fact they behave like men in a business boardroom meeting, deciding some business decision. That was chilling...and it struck me as far more insidious than the generally held idea that Hitler was the sole instigator of the holocaust. We can see that the men came up with the plan for the holocaust weren't insane, but were indeed human beings just like anyone you might meet on the street. It's depressing that given the right circumstances and power to match that people can agree to such monstrous acts either by their own extremist views or by coercion.

A very thought provoking movie.

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Conspiracy (Frank Pierson 2001) @SpelingError

People say Schindler's List is a hard watch, but I found Conspiracy to be far more chilling. There's not even one scene of actual violence that's shown. The movie takes place entirely in one location and is composed of men sitting around a table in discussion.

But what was so effective about Conspiracy is: it's closely based on the one surviving transcript of the Wannsee Conference. That's the conference were the architectures and perpetrators of the Nazi's Final Solution solidified their master plan that resulted in millions of Jewish people being gassed in the Holocaust.

I don't know if words can express how this film made me feel. As the film progresses we learn of the Nazi party members solution to the Jewish question is being 'settled' by discussing the best way to quickly execute millions of humans. MY GOD! This really happened...this was a real conference in fact we see the actual estate house at the start of the film where it took place. And these men are not portrayed as hyper evil madmen, in fact they behave like men in a business board room deciding some business decision. That was chilling...it struck me as far more insidious than the generally held idea that Hitler was the sole problem. We can see the men who came up with the plan for the holocaust weren't insane, but were indeed human beings just like anyone you might meet on the street. It's depressing that given the right circumstances and power to match that people can agree to such monstrous acts.

A very thought provoking movie.

Damn right! I adore this film. So glad you liked it.
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Trouble with a capital "T"
I remember The Score (2001) left a lasting impression on me. I got the dvd and watched it many times. I also own Rescue Dawn (2006), cause it was pretty good. Maybe you haven't seen the latter, or both?
Hey Movie Max! thanks for the recs. I've not seen either, and just now read about them and Rescue Dawn (2006) directed by Werner Herzog sounds interesting.
A U.S. fighter pilot's epic struggle of survival after being shot down on a mission over Laos during the Vietnam War.
I'm always interested in 20th century history, so I'll watch it

Can you elaborate why? I'd loved to know and read your thoughts.
Probably for the same reasons you mentioned, but here's something I wrote back in 2013.

Conspiracy: The Banality of Evil

In a nutshell, I've always been a World War 2 buff. Plus I find the machinations of this "Final Solution" to be so chilling and disturbing, moreover since it actually happened. Finally, you have stellar performances from pretty much everybody. It's not a flashy or showy film, but it's an absolute home run for me. I had it pretty high on the Refresh Countdown and it's no secret that it will rank very high for me in this one too.

Sounds like you're a Pride and Prejudice type on man. I hear it's one of the best Jane Austen adaptations, better than Sense and Sensibility (1995), which was quite a realistic romantic experience. I'm gonna second The Wrestler and assume you've already seen Eternal Sunshine.

Here are some of my favorite 2000's movies that I think you'll enjoy:

Anvil: The Story of Anvil - a documentary about Anvil, a Canadian metal band that never made it big, but they're still keeping the dream alive. I'd describe it as a real life Spinal Tap. You don't have to be a metalhead to enjoy it.

Far from Heaven - Todd Haynes' take on Douglas Sirk's 1950's in a story about a lonely housewife (Julianne Moore) who scandalously bonds with a black groundskeeper (Dennis Haysbert). There are career-best performances from pretty much everyone in the cast.

Goodbye Solo - A bittersweet tale about an optimistic African immigrant and taxi driver (Souleymane Sy Savane) who bonds with a suicidal old man (Red West). If you've ever wanted to empathize with immigrants, this is the movie for you.

King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters - A documentary about the battle to retain the high score on Donkey Kong, which takes place between longtime record holder Billy Mitchell, who you'll love to hate, and Steve Wiebe, a high-school teacher, lifelong underdog and all-around nice guy.

My Winnipeg - Guy Maddin's half-honest, half-fanciful story about his relationship with his hometown. It's sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes shocking and always strange, but in a good way.

The Best of Youth - The story of two very different Italian brothers that spans the '60s to the early '00s that also tells the story of how much the country changed during that period. It's very long at 6 hours, but it's so worth it. It was originally conceived as a miniseries, so I see no fault in watching it over multiple days if you have to.

The Fall (Takoma beat me to it, but the more, the merrier, right?) - Tarsem's hypervisual and stylized fantasy about an injured stuntman who spins an unbelievable yarn to a young lady who's also stuck at his hospital. It wasn't a financial success and it's not streaming, so it may be hard to find, but it's worth the effort.

The Woodsman - Kevin Bacon is very good in this movie as a child molester who tries to start over. It's touchy subject material, obviously, but the movie handles it maturely.

Pretty thought provoking thriller: Mystic River
In the Mood for Love is a Chinese essential.
Zodiac is a very thought-provoking mystery thriller.
A Bautiful Mind is the best four bucks I ever spent.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a very unique comedy with the same kind of weirdness that the books and other adaptations have shown.
Gran Torino is a very good Clint Eastwood drama.
Moulin Rouge is a very visual musical with great acting and lots of style.
And don't forget: BIG FISH. Definitely Big Fish.

Gonna throw in the first Narnia, since I think it's better than the book.

Pretty thought provoking thriller: Mystic River
In the Mood for Love is a Chinese essential.
Zodiac is a very thought-provoking mystery thriller.
A Bautiful Mind is the best four bucks I ever spent.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a very unique comedy with the same kind of weirdness that the books and other adaptations have shown.
Gran Torino is a very good Clint Eastwood drama.
Moulin Rouge is a very visual musical with great acting and lots of style.
And don't forget: BIG FISH. Definitely Big Fish.

Gonna throw in the first Narnia, since I think it's better than the book.

Obviously you didn't pay attention to the psychological background or the complex case. You should watch it again.
Ease down, friend. I'm a fan. That's a bit of an inside joke with CR. He already saw Zodiac and wasn't a fan.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Pretty thought provoking thriller: Mystic River
In the Mood for Love is a Chinese essential.
Zodiac is a very thought-provoking mystery thriller.
A Bautiful Mind is the best four bucks I ever spent.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a very unique comedy with the same kind of weirdness that the books and other adaptations have shown.
Gran Torino is a very good Clint Eastwood drama.
Moulin Rouge is a very visual musical with great acting and lots of style.
And don't forget: BIG FISH. Definitely Big Fish.

Gonna throw in the first Narnia, since I think it's better than the book.
Thank you Keyser Some good choices, I'll take a look at them and pick one, then watch it, then I'll @mention you and do a mini review. Right now, back to work for me.

Ease down, friend. I'm a fan. That's a bit of an inside joke with CR. He already saw Zodiac and wasn't a fan.

I wasn't mad or anything. I just speak that way sometimes when I'm neutral. Besides, everybody's gotta watch it at least twice.

So, Zodiac is a bust, huh? Shame. It's part of the reason I love Fincher.

The Woodsman - Kevin Bacon is very good in this movie as a child molester who tries to start over. It's touchy subject material, obviously, but the movie handles it maturely.

Yikes. I'm afraid if I watch this Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon will be ruined for me.