The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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I'm a Kubrick fan, but I thought "Dr. Strangelove" was one of his weaker movies.. I never found it funny, especially the oft-quoted "No fighting in the war room", which I might have found cute as a 12-year old though.
at least we can agree that spartacus as his.. weakest?
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

Strangelove is the Kubrick I put on my list, dark, funny, ****ed up, endlessly rewatchable.

While I love LOTR, none made my list. But Fellowship is my favorite of the trilogy. I like the smaller, more intimate scale. Focusing on just one group of heroes on their journey was always more appealing to me than when the party splits up and the movie shifts to focus on bigger stories. It’s also better paced than the other two especially with its shorter runtime and all the little chases and action scenes peppered throughout. I also find the sets and locations more interesting in this one like the Shire, the Inn of the Prancing Pony, and the Mines of Moria.

My predictions on the final 10 movies

The Departed
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Godfather
Blade Runner
The Dark Knight
Apocalypse Now
Pulp Fiction

(I only put down movies that I've seen so don't get all salty :P if you don't see Space Odyssey, Casablanca and Citizen Kane on their which I have not seen them yet.)
I'll play;
  1. Casablanca
  2. Goodfellas
  3. Pulp Fiction
  4. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  5. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  6. The Godfather
  7. Blade Runner
  8. Citizen Kane
  9. Apocalypse Now
  10. Jaws

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb was my second overall choice. I was hoping it would be top ten material on the group list but the top dozen will do. An all-time personal favorite is this bleak, cutting, hilarious, and still relevant satire presided over by cinematic master Stanley Kubrick, who still has another title coming in the top ten. Sterling Hayden is wonderful as the paranoid and determined Jack D. Ripper, George C. Scott magnificent as the ultra-gung ho General Buck Turgidson, Slim Pickens perfect as the dutiful bumpkin Major Kong, and of course the transcendent Peter Sellers as the overwhelmed very English Group Captain Mandrake, the blandly and deadpan American President Merkin Muffley, and of course the arch yet bemused titular German scientist. Even coming up on sixty years later Strangelove remains audacious and outrageous.

That makes an even ten from my list with three more coming in this Top Ten.

1. Chinatown (#17)
2. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (#12)
3. Lawrence of Arabia (#15)
8. Once Upon a Time in the West (#31)
10. Singin’ in the Rain (#64)
15. North by Northwest (#57)
16. Young Frankenstein (#77)
19. Brazil (#100)
23. Unforgiven (#43)
24. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (#33)

Now I am very much excited for the traditional reveal of the titles that just missed the Top 100 before we go into the one-a-days of the Top Ten.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Really, three LOTRs. Don't get me wrong, love the books as much as the films. But one story taking three slots is not right. Liked "Taxi Driver, didn't love it. Mid-tier Scorsese. " Alien" is a top ten horror film. Alas, I feel that "Dr. Stranglove will be the last film chosen from my list. I am saddened by this.


My Craptastic List:  

73/90 films seen

One thing I want to add about Fellowship of the Ring that probably gets lost as time passes by... I don't think enough people realize how much of a gamble this film, and obviously the trilogy, was. I remember reading an EW article months before release that highlighted all of this, a joint studio effort (which was not the custom), helmed by an "unknown" and "untested" director that came from directing mostly splatter horror, filmed back-to-back-to-back, with a cast of mostly unknown actors (I think McKellen and Lee were the top draws there). It was something unheard of in so many aspects that I think nobody expected it to come through, let alone become the massive phenomenon it became. It's a remarkable feat.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Really, three LOTRs. Don't get me wrong, love the books as much as the films. But one story taking three slots is not right.
I mean, people chose it. They didn't have to. They could have done what the Oscars kind did and focused their votes on ROTK.

Anyway, the alternative is even worse, mashing them together, I think.

One thing I want to add about Fellowship of the Ring that probably gets lost as time passes by... I don't think enough people realize how much of a gamble this film, and obviously the trilogy, was. I remember reading an EW article months before release that highlighted all of this, a joint studio effort (which was not the custom), helmed by an "unknown" and "untested" director that came from directing mostly splatter horror, filmed back-to-back-to-back, with a cast of mostly unknown actors (I think McKellen and Lee were the top draws there). It was something unheard of in so many aspects that I think nobody expected it to come through, let alone become the massive phenomenon it became. It's a remarkable feat.
Definitely. I think before that the second and third Back to the Future films were the only real comparison, and they didn't really compare in the ways that matter most. It's become a little more in vogue since, but what a chance they took. If you're looking for a seminal Hollywood business moment pre-MCU, it's this.

I was thinking of taking one day off before the Top 10 to let everyone predict stuff, but maybe just saying this now will get a bunch of you to make predictions and we'll just keep rolling.

I mean, people chose it. They didn't have to. They could have done what the Oscars kind did and focused their votes on ROTK.

Anyway, the alternative is even worse, mashing them together, I think.
I've stated a couple of times that it is a pet peeve by myself. Not a shot at fellow posters.

I've stated a couple of times that it is a pet peeve by myself. Not a shot at fellow posters.
No worries, I didn't take it as a shot, just felt compelled to explain for anyone else reading. It's definitely true that all options are bad in one way or another, just think we ended up with the least bad option.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Anyone else been singing Dr Feelgood in your head all morning? I never even liked Motley Crue. Music is a powerful drug.
Doctor Love is in my head actually

The Adventure Starts Here!
My predictions on the final 10 movies

The Departed
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Godfather
Blade Runner
The Dark Knight
Apocalypse Now
Pulp Fiction

PSA: I don't really want to see Inception on this list at this point. This started as a joke a few weeks ago, and I can't let an ongoing stupid joke lie. You can now return to your regularly scheduled countdown, already in progress.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I was thinking of taking one day off before the Top 10 to let everyone predict stuff, but maybe just saying this now will get a bunch of you to make predictions and we'll just keep rolling.
I think you should time it so #1 is revealed the day the Bills win the Superbowl.

I was thinking of taking one day off before the Top 10 to let everyone predict stuff, but maybe just saying this now will get a bunch of you to make predictions and we'll just keep rolling.
Of course keep it rolling, also at the mean time while the next movie comes tomorrow, we can make predictions on what the next movie is for #10 as we all do it hintless style
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Anyway, the alternative is even worse, mashing them together, I think.
Don't really know why it would be worse (not that I think all three making the list is bad either). After all, it's one story split into three films and even filmed simultaneously (very different from something like James Bond or even Harry Potter).

Top Ten predictions?
I'll play. Well, I'll actually let my currently faultless (i.e. hasn't got one right yet) program play.....

Faildictions (Eternal vsn 1.0):
10. The Dark Knight
09. The Fly
08. M
07. Double Indemnity
06. Citizen Kane
05. Casablanca
04. Goodfellas
03. Jaws
02. The Godfather
01. 2001: A Space Odyssey

Some people are negatively focused on the fact that all three Lord of the Rings movies made the countdown and I am still elated that no Harry Potter movies did.

It's all about perspective, fellow Film Snobs.